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Thread: Shoes

  1. #1


    I've been wondering about this for a while now. I don't know if anyone's talked about shoes yet, but I kind of have a thing with shoes. Everybody wears shoes- different types and brands sure. Let's talk a bit about them.

    What types of shoes does everyone wear?
    Do you wear them for style?
    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?
    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    I myself wear regular sneakers. Either running shoes or casual walking ones. They're just plain shoes most of the time with Nike styled designs or none at all. I haven't yet bought any type of shoe for their style. I look at the price, see if the things are my size, and buy them. I look for any shoe I need at the time and buy them.

    Sneakers are comfy enough. I only wear them because it's easiest to walk in and they let me move at any pace without bothering me too much. Going around in my socks or barefoot is best to me. If I didn't have to wear shoes to school, I wouldn't. I run faster without shoes. They feel a little un-natural and kind of clumpy (especially when I play sports in grass).

    As for brands, I personally don't care. I'd opt for Avia brand shoes though since they're pretty cheap. Next would come Air Walks, Nikes, or Vans. I really don't care too much.

    Now let's hear what you guys think.

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?

    I tend to wear either my Bata lace up steel-capped work boots, and occasionally thongs (Or flip flop sandals to some).

    Do you wear them for style?

    Ummm... Not really. More practicality. That said they do suit most of my clothing. Jeans, trousers, shirts, a leather jacket as well as a denim one...
    Thongs are just easy to put on and take off.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    They are indeed comfortable. Both thongs and boots. I think the main thing is just to make sure they're the right size.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    Not really. I tend to stick with comfort and price mostly. I'm not one to feel the need for a $200 pair of sneakers which may not last a year when I can get a $50 or less pair of workboots.
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  3. #3
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Shoes Lunasa's Avatar
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    Yay for working a shoe store!

    What types of shoes do you wear?
    No particular style. I buy whatever's in, for advertizing purposes. And for track and hockey.

    Do you wear them for style?
    Shoes are meant for style. Though, I've seen the UGLIEST shoes on some feet.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?
    For comfort? I'd have to go with Nike, Eurostep, or Lifestride. They are soft and practical shoes, not big honking trainers. Ick.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?
    For fashion shoes, definately Rocket Dog, DC, Diesal, Sketchers, or Converse. I have a zillon pairs of each.

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  4. #4
    Shoes Jikuu's Avatar
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    I wear velcro strappy sandals by Merrell. They're super comfy, and I rather enjoy not wearing much on my feet. I've gotten to where my feet sweat horribly if they're in shoes. I do have other shoes (like my fugly tread-safe black sneaks, ugh), but I wear these 99% of the time outside of my job. I do have some nice ankle-high black leather boots, but those are for nice occasions. Shoes should be about comfort more than style. And the shoe that meets neither? Crocs! *ba-dum-pish* Those should have stayed in surgical rooms.

  5. #5
    Gingersnap Shoes OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    My feet are short.... but they are also wide. Like little squares. It's kind of cute. >.>

    What types of shoes does everyone wear?
    Most often, you'll find me in sneakers. But that's because I'm walking to class aaalll the time. So I have some New Balance that are incredibly comfy and bouncy. I also have a pair of green canvas Converse that I've had for a few years. I wears those often. Mom saw that they were looking a little rough, though, and bought me some green leather ones for my birthday. They're pretty neat. But uh... I have a pair of gold sandals and some Birkenstocks. Aaaand flip flops. Haha and some black boots. And yellow rain boots. Cowboy boots with heels.... black heels... a... few other pair of heels... and some black Vans...

    I don't enjoy buying shoes, but I buy them when I need them for certain occasions. And... when I like them?

    Do you wear them for style?
    The uncomfortable ones? Yes. And some of the comfy ones too.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?
    God yes. At 5' even, it makes sense to wear heels. But then, who am I kidding, right? I enjoy walking and I want to be comfortable when I do it. I could never manage being in heels for too long. I hear you get used to it the more you wear them, but I never wanted to go through the uh... foot training.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?
    New Balance and Converse are the two I've bought more than once. But the rest? I think more about how they fit. And I can't say I own any $100 shoes.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 02-27-2008 at 11:41 PM.

