There was a thread similar to this a few years ago but it hasn't been posted in since '08 so I thought I'd make another like it.
Do you guys like the way you look? Do you like your personality? Is there ever a time when you look in the mirror and think "Dayum!"? Is there anything you'd like to change about yourself both looks and personality-wise or are you at peace with yourself? Would you ever have plastic surgery to change the way you look?
I quite like the way I look nowadays, at least a lot more than I used to. I used to not like the way I look at all but I like my face now. I know it's not the prettiest face in the world but I could certainly look worse. I like my eyes and love my hair, though I don't like my freckles and my smile. I also don't like my nose from the side very much. I'm a little overweight, just a little chubbier than I'd like to be but not big enough to really need to lose it. I'm also pretty short, last time I checked I was 5'4" which I actually kind of like, it can be annoying when trying to reach things but overall it's kind of cute I think. Apparently I have a nice ass, too, so that's cool.
As for my personality I like it most of the time. I try to be a good person as often as possible and I like to think I can be pretty funny, and according to my friends and previous boyfriends I have a child-like charm which people seem to find endearing. If there was something I'd change it would be my confidence, I'm very shy around people I don't know. But then when you get to know me I can be quite loud and my personality really shows through.
As for plastic surgery, personally I would never have it. I don't disagree with it, because I think if a person is really unhappy with themselves then they deserve the right to change it so they can be happier and good for them I suppose, but as for myself I wouldn't. As far as I'm concerned I could've been born with a cleft lip or some sort of face deformity but thankfully I haven't, so I should embrace what I've been blessed with. To change it would be like saying "no, it's not good enough, I want better" which seems ungrateful to me. My face doesn't put a stop to my life or make me feel depressed so I shouldn't try to change it. If this makes any sense.
What a lovely, thorough, detailed response. Thank you for that amazing contribution.
I am quite content with my face. I have always liked my facial apperance, I think I am damn sexy. I used to have quite a six pack, but now that I have a job where I sit on my ass all day it is going away. As for plastic surgery I have never considered it myself, but I am not against it. If you think there is something wrong with your appearance then it is your right to do something about. There is only one person on the forum who knows how truly sexy I am, as we picture message each often... And no it isn't Che, or anybody like that before a gay joke comes into play haha
So do all the rest of the men on TFF.
I don't like my face. I like my hair most of the time. My body doesn't bother me much. I have a small chest, I've thought of getting a boob job, but I don't like the idea of someone cutting up my chest and shoving plastic things in there. I don't think I'll ever be overweight. I don't like my teeth, but I'm going to get Invisalign sometime this year![]()
I think I'm awesome really. I'm pretty sure I'm funny and I think I'm a bit quirky. I'm a quiet, which I like. I do try to be understanding of others, as I know that everyone is different and shouldn't be bullied or put down for it. I don't like how I put myself down sometimes.
I wouldn't 'do' myself lol. But I would want to be my friend.
Oh shit!! Just friendzoned yourself!
Wow you are hard on yourself. You're beautiful. Don't ever let anyone make you think otherwise. Don't ever get a boob job. If you want me to go into detail about how shitty fake boobs are physically, emotionally, actually, etc. with real-life experience PM me.
I actually thought long and hard, past my initial instinct (which was still a yes), reconsidered, and then made the decision. A lot went into that 'Yes'. But did you expect anything else?![]()
QFT.Originally Posted by Josh_R
I'm happy with the way I look/am. I may be skinny,* and shy around new people, but beyond exercising for fitness and strength, and wearing clothes that make me feel at least a little bit fashionable, I wouldn't go to lengths to change who I am. I have plenty of friends who make me happy, and I hope I make them happy. That's enough for me, as lame as it sounds.
*To che...:
Last edited by Alpha; 02-20-2012 at 08:58 PM. Reason: Go to hell, che
Yes I would. I am great in bed.
I mean, sure, I have days when I don't feel completely confident in my appearance, but most days I find myself attractive and haters are gonna hate. And I'm pretty pleased with my personality. I'd hang out with myself.
I try not to let my occasional insecurities manifest as neediness (though it does happen sometimes). Getting someone to validate you provides temporary relief, but it always makes me feel more pitiful in the long run. If I'm not feeling good about my appearance, I do something I'm awesome at until I realize that there is more to me than the way I look. I am worth more than my aesthetic appeal, and so is everyone else. I feel like that's an obvious thing to say, but it seems like a lot of us forget that way too often.
I'm not into plastic surgery for myself (unless it was reconstructive), but I wouldn't make that decision for someone else.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'd be a bit too jealous for an irl threesome with boyfriend, but if it was with myself as the third? .......I'm pretty sure I'd do it.
Read more.
TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
Unless plastic surgery will give me laser sighted explosion fists, then I'm going to go ahead and deny that one.
As for the other bits, I'd probably go with no. I mean, I have a few nice features, I guess. My eyes maybe. The only muscular parts are my arms, and even then that's not much. 5'11" and roughly 130 lb, so the rest of me is rather thin, or as Alpha put, "skinny*." My hair is stupid as hell, and I have wretched posture, so those things count against me majorly.
