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Thread: Strange thing in Norway sky

  1. #1
    Air from my lungs. Strange thing in Norway sky Violet's Avatar
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    Strange thing in Norway sky

    Just saw this.. It looks so weird o_O I haven't seen anything like that before. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Registered User Strange thing in Norway sky
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    Is there any more evidence as to what it might be? Because I really have no idea. Maybe a projection of some sort? Like an elaborate prank to freak people out or something. That's my guess.

    Sorry, I have no other clue as to what it might be.... Maybe when some more info becomes available, we'll have a better understanding as to what it is.

    Should I be worried about this though? It is kind of freaky.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Oh hey guys what's going on in this thread?
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

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    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  4. #4
    I watched this documentary on the History Channel about "The Big Boom" in Kokomo. This was kind of cool because they addressed and tested all of the possible theories. I don't really know what to make of things like this, but until I actually see it myself, I can't really say.

    These are parts of the actual one I saw in the History Channel.

    Ta DA!!!:

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  5. #5
    Lady Succubus Strange thing in Norway sky Victoria's Avatar
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    I think it's some kind of search light. What else would it be?

  6. #6
    Looks like a job for Che and nix,

    Che, Prepare the rocketship cannon!

  7. #7
    #LOCKE4GOD Strange thing in Norway sky Alpha's Avatar
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    Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localised entirely within your kitchen?


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  8. #8
    Master of the Shadow Key Strange thing in Norway sky KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    Wasn't there some news about a "UFO" being sighted but it was really just a russian missile/satelite/rocket. Or was that another story?? If it's not that then it definitely looks like some trick of the light....
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  9. #9
    Air from my lungs. Strange thing in Norway sky Violet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeybladerXIII View Post
    Wasn't there some news about a "UFO" being sighted but it was really just a russian missile/satelite/rocket. Or was that another story?? If it's not that then it definitely looks like some trick of the light....
    I believe that was another story. If you listen towards the end of the video, it says that the Russians didn't fire any missiles, so it's not their doing.

  10. #10
    Asking all the personal questions. Strange thing in Norway sky RamesesII's Avatar
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    You can see the beam from the source definitely a light of some sort or what Rocky said.

    Actually it was a failed Russian missile test Russia just confirmed.... well that's what they said duh duh duh
    Last edited by RamesesII; 12-11-2009 at 02:34 AM.
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  11. #11
    Air from my lungs. Strange thing in Norway sky Violet's Avatar
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    Nevermind.. on the news they just said that the Russians said one of their missiles went wrong(fired it from a ship I think?). Funny, cause they were saying it had nothing to do with them before. Hah. "Missile? What do you mean? No missiles here *shifty eyes* "

  12. #12
    I will finish the hunt Strange thing in Norway sky Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Agree.......I saw this on the news last night.Failed missile launch from Russia. Yay? Makes me feel a little uneasy that they spend this much time testing something that would hurt really bad if it hit you. LOL
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  13. #13
    Master of the Shadow Key Strange thing in Norway sky KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    The Russians have a little explainin' to do. Ah well, what do you guys think it was for, military purposes or a space program rocket, or some other weird reason?

    *insert "In Soviet Russia" joke here*
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  14. #14
    When I saw the title of this, I was thinking you were talking about the Aurora Borealis.

    However, that looked freaky as hell, it was a perfect spiral. Looked like the Large Hadron Collider actually made a black hole and we were about to get sucked in that shit.

    Or maybe some Norwegians just went back in time to try to prevent 2012 somehow. I know they have underground caves set up for 2012 just in case.

    /tinfoil hat

  15. #15
    I heard people saying that it was a mini black hole in the making. WTF. I still don't get why people would think that a particle accelerator in Switzerland would magically produce an above-ground result in Norway. The LHC hasn't even started the experiments that could do anything like that, they're not due until next year. Anyway.

    I really don't think it was a missile launch. Russia must tell Norway when they're about to launch shit from the White Sea, and the Norwegians haven't exactly been 'Russia, **** you doin'?' about it. They get seriously annoyed when the Russians get their military involved in Norwegian space. Also, what kind of missile mutates into a Pink Floyd show when it fails?

    I'm say aurora, or a fake.
    Last edited by Govinda; 12-11-2009 at 04:50 PM. Reason: SPELLING

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    I heard people saying that it was a mini black hole in the making. WTF. I still don't get why people would think that a particle accelerator in Switzerland would magically produce an above-ground result in Norway.
    LOL people are ridiculous.

  17. #17
    No! The Mothership has been spotted! What is the commander thinking?!? He's going to get us all found out at this rate!

  18. #18
    Death Before Dishonor Strange thing in Norway sky Josh_R's Avatar
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    Oh no he's been seen kill all witnesses...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  19. #19
    The Lost Writer Strange thing in Norway sky Psiko's Avatar
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    No way, the Russians denying something happening?

    That has NEVER happened before.

    Like Chernobyl. They didn't wait a week to tell the world about that one.

    In Soviet Russia you don't report your mistakes, your mistakes report you.
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    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

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  20. #20
    Yes, but in modern Russia, you don't admit quickly that supersecret missile that has eaten most of your defence budget doesn't work because A) it's embarrasing and B) somebody might ask why the hell it was blue, spirally, and went sideways into Norway.

    It's got a weird name, this new missile. I want to be a spy. Figure my questions would get answered a lot faster that way.

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