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  6. #6
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    What kind of shoes do you wear?

    Generally, I wear skater shoes. Funny thing is, I couldn't balance on a skateboard if I tried.

    Do you wear them for style?

    I suppose so. They tend to go nicely with that I normally wear.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    Yeah, they're incredibly comfortable. The suede on the inside is extremely cushioned, if not a bit of a stench magnet. Yay for white socks!

    Do you have any specific brands you prefer?

    I've been sold on Sneaux for a long long time. Steve-O may be out of his damn mind, but he fronts a hell of a shoe company.

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  7. #7
    Even though I'm a guy, I have more foot gear than my wife. I have my work boots, running shoes, sandals, skate shoes, slippers, casual shoes, dress shoes and shower shoes.
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  8. #8
    Arachnie Suicide Shoes ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?
    I wear alot of different types of shoes, really. It depends what I'm wearing.. Of course my ugly school shoes.. I love almost lolita, schoolgirl clunky type buckle shoes. In fact, I've actually bought clunky schoolshoes a couple of times and just worn them around. <3. ANd boots are great. I love Doc Martens and wedge-boots for those.

    Do you wear them for style?
    Of course! Why else! XD. That said, if they're not comfortable I'm not going to wear them, either.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?
    What I just said. The shoes I like most? Um.. Have a shortlist of my favourite types of shoes -
    Schoolgirl shoes!
    Wedge Boots.
    Doc Marten Boots.
    I used to -love- these.. But as Sinister might say, they're kinda "fourteen year old mall goth" XD. And damn heavy ><. Besides, they don't go with most of the things I wear.
    I need a new pair of these black velvet Mary Jane flats. I -love- these things.
    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?
    Nah.. If they look good and they're comfortable, it works. The only constant brands are my school shoes, which HAVE to be brown leather lace-ups, so I wear Colorados, which are year-in-year out perfectly reliable.
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  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
    My feet are short.... but they are also wide. Like little squares. It's kind of cute. >.>
    Haha. Square feet. I think I can imagine that.

    Anyways, I wanted to add a little explanation to one of the questions. The one about comfort and style kind of match up, but I've seen people who will wear painful little shoes, boots, heels, or whatever just for the style. They'll complain and whine about it forever, but the shoes will stay on. Just wondering if there was anyone like that here. Kind of funny....

  10. #10
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?
    Work: Klogs. and no, not those ****ing wal-mart pieces of shit rubber shoes with holes in them, the REAL ones.... these.
    "Tennis" Shoes: New Balance... whatever style is dark grey and/or black, because that's neutral. I'm too lazy to get up and see what the specific style I currently own is.

    Do you wear them for style?
    To an extent for both... I like the Klogs over any of the other, generally regarded as "chef-shoes" as far as my everyday shoes go, yeah, sure.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?
    Kind of have to wear WORK shoes for comfort, especially when you spent 8-12 hours running around tile flooring in a kitchen. Klogs are insanely comfortable, made from polyurethane and are easy to clean up.
    My everyday shoes, yeah, gotta be comfortable if I'm gonna go out and about and do things....

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?
    Work: Klogs, Birkenstock isn't bad either, but Klog is a lot cheaper.
    Everyday: Always New Balance. I've been wearing New Balance for probably the past 8 years.

    I'm actually buying a new pair of Klogs tomorrow. >.>;; My old ones are pretty beat down and I've pretty much stepped through the insole.
    Last edited by Sean; 02-28-2008 at 05:17 AM.

  11. #11
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?

    mainly the tennis style or something that can be used on an indoor turf
    got in the habbit of that when i was playing indoor soccer

    Do you wear them for style?

    mainly comfort and they are light weight

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    they are light wieght and generally have a little cush to them since i am on my feet most of the time it really helps to keep my feet from hurting

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    mainly pumas but every once in a while i will go for some adidas'.
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  12. #12
    Air from my lungs. Shoes Violet's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?

    Sneakers and dress shoes. My sneakers are black n white with some pink, and my dress shoes are black mary jane shoes.

    Do you wear them for style?

    A bit, yes. But I like how comfy they are, too.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    I wear them for both, style and comfort. The only ones I don't wear for comfort are my dress shoes.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    No. I do like Sketchers because they hold up pretty well, but that's prolly the only brand.

