I have had many.
One dream I had involved me walking around in this earthy cavern-type place and I came across an old man, who had long white hair and an even longer white beard, dressed in a white robe, holding a wooden staff. There were two rooms in front of him. Without even speaking a word, as if he was talking to me telepathically, he directed me into the room on the right. I went in and the door shut, the room began spinning really fast and I saw the face of the devil above me, laughing at me and that's when I woke up. My interpretation: The old man was God and he was sending me to Hell.
Another dream...It was really dark outside, as in very cloudy, and the weather began raging, with storms and high wind. I looked up at the sky and saw a huge holographic image of Jesus in the clouds and then saw another image of the Virgin Mary next to him. Seemed to me like it was the end of the world coming and Jesus and Mary came to take us to Heaven.
There's one dream I had where my brother and I boarded this train. It was a nice luxurious train with a blood-red interior. It began getting creepy, since randomly throughout the train, people would just randomly kill over and disappear and it was no big deal. Creepy. Then, we got off the train, and I was walking home when I came across this girl's house (an...ex of mine) and she was outside crying her heart out and I noticed police were inside the house doing stuff. Her brother had been murdered. I felt a great sadness and then simply walked away.
Another dream (my last one. I swear.)...I was out walking in the middle of nowhere, during a dark night, under a moonlit sky. It was just the huge open field, except for one single long road. I walked that road for miles and came across a little fence and standing next to it was my ex (same as the last dream). Just standing there in the middle of nowhere in the darkness of the night. I really wanted to talk to her, but we weren't on good terms in real life at that time and I guess that kind of played into my dreams of her, so I simply walked off again and left her to be.
I've had quite a few dreams about that girl and they always have this deep feeling to them. Had one of her just last night, actually. Not sure what they mean, though.