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Thread: TFF annoyances.

  1. #31
    Shake it like a polaroid picture TFF annoyances. RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    oh and if your name happens to be darkViVi then this post is null and void. dV is one hilarious ****er and I wish he would come back to post more funnies in the future.
    darkViVi is actually the only BoD member I liked. Or at least the only one I remember.

    And isn't it kind of a paradox to be a former member of something called the Brotherhood of Dooooooooooooom and complain about how it was so tough to be a member?

    I joined this awesome club on an internet forum, cause I'm a badass who doesn't care about what other people think of him. But now everyone is so tough on me.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Oh, I forgot to mention the huge signature thing. It makes the threads look so disorganized to be able to put that much content in them. But just a minor annoyance.

    Also LOL@guy who thinks he kept TFF alive. Who the **** are you again? Fackin no named 05er.
    Lol Che and his random returns =P

  3. #33
    Registered User TFF annoyances.
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    This isn't a big deal or anything, but I think that the 30 second wait between searching for new threads is kind of annoying. Yeah, I'm a fast reader, and I like to read what people post, but sometimes these posts are just one-liners, and I can read those and be done with them in very little time. I've only come across this problem when I hit the "New Post" selection at the top of the forum.

    Meh. Just a minor annoyance, but no one has said it yet and I thought that I would throw it out there.
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  4. #34
    TFF annoyances. Faustus's Avatar
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    So much butthurt. So much massive butthurt. I log in on and whim and post an old fashioned BoD style joke/complain about the lack of metal and booze and suddenly this? Oh come on, at least make it funny instead of sounding like a bunch of PMSing high strung preteen churchgoers. "Teh Bod was teh afful, dey posted bad stuff and didn't have Jeebus-loving posts"

    If I remember correctly 90% of the BoD left whining and crying about some such bullshit. Truth be told, I don't think many members whined as much as you guys did before you left, BUT I do remember maybe one or two of you guys being cool when separated from the pack. That whole mob mentality really did a number on your guys ability to think for yourselves. Some of you would act like human beings until another one would be like "oh lets rape nuns and drink mead and be vikings" and then eventually you guys would calm down and some of you would rationalize that raping and pillaging aren't socially acceptable forms of entertainment. As for the others, I wouldn't be shocked if they couldn't tell the difference between real and make believe.

    That being said, the whole mob mentality thing annoys me. Think for yourself. Question authority.
    Ah Pete, and just what I thought ramrod-in-ass style morality was dead. How are you holding out old chap? But wait, not even a "Hey Faustus you old scumbag" from you just some generic antiBoD comments followed by butthurt? Your breaking my heart.

    And a call from independent thinking from you? Oh Pete thats rich, especially considering some of your intellectual(dare I call it that?) positions. And challange Authority? Just a wee bit of hypocrisy there. You know if you just have no taste for a little bid of good old metal style fun you can always just stick your thumbs in your ears and hum real loudly until its over.

    I have read through a good chunck of the BoD's main club thread and I must say it was one of my annoyances. I found most of it to be a redundant spluring of the words "wench", "booze", "yarr", and random spam about "raping" and "pilaging". Point in that? None besides a "shit storm" of crap posts and spam.
    So its just so awful that we have any fun you don't approve of in a club thread of other likeminded individuals? Well thanks for the love, and sorry I'm just not the model snooty tastless post nazi you would have me be.

    Lastly "satanmas" or what ever the hell it was called was retarted and the BoD is still highly suspected in the events that occured during that time; atleast in my concerns. Also annoying and retarded, thats just my opinion though.
    Satanmas was great, whats with all the grinchiness. Come on and share in the holiday spirit.

    @Rocky: And since I can't be bothered to quote you sad attempt at a butthurt troll post or go into detail I'll be brief. Who wouldn't complain about staff ****ups, but your determined to pin it on us so go on thinking what you will.

    And in the old BoD spirit, real men shower in from a vat of blood taken from the slit throats of succulent 16 year old Catholic School girls.
    Faustus: Pope Lucifer I, the Defiler of Nuns
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  5. #35
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    It's funny, its fine when we talk normal but when it comes to the BoD you're all "YEARGH I HATE DEM JERKKKSSS". Why is that?

