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Thread: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

  1. #1
    Registered User Stuff you used to hate, but now you love
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    Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    As we all go through life, our tastes in the things we like and don't like can change considerably. I'm just curious to know if there's anything that you all can think of that you used to hate but now you enjoy!

    For me, some of the things I thought of would be:


    I seriously used to hate this stuff, but now, I eat it nearly every time I fix hot dogs. I think it tastes extra yummy when mixed with hot mustard!

    My hair color

    For a long time, I didn't like being a brunette. It was so boring to me. So to change it up, I had my hair dyed blonde for many, many years. After I got tired of keeping it maintained, I let my natural color grow out again. Now, I can't believe I ever dyed it in the first place!

    Music from Lady Gaga

    I just didn't get her at first, and the radio played her stuff ALL THE TIME. Mainly Pokerface though, which really got on my nerves after so much airtime. Then here pretty recently, I checked out her acoustic stuff, and was like "Hey... I like this." Since then I've come to appreciate a lot of her music, though I still really can't listen through all of Pokerface.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 08-30-2010 at 05:11 AM. Reason: a random "and" was in my post...
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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    I don't mind Lady Gaga any more. I didn't get her at first either. Kind of the same with MCR, but it's not as if I'm a hardcore fan - I just like a small handful of songs.

    When I was younger, I really hated them. I don't quite remember why. But as from about last year, mum started making this mushroom and garlic sauce, which goes very well with chicken or beef, and I really like it.

    I hated showers when I was really young, and preferred baths (but even then, I did what I could to escape having one so I could play with my toys a bit longer). I guess it's something that kicks in when you get older and the need to wash becomes an every day thing other than every other day or so thing. I used to hate showers because of the water directly being aimed at my head/face. At the time, I was having difficulties learning to swim because I wouldn't stick my head under the water (I was petrified of the instructor), so... yeah. Now I can't get enough of showers, and I really hate baths.

    But when I'm older, I'll probably like them more. xD;

    This is an odd one. I hated ketchup, but liked tomatoes. Now I hate tomatoes, but like ketchup. =S

    I don't love them, but I certainly hated them. They're okay now, I suppose. I just have to be in the mood for them.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 08-30-2010 at 04:25 AM.

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  3. #3
    This ain't no place for no hero Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    Shooter-type games

    I refused to even try them. But I got bored one day while P was at work and Borderlands was in the Xbox at the time. I was feelin' seriously lazy and didn't want to remove it so I figured that I'd try it out as he was so into it and kept raving about it. It was so much fun! I guess it helps that its more of an Action RPG-ish game but in my world, any game where you can't see your character and only their weapon is a shooter.

    I've now got probably 300 hours invested in this game, two characters that are almost maxxed and frothing at the bit for the new DLC that releases in September.

    The Colour Pink

    I refused to wear anything pink, so much that my sister in law was afraid to tell me that the dresses for her and my brother's wedding were light pink. As part of our gifts for being in the wedding party we each got these cute little clutch purses. The other girls were pink, mine was silver... ha ha ha.

    Its growing on me now though. I still don't wear it often but I don't loathe it like I used to.


    I had only ever been to one concert and I hated the experience. I dislike large groups of people, public washrooms and huge line ups. Since being with P who is a concert whore I've gone to a few more of them and I am getting better with not wanting to punch someone's lights out if they bump into me. We're going to see Strung Out play in early September. Can't wait!

  4. #4
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Stuff you used to hate, but now you love midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    Eggs - I used to detest eggs as they would be force fed to us EVERY DAY. I couldn't stand them. Now... I like them enough that I'll even have a jonesing for them, but for a good long time, the only way I could stomach them was to have 'em scrambled and doused with cheese. Lots and lots of cheese.

    Random Vegetables - Well, I've always enjoyed me some veggies, but now I like them all. I just had to learn how to cook them in a way I'd like them. For the ones I didn't like before, I found either to fry them or sauté them. Butter helps billions.

  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    Most of the things that I used to hate... I still hate to this day. But...

    My brother was my biggest influence for all things music, and he didn't like any metal (and still doesn't.) Then I started hanging out with my friends, and a couple of them listen to a lot of it, so I've changed my mind. ...on some of it. I still think most butt rock (hair metal) is cheesy, boring, or both. Kinda still feel the same way for bands like Metalica (though I like some of their stuff) and Nu Metal in general (Staind, Nickelback, etc. Less forgiving to those bands.)

