As we all go through life, our tastes in the things we like and don't like can change considerably. I'm just curious to know if there's anything that you all can think of that you used to hate but now you enjoy!
For me, some of the things I thought of would be:
I seriously used to hate this stuff, but now, I eat it nearly every time I fix hot dogs. I think it tastes extra yummy when mixed with hot mustard!
My hair color
For a long time, I didn't like being a brunette. It was so boring to me. So to change it up, I had my hair dyed blonde for many, many years. After I got tired of keeping it maintained, I let my natural color grow out again. Now, I can't believe I ever dyed it in the first place!
Music from Lady Gaga
I just didn't get her at first, and the radio played her stuff ALL THE TIME. Mainly Pokerface though, which really got on my nerves after so much airtime. Then here pretty recently, I checked out her acoustic stuff, and was like "Hey... I like this." Since then I've come to appreciate a lot of her music, though I still really can't listen through all of Pokerface.