Best Dressed TFFer

Priscilla, Oceaneyes

Most Talkative

****in' Fate and 'Ralz' and that crew

Biggest Fangirl/ Biggest Fanboy


Best TFF Social Group

COMMUNISTS OF TFF! Know why we're the best? Our health systems will kill your grandmothers if you don't vote for us! (I'm serious, get voting)

(and the Army of Joe)

Biggest Geek

Joe, or Moogsomething, as he is now

Nicest Douche


TFF Male and Female Most Likely to Create Superhuman Babies

Priscilla and Martin

TFFers Most Likely to Hook up When Drunk

Crao Poor Cock8. All of them. With each other.

TFF’s Best Hair


Moodiest Mod

Again, Oceaneyes, but it's funny when she does it

Most Wanted

By who? I bet Interpol are after Joe. Why wouldn't they be?

Kinkiest TFFer


Kinkiest Couple

Polk and his bitch

Biggest Grammar Nazi

Sheena and Anachrilium. Hands goddamn down.

TFFer You Wouldn’t Mind Getting Stuck in a Lift With.


Biggest Outcast

All of us?

Most Antagonistic


Most Likely to Bring on the Apocalypse

Joe. He's working on it already. Prepare yourselves for 2 days before the day after tomorrow, bitches.

Most Likely to Save the World

Alpha and Ragna, because maybe idealism isn't a bad thing

TFF Couple that Should Have Been


TFFer Most Likely to be Reincarnated as a LOLcat

Joe. SRS.

Most Likely to Go To Jail

I was going to say Joe, but they'd never catch him. For some reason I think Rocky might. Maybe the left shoe racket/ponzi scheme will get him in the end.

Most Likely to Get Rich

Rocky, on the Left Shoe Ponzi Scheme

Most Masculine Female

Govin- whoops, I mean, Sheena

Most Feminine Male

LocoColt04, Pete, Rocky

Most Stalked Member

kevin1gamer, by a long shot

Member Who Just Can’t be Arsed


TFF’s Biggest Ditz


Most Likely to Get Lost

I can't imagine you guys spending enough time outside to achieve that

Most Narcissistic

Sheeee-naaaa (for her writing too)

Most Sexy