There was a thread similar to this a few years ago but it hasn't been posted in since '08 so I thought I'd make another like it.

Do you guys like the way you look? Do you like your personality? Is there ever a time when you look in the mirror and think "Dayum!"? Is there anything you'd like to change about yourself both looks and personality-wise or are you at peace with yourself? Would you ever have plastic surgery to change the way you look?

I quite like the way I look nowadays, at least a lot more than I used to. I used to not like the way I look at all but I like my face now. I know it's not the prettiest face in the world but I could certainly look worse. I like my eyes and love my hair, though I don't like my freckles and my smile. I also don't like my nose from the side very much. I'm a little overweight, just a little chubbier than I'd like to be but not big enough to really need to lose it. I'm also pretty short, last time I checked I was 5'4" which I actually kind of like, it can be annoying when trying to reach things but overall it's kind of cute I think. Apparently I have a nice ass, too, so that's cool.

As for my personality I like it most of the time. I try to be a good person as often as possible and I like to think I can be pretty funny, and according to my friends and previous boyfriends I have a child-like charm which people seem to find endearing. If there was something I'd change it would be my confidence, I'm very shy around people I don't know. But then when you get to know me I can be quite loud and my personality really shows through.

As for plastic surgery, personally I would never have it. I don't disagree with it, because I think if a person is really unhappy with themselves then they deserve the right to change it so they can be happier and good for them I suppose, but as for myself I wouldn't. As far as I'm concerned I could've been born with a cleft lip or some sort of face deformity but thankfully I haven't, so I should embrace what I've been blessed with. To change it would be like saying "no, it's not good enough, I want better" which seems ungrateful to me. My face doesn't put a stop to my life or make me feel depressed so I shouldn't try to change it. If this makes any sense.