  13. #13
    What types of shoes does everyone wear?
    I have a pair of hiking boots that are almost more like a sneaker but are very comfy and have great grip. My feet are wide so I either have to go with New Balance which I feel they're ugly or with boots.

    Do you wear them for style?
    Not really. I mean I picked them so I like them more than others, but by no means are they sleek.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?
    I find Etnies to be the comfiest but I've had 2 pairs in 6 months die out on me so I'd rather spend a little more for twice as long lasting pairs of other things.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?
    As I said I would go Etnies but they're flimsy, New Balance would be best but I dislike their look too much to revert back to them which was all I wore years ago, and they don't last as long as any of my boots. So overall I'd go with Wolverine for durability though not the most comfortable, and for all round price, look, and comfort I like Rockports.

  14. #14
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    What types of shoes do you wear?
    Well, that's depends. I have a lot of different shoes...

    My main shoes would be more combat boots. Their little over ankle length and they're black... tie-up's... they're like working boots, in black. The "company" that made them is called "Demolition." They're slightly like these, but less ugly.

    On that note, my second most worn shoes would be my suede Italian tie-ups. They're dark blue and cream. They look awesome. They're great shoes, too.

    My third worn would probably be my brown three inch heeled boots. They're more for going out to someplace good, but I'll wear them with a skirt if it's the beginning of the Summertime.

    I also have black four inch ankle boots and wicker four inch tie ups (two pairs, strangely).

    Do you wear them for style?

    Sometimes. I usualyl just like the look of them. I don't usually pick out the most popular types of shoes... Just looks at my combat works boots. It's not everyday I see a girl wearing those for style. Or comfort.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    Comfort. Hence my wearing of flats quite often. I have a skin illness on my feet and finertips, so I have to be cautious of what I wear. Comfort is top priority. And warmth, (becuase my feet ALSO happen to have a problem with being CONSTANTLY cold all of the time... It's not even a circulation problem, just something I've always had.)

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    Nope. DEMOLITION usually fit my combat boot needs. But other than that, most of my shoes are from unique companies that aren't really well known.

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  15. #15
    What types of shoes does everyone wear?

    99% of the time I wear Doctor Martens. I've always worn them ever since I was 14. Doc Martens are boots (originally working men's boots), basically, with bouncing soles, so they're really comfy. I mainly wear them since they're so comfy, they look good, and they're so well made that I only have to get a new pair once a year. £50 for a year of footwear? Yes please.

    Do you wear them for style?

    Not really. But, I shan't deny, they look goooood. They come in all kinds of styles - the pair I have at the moment are just overankle boots, but the pattern on them is lots and lots of bright flowers, reds, purples, blues and whites. The pair I had before were black with a yellow and white guitar heading up the side; before that, red with snakeskin effect black crumbled all over (they were lovely, made with suede instead of the trademark Doc Martin leather).

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    I just think they're the best shoe. And I hate, despise, shoe shopping (bags, I could shop for for hours though) and the tradition is now that my mum gets me my boots for Christmas anyway, so I don't even have to choose them! My mum's got reliable taste, she's great.

    It might sound stupid, but I've come to be associated with my boots since I wear them constantly. If I'm not wearing my boots out I'm always asked why; when I get new ones, they get more attention from people I know, since they get that this is the only time they'll see my feet looking sort-of novel for a while. It's kind of cool.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?


    I just found this. Current boots!

  16. #16
    Shoes Inagi's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?
    Right now: I wear converse.
    Soon: A pair of skateshoes, not sure which yet.

    Do you wear them for style?
    Right now: Yes, but they're pretty comfy.
    Soon: Yes/no. I need em for grip, but that doesnt mean I'll get just any uncool looking shoe.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?
    Right now: Sorta. Not the main reason I bought, but they are comfy.
    Soon: Sorta. getting them for reasons listed above, but skateshoes have a bit of padding, and are rather comfy.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?
    Not really, I like converse, but eh.
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  17. #17
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Shoes Tallulah's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?