    Che: Who am I? Who the hell are you?

    Meier: Oh here we go, you're back into the corner with obvious facts and try to avoid them by going "hurr durr, but that's not part of the thread!". Silly little kid, those we the tactics of the lowest of the low when it comes to debating. He's right, you really are butthurt hard. I'm not even bother going to respond to you anymore, you've got the mentality of a 12 year old pakistani kid raging cause somebody insulted his precious allah.

    RagnaToad: Good to see you've forgotten me already.

    I really have nothing to say on the matter to be honest, its just a bunch of people bitching and moaning about our supposed bitching and moaning. I thought some of you were ok and got on with some of you but you think its fine to bad mouth my friends. Well then **** you too.

    Warn me, ban me, give me bad bad rep lol, just prove we're right. Little babbies.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Angantyr View Post
    Meier Link: Join Date: 2007. Funny that cause I'm talking 2006. The thread was for RPing, you have the MSN convos we had? You have acess to the forums? No you don't so don't try to claim shit on us.

    Rocky: I've heard it all before, bring up 4chan and all that shit when you know it's the biggest troll orgy ever made. What happened? You went there and got trolled hard and you're trying to pin us to that mentality? Don't bring that shit into here. It's almost as if you're jealous.

    I didn't take place in the RP event cause I knew from the very start it was an attempt to get rid of us. I didn't follow any of that, I'm here laughing my ass off cause "TFF anoyances" (made by a member of the BoD if I might add) had people bringing up the BoD. Obviously you don't know ****ing shit about any of us.

    Pete: As I've probably mentioned, you and Sean? weren't on good terms with the rest of the BoD and there were a few others but on a personal level never took it seriously. Most of what was said he was and still is a joke. Yeah I'm writting a big reply now because in all honesty the BoD are some of the coolest people I've met and I've seen people like rocky talk this shit all the time. Not just about the BoD but people in general and I was kind of the same myself. I'm past it, I can see you know are more mature than them 2.

    This is a bit off topic but yeah there is one kid who is like 20 years old and gets annoyed over the dumbest most elitists shit ever and I'll admit I used to be the same myself but you get passed it. These kids are the same, raging about some e-faction like they're going to have a heart attack or something. One day they'll get over it and learn to just enjoy life, but for now, who knows? LOL.
    Kept TFF alive? Who the **** are you?

    I hate wankers who post just to raise their post count, like that Messiah fella now whos spamming every thread in sight.

    I hate how mods dont do what needs to be done in regards to spamming and then i get a warning for calling a person a wang broom, once, and some **** has a post count of over 200.. 200 posts of spam..

    1 vs 200 and the 1 gets warned, that just makes me:

  7. #37
    Gingersnap TFF annoyances. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    BoD members (all two of you who still care)... It's fine that you want to stand up for your TFF reputations... even though the tactic seems to be saying the word 'butthurt' over and over again... But stop trolling people. Non-BoD members: stop trolling people. It is against forum rules and I was mistaken thinking you'd all stop on your own.

    Now go do something productive.

    Read more.

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  8. #38
    Bananarama TFF annoyances. Pete's Avatar
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    Well, let's see. I really don't mind metal at all. In fact, I'm a huge Maiden fan. Not the new shit, but the good stuff from the 80s and early 90s. Can't get into that viking bullshit where the singing is all just grunts, growls and screeches. I don't really care about the drinking comments either. I can drink with the best of them.

    What really pisses me off though is all the jokes about rape and sodomy. You guys ever stop to think, "hey, maybe someone here has gotten raped," or maybe "someone here knows someone that's been raped." All that shit might be fun and games to you, but when you know someone that was raped, it's really not that funny. And no, ****, I wasn't raped, but a good friend of mine was. So maybe I kinda have this thing where I don't really like the whole rape idea.

    Let's see. Yes, I am a Catholic. Gee whiz, I didn't know that made me a preacher or a missionary, or even better than anyone. Truth of the matter is, you clowns do more preaching and devil worshiping than I've probably prayed. Am I a particularly moral person? Not really. I just don't include a little "hail satan" every time I flip someone off or when I pound a beer. The hail satan is actually pretty funny though, because I don't even think those whackjobs in Westboro say "praise Jesus" as much as you guys say your hail satans. But bravo on trying to make me look like a Bible thumper. Real convincing.