If I could change anything about myself, I would definitely change my hair. It would look a lot better if it didn't look like something out of the Greaser flicks that come on old T.V. stations.
*Hesitant to use the term skinny because it seems to make Che angry.
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
Sure. Why not? I'd make one cosplay as Quistis and the other Rinoa.
edit - oh do I need to explain why I like myself? Ugh..maybe later lol
Last edited by Quistis; 02-20-2012 at 09:31 PM.
Back the hell up, she's like my kid sister.
Honestly, I don't think I'm all that bad. If I met me in the street, I'd probably be my type. I'm fairly happy with how I look, which is a little chubby, but I can live with it as long as I don't get overweight. I wouldn't mind toning up a bit though, especially my arms, legs and ass. My eyes have always had a dark line under them, and no matter what, it won't go away. Otherwise, they're quite pretty when natural light hits them. My teeth aren't terrible either - not exactly perfect pearls, but they're not wonky or very yellow either.
My styles haven't changed much over the last three-ish years. I've become more girly than I once was, and I've experimented with a few different styles. At the moment, my favourite is the plaid shirt, with a low-cut vest top or retro/gaming t-shirt underneath, black jeans (NEVAH SKINNY JEANS) and sneakers look. It's still kinda on the tomboy look, but compared to before, I'm way more sexy.
Personality wise, I like myself. I'm actually quite a quiet person who greatly dislikes being around people, and I avoid social gatherings like the plague - but I do like close-knit company. My friends have never understood it, haha. I prefer the charm of a pub than that of the loud, unsanitary club. I have a standard/moderate urge for sexual desires with periods of asexuality now and then (lasting up to a month-ish), so I'd be easy to keep up with and wouldn't get frustrated. I can be a bit of a bitch sometimes, but I always apologise when I feel I've done wrong or upset someone. That's rare though, so otherwise I'm pretty easy to get along with.
My biggest phobias include vomit/ing, small spaces, and fingerprints on screens/monitors/shiny surfaces. A lot of people find the last one funny and wonder how I touch anything. I find it pretty funny too, I admit, but it freaks me out too. I had my teeth clenched when my boyfriend was playing with my iTouch once whilst eating a bag of crisps. He understand why, and was apologetic when I told him haha, but still doesn't mind with his own stuff.
It wouldn't be the best relationship in the world, but it wouldn't hurt.
AAAAH! I would definitely tap myself. I've thought about it recently actually. Funny how this showed up just as I was thinking about it.
Right now, my head's been in one of those places, but if I found a clone that was the exact same as myself, I would chase her down. I love myself.
I've also heard I'm really good at sex. From multiple guys too. I thought I sucked for the longest time (no pun intended), but the past couple months have show me otherwise. If I knew how I felt myself, I might be able to judge that. For now, I'll just have to take their word for it :s
My personality...heh, I can be a real bitch sometimes, but I also have a real soft side. I've been told that I have a good head on my shoulders and I'm going places. Sometimes I have these really bad days where I play This song over and over in my head, but really, I love everybody equally.
As for plastic surgery, **** that noise. I'm perfect for my size. I have a nice ass, I don't need make up to look pretty. Lately I haven't even been trying to look pretty. I stopped caring to be honest (yay for college life). My boobs are proportionate to my size.
If I found myself just wandering somewhere, I would stop her in her tracks in a flippin heartbeat. IF she was the same person as me though, the would would explode with awesomeness and cause the Apocalypse. (That's my theory anyway)
Quisty, The world would explode in that case too. OOOOMG!!!!! lol.
The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!
Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!
Thanks Che. I wouldn't get huge triple z implants. Only like a B cup. But I would never get plastic surgery. If there some natural way, that'd be cool. PLus big boobs would get in the way and hurt and stuff.
@Unknown Entity I myself have asexual periods.I'm not asexual but I do identify with the lack of sexual desire thing. I never knew of anyone else who had. I'm not a big sexual person, so that's why I'd friend myself instead of tap myself. But if I could meet someone similar to myself I'd be pretty f*cking happy![]()
I look awesome so all is well. I know growing up people feel bad about something. Even something like eye color. But eventually you grow up and have to accept and like what you are.
I had a dream a while back where I looked different. And wasn't bad but I wasn't me and for some reason it felt like one of the dreams that's real. So I woke up and was like **** that I'm glad I look and am the way I am.
Short of being in some accident where i needed plastic surgery to look like a human being again it's not my bag.
Would you **** me? I'd **** me, I'd **** me so hard
Since TFF wont let me 'THANK' che for his post..
I thought that was very nice of you to say and Nikki, you ARE very pretty.
Che, I misjudged you...till now.
Oh wait...
