Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
Originally Posted by
Totally irrelevant. If you are not gay then think of yourself from the point of view of a lady. It's like when guys say they don't know which guys are attractive because they are straight. Yes you do, because you have to have something to base how you attract people to yourself. You never see Brad Pitt in fight club and go "I wanna get my abs like that so I can impress all the ladies!" Just an example, this might not be what you're going for (maybe not all heterosexual women are into that much muscle), but really think this might prove my point here.
I disagree for a person to be attractive to me then I would have to be attracted to that person,I can say a person is beautiful or striking the same as I can say a veiw is beautiful or striking and not be attracted to that person which is whete most people don't differentiate.
And you would have to be self concious to be basing yourself on what other people look like, you should be happy with the way you look and not compare yourself to other people but not be self absorbed.
That is a problem with some people today they are always teying to copy celebs and do celeb diets etc why follow the crowd be yourself.
But I am goin off topic anyway.
Originally Posted by
yer not talking to a bunch of whiny yuppi Ie fags, most of us including myself are aware, so take your true stories somewhere else boy
As for this wtf is this shit, a poor excuse for trolling is what it is, you can do better than that sean.
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
It's kind of an odd question. Is it asking if you were do you if you were someone else looking at you? Or is it asking if you would physically do yourself if you had an exact copy of yourself?
On the topic of copying celebs: I am aware of how I look physically (as much as I can be I guess), but that doesn't mean I'm trying to be Brad Pitt's abs. What I meant was, I'm trying to be what I think someone would be attracted to. Sort of like "be the person you want to meet" or "one should treat others as they want to be treated".
Not all celebrities are attractive, but that's not the point. The media and social society expect us all to look a certain way, and a lot of it is unrealistic. That's why you have celebrity pictures where they look nothing like they do on the red carpet. It's lighting, makeup, angles, picture editing, etc.
Anyway, I'm sort of rambling as well. Let's say you are a straight male, and you're with a straight female friend. If you were sitting in the park with her, you could probably accurately pick out guys walking by that she would agree she was attracted to, even if you are completely straight. Right?
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
I would in the end tap myself, If I was my female counter part. I have nothing against homosexuals but dating another guy just doesn't fit in my novel. Too much of a difference of how a picture a woman.
I love my personality though when I think a lot, I'm my own despair. I'm fairly a positive person 24/7 and love to be around company once and a while (though put me in front of a good rpg, F existence! :cool:). I'd be more understanding about mistakes I make and my flaws and I could only better myself. I picked up this nack of basically analyzing a person from the inside & determining whether they're a match for me before that person and me get serious. Once I realize that it's my counterpart I've seen into, there'd be nothing to stop me from banging myself because we'd ALMOST be perfect for each other. Usually they say opposites attract and have the most chemistry, I think not. It'd be nothing hotter than watching my female counterpart giving me a bj while I'm playing a game (this has happened before and it's damn awesome :woot:)
So yes definitely bang myself, only if I'm split by gender. If I'm banging myself, I'd know if I'm going in the back door, my own self would want to see a snatch and tits coming to the front; not what I see in my lawn everyday.
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
Originally Posted by
It's kind of an odd question. Is it asking if you were do you if you were someone else looking at you? Or is it asking if you would physically do yourself if you had an exact copy of yourself?
Well I guess that is the initial question you get when reading the title but Xana also asks "Are you happy with your image and personality?" "Would you change either?"
On the topic of copying celebs: I am aware of how I look physically (as much as I can be I guess), but that doesn't mean I'm trying to be Brad Pitt's abs. What I meant was, I'm trying to be what I think someone would be attracted to. Sort of like "be the person you want to meet" or "one should treat others as they want to be treated".
But they way you said it I took as you would be basing your physical image by other peoples, for example if I had no abs and I saw 'Brad Pitts abs' and I said to myself "Wow I don't have abs like that" and then proceeded to work on them to make them look good, so I am realsing that people are attracted to Brad Pitts abs so I want people to be attracted to my abs by having abs like or similar to Brad Pitts abs that he has portrayed, so you are still feeding off images you perceive from other people or other peoples opinions.
Not all celebrities are attractive, but that's not the point. The media and social society expect us all to look a certain way, and a lot of it is unrealistic. That's why you have celebrity pictures where they look nothing like they do on the red carpet. It's lighting, makeup, angles, picture editing, etc.
I totally agree, once again media propaganda, all it should take is a celeb to look after themselves and respect themselves so they stay fit and healthy and you don't need influence to undertake this except to be happy with your self image which is part of what Xana asks.
Anyway, I'm sort of rambling as well. Let's say you are a straight male, and you're with a straight female friend. If you were sitting in the park with her, you could probably accurately pick out guys walking by that she would agree she was attracted to, even if you are completely straight. Right?
This won't work because I would know what attracts her but my opinions wouldn't be affected, for example if I knew she liked nerdy guys who wore glasses I could just point out every guy I saw with glasses it doesn't mean I think they are attractive I just know that's what she finds attractive so I point her attention to them.