    As for my intellect, I'm perfectly capable of thinking and speaking my mind, without the influence of anyone other than myself. I'm certainly mature enough to get over myself and know not to take TFF seriously... or the rest of the Internet for that matter. That doesn't change the fact that when I come here, I do it for fun. Maybe talking about raping nuns is fun to you, but it offends me as a human being. Even looking at your profile, you say you're the one who "raped my sister." You're gonna tell me that's not offensive? Sorry, I'm a sheep for being kinda disgusted and sketched out by that.

    And to be honest, you're hardly a blip on my radar dude. You were here in 05, or so your profile says. You disappeared for a while, and you're back now that the satan fan club was mentioned. Big whoop. You weren't shit then, and you're not now.

    And I've been fantastic, thanks for asking!
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  9. #39
    Shake it like a polaroid picture TFF annoyances. RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angantyr View Post
    Warn me, ban me, give me bad bad rep lol, just prove we're right. Little babbies.
    Now that's true BoD style.

    Also, the 30 second wait between searches IS annoying indeed. I don't see why there's a limit on that anyway. There's only so many searches one will do before actually clicking a thread and/or posting...

    And this:
    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    I hate how mods dont do what needs to be done in regards to spamming and then i get a warning for calling a person a wang broom, once, and some **** has a post count of over 200.. 200 posts of spam..
    Damn, I know exactly how you feel. When I 'spam', at least I make sure it's all in good fun and it's obvious that it was intentionally.

    But then I constantly run into threads where no one lets the noob know how double posting is not allowed. It's happened numerous times that I pointed out to them what the rules were.

    Also, when some fucker just posts meaningless shit just because he's got nothing of value to post, he totally gets away with it. Even though he could just have shut the fuck up.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 09-30-2009 at 09:28 AM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    You weren't shit then, and you're not now.
    And if you don't know "who the hell" I am, then you obviously don't need to start talking about join dates and pulling rank.

  11. #41
    TFF annoyances. Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keisuke Takahashi View Post
    Lol Che and his random returns =P
    Wait, Heero, your'e still alive? O.o

    Well, things that annoy me have changed significantly in the 8 years since I registered. Let's see, though.

    Oh, yes, people who go inactive in TOAs. My long-standing contribution to this forum has been judging pretty much every TOA that has happened since the one I participated in a long long time ago. Predictably, half of the people who sign up don't post ever. 80% of the ones who do stay on drop out really quickly anyway. It's a lot of setup time gone to waste, and it's really frustrating for the creators.

    Also people who forget about me. You guys suck .

    I also am annoyed by posts that give me headaches. Taking an extra five seconds to spell a word right is okay, kids!
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  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Faustus View Post
    The most annoying thing about TFF these days is the lack of naked Succubi serving me booze and the lack of impaled dimwits resting on rusky pikes beneath a a bloodred sky with Black Metal scraming from metal skull speaker type things erupting from the ground.
    Word brother!

    Phew I haven't been back in ages, so I can't really think of anything that annoys me, save all the name changes of people whom I probably knew by another name a couple of years ago.

    It is nice to know that we made an impact around here though. Several years after our thread was shut down, we still annoy the hell out of most of you

  13. #43
    Air from my lungs. TFF annoyances. Violet's Avatar
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    I like how some people come crawling out of the wood works when someone posts threads like these. I mean, it's just a forum. No need to be all butt hurt about something that was so long ago. "Oh look, a 'what do you hate about tff' thread. Here's a chance to vent all my frustration out about that thing that happened two years ago!!" It's like.. build a fence and get over it, y'know? Also, I could've sworn Froggie said she didn't want people mentioning names of members or groups upon making this thread.

    That's one of the things that irritates me on TFF. Cries for attentions, and people who can't let go of things that just don't matter anymore.

  14. #44
    Shake it like a polaroid picture TFF annoyances. RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    That's one of the things that irritates me on TFF. Cries for attentions, and people who can't let go of things that just don't matter anymore.
    Cf. the "I'm leaving for ever because everyone hates me"-thread in my previous post.

    I guess it makes sense that people who fail to succeed in real life socially try to be the shit on the internet.

    Sad though.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

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