Anyhow, a boob job wont fix a woman's self-esteem issues
(Reconstructive plastic surgery is obviously an exception. Those are understandable). Next thing you know, once you get it you'd be wondering if men only want to hang out with you because they genuinely like your personality or just because of those two water balloons on your chest. Some women may feel 'empowered' if they were objectified like that but that feeling is only temporary and could be the start of something that will spiral out of control and lead to....
I do all the time??Thread Title So tell me, would you tap yourself?
Of course there's something I would like to change about myself, both physically and well, in behavior. I wish I was at least 5-10 cm taller, and my eyebrows bit thinner, other than that I'm perfectly satisfied with my looks. But even more than that I wish I was less shy around girls which is something I can and should work on.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I'd like to be 6'3. That way I could fight MMA and stand a chance. Im currently in the process of body building. Not what you see in body-building comps, just regular bulking up. As far as everything else, I dont think id change anything about me. For every 4 hairs on my head, I have a grey hair. I'll probably be totally grey in the next 5 years. I dont care. That just means people can call me Silver Fox. I used to want to be covered in tattoos, now im not so sure. I dontk now if this is my developing reasoning playing a part in how I percieve my physical appearance, or if it was a phase that is burning out, but either way thats a change from a perspective I held for about 5 years.
A lot of the girls and guys here are very self concious. You're all great people. Especially those of which I speak to regularly.
Erm. I've never been happy with my physical appearance, though I've never hated it. Personally I don't care much, it's not what I think about my looks that gets a girls attention, it's what she thinks about my looks. So why would I worry about it?
Guess I'll go into little detail on what I dont like.
My head is large, not huge, but bigger than most.
I have an extremely small upper body compared to my thunder thighs. Though I partially blame my lifting coach through out jr high/ high school. I was never allowed to train my upper body as I was a long jumper in track and would never need it.
My smile. Ive never been able to naturally produce a smile. It always feel fake and cheap. I think it looks the same way.
My hair. The devils curly hair. People always want the opposite of what they have, but curly hair does not look good on me at all. I look like Andy Samberg. In fact when my hair is longer a lot of people tell me I look like him. I've had short hair almost all of my life because I personally don't find it suiting to my looks. I would love for straight hair.
Things I like.
My brow. At first i always thought I looked like a Neanderthal, but as time and girlfriends went on I got some nice compliments from it. I feel like it gives my face definition.
My eyes. I've always been complimented on my eyes. I don't really see the beauty in them. Just a grayish blue color. Sometimes a light blue.
My hair. When its short. I think it looks good on me.
Would I go through with plastic surgery. No. Personally I'm content with who I am and how I look. I don't particularly dislike it. I can understand why some people would want to go through with it. I still would tell them not to go through with it, but it's their choice and I won't judge them for it. I am pretty biased against boob jobs though. I'm more of a small to mid size boob person myself. Big ones always just turn out weird and you can almost always tell when they have had a boob job. It just isn't a turn on for me.
As to the topic. Would I tap myself? I've never really looked at men in that way. In fact I'm pretty confident I've never even thought that another man looked cute even if I was looking through a girls perspective. But if I had to. No I probably wouldn't, unless I was drunk and even then ehhhhh.
Personally I think grey hair is pretty sweet. I actually dyed my hair grey a few months ago just for fun.
I don't want to be covered in tattoos, but I definitely enjoy what I have (4 so far, two on the way) and would like more.
This song seems to fit here...
Anyway, I have always wanted to have blue hair. Yes, blue. Apart from that, maybe get my torso in as good of shape as my arms and legs. That's about it really.
My opinion on plastic surgery is that if you are completely sure that you want something done, then do it. It is your body, and no one should tell you that you can't. Just don't complain to me a few weeks later saying that you want it back to normal.
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):
To bad you can't reproduce asexually then you would be set no need for men WOOT WOOT females rule...........wait what O_o
On a side note does anyone know what a 'Tap and Die' is? didn't think so, it's a set of tools to cut threads,the die is used to make the threads on bolts and screws which is called threading and the tap is used to cut the threads on the inside of nuts etc and is called tapping.
So yes I do tap and I also thread.
It is where the saying 'as straight as a die' came from true story I was there.
No I wouldn't tap myself because I am not gay.
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
How YOU doin?
I probably wouldn't do me if I passed me on the street (Outside of the standard No,I'm not gay answer) Though to answer the subquestions....I'm not particularly fond of my appearance, I tend to think of myself as around average, if not jusssst slightly below. Not ugly or anything, just not particularly noticeable.
My personality is interesting enough, though not really all that attractive haha. I don't think there's anything Specific I would change either physically or otherwise, since average works for me XD
Though if you want to get really technical, like Mel, I tap myself regularly
(TFF Family):
Totally irrelevant. If you are not gay then think of yourself from the point of view of a lady. It's like when guys say they don't know which guys are attractive because they are straight. Yes you do, because you have to have something to base how you attract people to yourself. You never see Brad Pitt in fight club and go "I wanna get my abs like that so I can impress all the ladies!" Just an example, this might not be what you're going for (maybe not all heterosexual women are into that much muscle), but really think this might prove my point here.