    Couldn't understand how my parents could stand it. Now I love the stuff.

    More Maturely Themed Games
    Y'know, the more violent ones. Like most shooters. Just seemed like an excuse to be gratuitous to me (and a lot of them stil do.) Then I watched my friend play a few, and realized that there was some depth to these games, actually, and good stories. Now I've played Bioshock and Fallout 3, and I own the first three Metal Gear games (but I haven't played them yet.)

    The Boondocks
    Mostly talking about the cartoon on Adult Swim, not the one in the papers. Couldn't stand it at first because of it's seemingly extreme political leanings, but once I gave it a chance, watched it a few times, realized it wasn't really that bad, and that the funny outweighed anything political I might disagree with.

    Have to leave soon, and can't think of anything else right now. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    Crash Boom Bang Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love


    I used to hate them, refused to have them on anything, now Il have them on out, i love them, especially the cherry guys, I can scoff them for fun

    Cooked Mushrooms
    Never minded them raw ever, but cooked, the texture alone would knock me sick, and now I absolutely love them. garlic mushrooms are amazing, which takes me on to..

    just the smell alone was enough to make me gag, to be fair, id never really givenit a chance, i blame my mum, i have no idea what she used to do, but id get the aroma so bad from the kitchen that it would knock me sick and id have to open a window. its something else Il have on/with everything now

    girly stuff

    anything pretty much, i was a proper tom boy growing up, even toward my late teens i despised having to wear skirts/dresses. I remember HAVING to wear a skirt in high school, and i was like...wot?! i was so used to trousers, that when i went to the loo I pulled my skirt down instead of lifting it up lol. (sure you needed that imagery there) Pink was the spawn of the devil because it was such a girls colour. Now it's my favourite colour, bedrooms pink, kitchen accessories are pink, loads of pink clothes.... ive pretty much done a complete U-Turn to how I used to be. folk that knew me back then would be shocked haha. Still abit of a lad inside though, i diont think i could resist a tree climbing opportunity if it presented itself...

  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    When I was younger I couldn't always deal with the consequences of my actions so well, so I was one of those who felt karma was a bitch. These days a combination of being better behaved and being able to better withstand any consequences of my actions coupled with an interest in seeing karma bite others in the ass has me loving it.
    victoria aut mors

  8. #8
    Registered User Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    I used to despise carrots, but now I can eat them no problem!
    Im trying to do the same with broccoli...
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  9. #9
    The Bad Boy of TFF Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Block's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    Clint Eastwood
    He used to drive me insane and I wanted to punch his face, but now... he's all right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
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  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love


    I do eat them, though I'm still not a huge fan, but I guess it's a step forward as I couldn't bare the taste when I was a kid. The same can be said for some other vegetables such as cabbage, celery, peas...

    Brad Pitt

    Yep, I used to hate this guy, never knew why though, I guess it was just another one of my silly grudges. Looking beyond that I found him to be a decent actor, hell, I should give him more credit than that as I really enjoy watching his movies.

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  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    Sour Cream
    I still kinda dislike this, but I like it in my tacos or burritos now.

    Same with the sour cream, but I do enjoy it as a dip now.

    I used to hate this hot sauce, then about a year ago...I'll put this on anything.

    That's all I can think of.
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  12. #12
    Sir Prize Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    I used to really like chinese food, but now I don't give a ****... ...sorry

    Any other music besides classical

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  13. #13
    Registered User Stuff you used to hate, but now you love winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I just didn't get her at first, and the radio played her stuff ALL THE TIME. Mainly Pokerface though, which really got on my nerves after so much airtime. Then here pretty recently, I checked out her acoustic stuff, and was like "Hey... I like this." Since then I've come to appreciate a lot of her music, though I still really can't listen through all of Pokerface.
    I didn't like her a first but it was pokerface that got me too. Now I LOVE her to bits.

    whilst I' m on music... Cherly Cole's Parachute
    I hate Cherly Cole, I don't know why tho, and whenever I've heard her music, I've always changed the station/channel, but my other half kept listening to that song over and over and over again, and as it grew on me, I tried sooo hard to hate it but I couldn't do it.