If she were to ask me if I thought they were attractive then I would say no they look striking or they have an air of beauty about them but they are physically not attractive to me.
Anywho back to Xana's question I am content with how I am, I can be a bit short tempered and I know they people around me find that hard to deal with and I try hard to change it but essentially that is who I am.
Physically I slouch a bit which I would like to change only because I really don't want to be a hunch back when I am older, anyhting I would like to change about myself is purely for longevity and health reasons and not for asthetics the same as I apply sunscreen to prevent skin cancer, but not to make my skin complexion look nice.
My job calls for me to look neat and presentable but for that I don't give a care in the world how people perceive me. My wife may disagree she hates it when I go to the shops looking like a bogan hahaha
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
Well, I didn't mean would you actually have sex with yourself in the thread, the title was just supposed to get people's attention I guess. The point of it is a "If you don't love yourself then how can anybody else?" type of thing. Buuuut, it is a pretty interesting question and I guess how it should be interpreted is this...
Imagine somebody else had your body and then imagine you were gay or the opposite sex. If you saw the person with your current body, would you find them attractive? Would you "tap" them? And you have to have an open mind with the question I suppose, rather than saying "well I've never been gay or the opposite sex so I wouldn't know". I mean, I'm not a lesbian or a guy but I can tell if a girl is pretty.
As for celebrities, I've never followed a celeb diet before, most of the time when I see an article or something that says "Get Kim Kardashian's abs!" or something of that nature, I tend to presume it's bullshit because most diets like that are. However I do understand admiring a celebrity's figure and maybe using that as a basis for how you'd like to be, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Though I guess there's a line between being inspired by a celebrity and just plain trying to be the celebrity.
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
Originally Posted by
You never see Brad Pitt in fight club and go "I wanna get my abs like that so I can impress all the ladies!"
This really sounds like something I said to you once. :cool:
Anyway, I suppose I'd do me. I'm good at sex because I like it and like taking the time to discover what my sexual partner likes. I can also be pretty selfless in bed. I like cunnilingus and few things are more arousing to me than witnessing a girl climaxing because of what me and her are doing.
Of course, I wouldn't know all this if I was someone else, so:
In general I am content with the way I look. I like that I'm lean and tall, but not too tall. I look tired far more often than I want to though. And I guess I'd like a little more muscle, so I've been doing my daily pushups and I'm planning on starting to go fitness in the near future.
I like the way I dress, although I should shop way more often than my lazy ass will let me. One can only wear an Arcade Fire shirt so many times in a month.
I think I look/dress in a way that attracts my type of girl I suppose. The kind of alternative, nonchalant guy (without looking like a hobo or a 70s rock star) who puts just enough thought in what he wears.
Also, since I had my hair cut, I look so much sexier (and less like a hobo).
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
Originally Posted by
One can only wear an Arcade Fire shirt so many times in a month.
Arcade Fire? They've got some great tunes. For butt touchin'.
I have moments where I wish I was better looking, but all in all, I'm pretty okay with my appearance. Could use a haircut though. My hair is probably the longest it's been since I was really young, and it's kind of annoying in the upkeep department. Easy fix, but I'm just too lazy to actually go out and get it done. ;!
I don't think I'd get plastic surgery. It's scary, costly, and there's too much risk factor involved, but more power to the people who want it.
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
Originally Posted by
I look awesome so all is well. I know growing up people feel bad about something. Even something like eye color. But eventually you grow up and have to accept and like what you are.
Short of being in some accident where i needed plastic surgery to look like a human being again it's not my bag.
I agree with all this. You gotta accept and love who you are eventually. I feel like I've been a gigantic dork most my life and that I've done and said really stupid stuff, but I gotta own it. Also, the way I look. I'm okay with how I look most of the time, finally. It's easier since I lost weight, but yeah. I wouldn't tap myself though, because that's the weirdo. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
k so im over thinking.. isnt masturbation "tapping yourself"??
kind of impossible to answer this and not sound arrogant, but theres nothing id want to change physically about myself.. my personality is pretty awesome too so.
i guess thats a yes
Re: So tell me, would you tap yourself?
<Sarcasm>If you mean tap myself, Why yes, I would certainly hit myself with a large blunt object.</Sarcasm>
In all seriousness, I view myself as a reasonably attractive young man,
And if I flew that way would probably **** myself. Only thing I'd change is my Lazy Eye.
Since Unknown brings up the whole asexuality bag, I have those myself. It's usually one month out of the year.
The rest of the time I have a pretty healthy libido.
Originally Posted by
I agree with all this. You gotta accept and love who you are eventually. I feel like I've been a gigantic dork most my life and that I've done and said really stupid stuff, but I gotta own it.
I feel the same way bro. I accepted who I was a while back. I didn't want to. But I finally did.
And holy hell did It change me for the better.
TL; DR- There is no TL; DR! *Vincent price laugh*