I've been wondering about this for a while now. I don't know if anyone's talked about shoes yet, but I kind of have a thing with shoes. Everybody wears shoes- different types and brands sure. Let's talk a bit about them.
What types of shoes does everyone wear?
Do you wear them for style?
Do you wear them for comfort? What do you like best?
Do you have a specific brands you prefer?
I myself wear regular sneakers. Either running shoes or casual walking ones. They're just plain shoes most of the time with Nike styled designs or none at all. I haven't yet bought any type of shoe for their style. I look at the price, see if the things are my size, and buy them. I look for any shoe I need at the time and buy them.
Sneakers are comfy enough. I only wear them because it's easiest to walk in and they let me move at any pace without bothering me too much. Going around in my socks or barefoot is best to me. If I didn't have to wear shoes to school, I wouldn't. I run faster without shoes. They feel a little un-natural and kind of clumpy (especially when I play sports in grass).
As for brands, I personally don't care. I'd opt for Avia brand shoes though since they're pretty cheap. Next would come Air Walks, Nikes, or Vans. I really don't care too much.
Now let's hear what you guys think.