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Thread: So What Did You Think of 2011?

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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    So What Did You Think of 2011?

    What were your highs and lows? Was it a good year or a shitty year?

    Personally, I had a better time of it than I did in 2010. I didn't have any car crashes or a job that I hated this year, haha. Although I could've stood to have more work... which was the case in 2010 anyway. This year, I lost 30 odd pounds, and am in pretty much the best shape of my life, though. Bought a bass-which I always wanted to do-but I haven't practiced it much. Still living with my parents, though that looks to change the first part of this next year, possibly. Listened to a lot of new cool music, which made me happy.

    I kept my one new year's resolution that made sense-I didn't change my avatar or signature all year. I also made the New Year's resolutions of "figuring it out" and "getting over it," which I have no idea what that even means, so I dunno if I made those or not.

    Big events for me were the annual camping trip with my friends, finishing the Warrior Dash, running 9 miles, getting Skyrim (ha) seeing They Might Be Giants and Reel Big Fish (RBF for the first time, in fact) getting a tablet and drawing cool stuff, etc. I had some down times, but over all, probably a better year than 2010 for me. Hopefully 2012 is even more awesome. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

    EDIT: Here is the song for this situation, from one of my favorite bands, now back from the dead this year.

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