    One Tree Hill
    Other half used to watch it all the time and I hated it being on, even tho I was never actually paying attension to it, then one night I was bored and watche dan episode with him, and ended up loving it. The same happened with Smallville and supernatural too. Unfortuantly I went off Smallville after season 5/6 it started getting complicated and I went off Tree hill during season 5, was gettin ga little boring, then I caught a bit of season 7 on t.v the other week ad now I'm back on it, NEVER went off Supernatural, how can I go off two hot guys lol

    I can't think of anything else at the mo, but I know going the opposite way I remember a few things that I liked but now hate.

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  14. #14
    Death Before Dishonor Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love


    A few years ago I never really liked beer that much. Only thing that I ever drank was Vodka, and delicious Bourbon. Now I really love beer. Me and my fiance drink a beer when we grill, well she can't anymore cause she is pregnant, but she said first thing she is gonna do after the kid is drink a beer.

    Blueberry Poptarts

    I am not a huge fan of these, but I didn't eat them at all a few years ago. If I have a choice I go Brown Sugar N' Cinnamon.

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  15. #15
    The British Guy. Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love


    I used to despise it and laugh about how Edward the vampire twinkles when he goes into the sun OH NO! the world will end, but now iv'e watched all three films and ill probably watch the next one Eclipse wasn't that good though.
    CPC8... Makin' it happen

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    Typo's change everything ^

  16. #16
    Memento Rhapso Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    "I used to loathe the colour red. . . But when my beloved and his wife, my sister, passed on I became obsessed with it. . ." - Madame Red, Kuroshitsuji
    Sorry, perfect place for that quote lol
    Anyway, my things
    I hated 'em. I'm still not crazy for them, but I can actually stand to be near someone who is eating them
    Thought it was lame. Tried it. Amazing

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  17. #17
    Certified tech, come at me! Stuff you used to hate, but now you love SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    I used to absolutely hate the game harvest moon, it was a bad name for me back in the day, now i'm enjoying it.

    What else did I hate....? um.... everything else I just didn't favor. I didn't exactly hate anything else so I'll just go from there.

    I wasn't into exercising, but when I started lifting weights at age 16-17, it made me want to get stronger.

    I did hate the movie, The Princess Bride, but I started to like it when I got older.

    I didn't like a whole lot of music back then but i'm growing on it now. I'm listening to The Beatles, Beach Boys, RED, Family Force 5, and Disciple.

    Thats about everything on my dislike to like list.
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  18. #18
    I invented Go-Gurt. Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    Quote Originally Posted by BodyPillow View Post
    Clint Eastwood
    He used to drive me insane and I wanted to punch his face, but now... he's all right.
    Yes, I know what you mean. When Clint Eastwood was high on himself, and was doing all those movies with Sondra Locke and a monkey, I just wanted to punch that douche in the face. Even after that, movies like The Rookie and The Dead Pool were just horrible, but he brought his career around again.

    I used to hate getting stabbed repeatedly, but ever since I've been spending time in Philadelphia, I have to say, I'm enjoying it more and more every day.

  19. #19
    Registered User Stuff you used to hate, but now you love kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love


    the color, not the fruit. pretty much thought it was the ugliest color ever until a few years ago but now i really like it....except for burnt orange

    seafood in general

    when i was younger i ate shrimp on occasion but wasn't really fond of it. never liked fish either. eventually i acquired a taste for the stuff that swims around in the sea. although, i prefer it raw and slapped on a block of rice


    the smell alone use to make me sick. but now-
    banana + peanut butter + bread = BEST. SANDWICH. EVER.

    "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier

    final fantasy xiii-2
    pokemon fire red

  20. #20
    Stuff you used to hate, but now you love Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    Not babies.

    Until now!

  21. #21
    黒い翼の天使 Stuff you used to hate, but now you love yuki's Avatar
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    Re: Stuff you used to hate, but now you love

    sea foods

    i used to run to my room every time mom make it no matter what type it im kinda liking it i even cook it ^__^ (though i dont eat most of it)

    i used to love it cold but now i dont like..


    i didnt like it when i was young but after i got to collage it became my all time food.

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