    I pretty much live in sneakers. I bought a pair of Lonsdale shoes as my old ones were wearing really thin at the sole due to wearing them practically every day. I got into the habit of wearing sneakers during my cleaning job last year, and since my current job has a very casual dress code I can still get away with it. (I even specifically bought black sneakers when I has a slightly more formal office job). My feet stink though, so I have to take them off at the earliest opportunity. I also have several pairs of shoes I hardly ever wear, including a pair of brown boots I used to go 'partying' in when I was at uni. Now they don't suit anything I own

    Do you wear them for style?

    My main shoes have a mock suede fuchsia stripe, which is part of the reason I bought them, so yeah, I guess so.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    Comfort, though I do have to compromise with parties. When I went to my friend Becca's wedding, I found a kick-ass blue dress I wish I could wear more often. I had hells-own job finding a comfortable pair that went with it, as I have unnaturally wide feet. I managed, I think, as my feet didn't hurt that much, or maybe I was pretty drunk. For the next party I went to I bought a cheap pair of shoes from New Look, because I'd spent all my money on the dress, a lovely gold prom-style strappy dress. Those shoes killed me when I tried to wear them outside again, and I had to go back to change into my black sneakers!

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    I like Skechers, as they are nice and wide, and I actually fit a UK size 6 (with a slight bit of chafing as they wear in!). Usually I am a UK 8, and Skechers 8s are way too big on me. I used to like Doc Martens, for the comfort factor.

  18. #18
    Shoes Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?

    Currently, I have a few to pick from, I guess.

    Winter boots - good for snow, sludge, and tramping through the woods.

    Steel toes - great for tramping in dry weather when horses or polar bears may be present.

    Doc Martens - mind, these are second hand - they're my everything shoes. Any weather, any time.

    Sneakers - usually in my closet, currently I wore them to death. Black, comfortable, suitable for dry, cool weather.

    Flip flops - a large array I renew every summer. I live in these in warm times, mostly. I'll have about 4-5 pairs at least.

    Toe sandals - leather studded 1" heel. Kill the toes, but my feet look small.

    Silver strapped - 1" heel, for when I want to show off whatever crazy color I painted my toenails.

    Lolita heels - black satin, 4" heels, when I dress to kill.

    Then I have more summer shoes and whatnot...and I'll get more when it's time. I really like shoes. A lot.

    Do you wear them for style?

    Depends on the situation. If I'm at work, I want comfort. If I'm going out or just going around people, I'll go for style.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    I...never really pay attention to brand. Well, I do want another pair of Rocks. Good christ those were beautiful I need more boots. Okay, I'm inspired to go shoe shopping now.
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  19. #19
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    What types of shoes does everyone wear?

    I wear different types of shoes. It can be thongs/flip flops, sandals (the nice type), sneakers and even boots. Sometimes high heels as well but on a rare occasion since I can't walk in them properly and plus they make my legs sore.

    Do you wear them for style?

    Erm, sometimes I guess. I'm not the type of person to spend $100 on a pair of shoes. I honestly don't see the point in it. Buying a pair for around $20-$40 lasts just as long, if not longer and plus it's cheaper. Known brands are nothing to me, I don't care for them.

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    Most of the time, of course. I HATE wearing shoes that are not comfortable. I will only wear uncomfortable shoes for special occasions really. I like sandals or thongs/flip flops the best.

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    No, I don't. I don't believe in buying expensive brands. Waste of money in my opinion.

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  20. #20
    What types of shoes does everyone wear?

    well i usually like to wear tennis shoes at anytime and simple but elegant (hehehe) black or dark brown leather shoes for formal time!!
    Do you wear them for style?

    of course i do!! you know girls loves style in their shoes :lOl!! it's according to what kind of clothes do i wear and what kind of occasion it will be... except for the tennis shoes.. it depends if you are in any kind of sport activities... for me it doesn't matter whether it's cheap or not, as long as i can run and jump enough in a volleyball court (which was my favorite sport, eventhough i am not that very good as professionals hehehe)

    Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?

    yes, if i'm going to buy a shoe for a big event, ofcourse i have to consider the comfort, too! mostly should have a soft thing inside of a shoe for comfort...

    Do you have a specific brands you prefer?

    maybe one of this days i will buy either sketchers (last christmas, my fiance bought me one), Adidas, Nike, or converse...

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