When I was 5 I lived in NYC, I went to a school called Black River Elementary. Amongst the 6 other white kids in my class I decided to pretend to be Jewish so people would leave me alone. One day one of the other 6 white kids heard that I was Jewish and came up to me in the playground and bunched me in the face. Blood dripped down onto my shirt and I began to tear up. He called me a **** and kicked sand in my face. At that point I kicked his shin and he fell down onto my knee as I was pulling it back after kicking him. His teeth slammed bluntly into my knee and I could feel his teeth getting knocked back into his own mouth. He fell over silently and then began to convulse, he was choking on his own teeth. He died before a teacher saw that something had happened. I moved to Alabama with my family a few months later.
Edit: fail on me for the typo in the thread title. tell *an* INSANE LIE