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Thread: Respect

  1. #1


    I was mulling over this the other day. While I was in school it always troubled me…
    The younger students these days don’t or didn’t seem to treat the members of staff (the teachers etc) with the same level of respect from back in ‘my day’.
    I remember when I was just entering High School thinking that each member of staff was a God. Many of my peers felt the same, and manners were a must. We had to address the teachers properly, and generally behave. No answering back as such.
    But in my last year or in Sixth Form I couldn’t help but notice that the students don’t seem to be so ‘controlled’. They’re always pushing it, answering back, manners are a rarity…
    Perhaps I just saw the bad bits! I don’t know… I’m curious to what you guys may say.
    Another point to this is, who has the right (in / preferably out of the forums) to earn your respect these days?

    And while you were in school (or are currently in school), did you have respect for the faculty of your school?
    Last edited by Kilala; 07-24-2009 at 02:06 AM.

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  2. #2
    Freezing Ring! Respect Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    the people i respect are: Unknown, Kilala, Andromeda, Meier Link, and... I think that's it ^^

    Well Unknown earn's my respect for being a really nice person.
    Kilala for being... TO NICE!!! Lol
    Andromeda for being the nicest mod on the forum's.
    Meier link because... I dont know... he's just a cool guy i guess ^^

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  3. #3
    Respect rJ floW's Avatar
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    It is a difference in generations. X generation (32-25) respected the "old school" cause they were the first generation to grow up with the internet.

    Y-Generation 18-24, the ones who grew up under, respect the X gen more than the teachers due to a perception of superiority.

    Kids nowadays are being parented by the least mature and hardworking generation and creates a sense of entitlement cause they are rich and grew up in rich households. They dont care about age or respect, they feel they know it all (which infact is how most of us grew up) because they have always had the internet and had knowledge more available. Unfortunately, they dont learn life skills because their parents are generally too busy working and trust technology too much to really teach and mentor. Which creates a big question, "why aren't online forums more packed"

    Also, when i was in grade 8 I thought i was big shit, in grade 9, i thought i was stupid in grade 8, in grade 12 i thought i was big shit, in grade 13 i thought i was dumb is the same way, you never gain humility without hittin bottom and with perpetual support of parents, kids will never hit bottom....

    PS drunk as **** rant

    PPS. On the topic of respecting teachers, you never really respect them until you experience a career.
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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    It's different everywhere. Welcome to public schooling.

  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I had respect for most of our school's staff barring a few I couldn't see eye to eye with.
    A teacher who was a bit of a asshole and picked on a few students way too much, a computer guy who thought he was tough shit picking on some younger kids (heard he ended up getting fired same year I graduated) and possibly one or two others. But our school had a lot of staff and most of them I felt were alright at the very least.

    The staff I cared for most were those who showed a desire for mutual respect which at least until we turn 18 here (legal adult age in AU), they really didn't have to do. The teachers like that I'd defend against anything directed their way, both to their face and behind their back.

    My favourite individual teachers were probably most of the Science faculty and most IPT/DAT teachers as most seemed pretty laid back and cool with things so long as you weren't a **** to them as some kids make it their mission to do.
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  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Respect Xanatos's Avatar
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    When I was going to high school I respected most of my teachers, well only those who earned my respect but I tended to be polite with those I didn't respected. But sometimes even polite isn't enough. There is always that one teacher you despite, that don't deserve one bit of your respect. My English teacher hated me for one dumb reason and I couldn't stand him at all.
    I respected those who were good to me and who wanted to learn me something. There are few that I didn't like because they were strict, but now I understand they only wanted best for me and I'm glad that they were teaching me.
    As it's seems the situation is same everywhere, these kids now days don't have respect to anyone not just to teachers.

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  7. #7
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    When I was in college I was one of the only ones to actually respect my tutors. Kids are so stupid these days, they don't realise that the nicer you are, the more likely the teachers are to waive a day off once or twice a year.

    Not only that, but I'm just a generally nice person. Of course, a lot of students didn't feel that way when I began refusing to share my equippment out, but why should I lend out to people who disrespect my things?

    I was always nice to my tutors.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 07-24-2009 at 06:50 AM.

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  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    The teachers are the lords of their realm. They shouldn't have to earn respect; they should already have it. They have devoted their lives to teaching and guiding you, and if you don't listen to them now, you're going to fail in life. That's pretty much how I viewed things, even through college. Other kids were frequently little shitheads though, especially in Middle School. There was this one lady who was friends with my mom who was a Middle School teacher. She quit my 6th grade year. It was my class who drove her into retirement, we were so bad. I remember she sent one kid to the office, and the kid spat on the ground.

    Some people don't grow up, either. I remember there were these kids a couple years younger than me that I was kind of friends with. As fate would have it, we ended up taking a class together, with a professor I'd had twice before and really liked. They were always talking in the back and being disruptive, and she got after them a few times. I ws really embarrased, even though the prof. told me "You're not in on that. I'm just getting after them." The worst part was possibly that that professor was young and cute, and liked my doodles, ha.

    That said, I've had shitty teachers, too. They lost bits of my respect, though I still respected them to some degree, since they were teaching the class and could decide my fate. Thankfully I never got any F's. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  9. #9
    Bananarama Respect Pete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellfire View Post
    The teachers are the lords of their realm. They shouldn't have to earn respect; they should already have it. They have devoted their lives to teaching and guiding you, and if you don't listen to them now, you're going to fail in life. That's pretty much how I viewed things, even through college. Other kids were frequently little shitheads though, especially in Middle School.

    That said, I've had shitty teachers, too. They lost bits of my respect, though I still respected them to some degree, since they were teaching the class and could decide my fate.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Even if you don't like your teachers or bosses, you still have to give them the respect that they deserve because they're your superiors. The only case in which I would disagree with that previous statement is if I was disrespected or called out for something in front of the entire class.

    Case in point, back in the summer of 07, I tore my ACL and couldn't really walk all that well (until I finished rehabbing it. It's good now!). Standing for long periods of time was an issue because of knee stability issues. Yea, I would wobble a little bit, haha. Anyways, I had one professor who decided to call me out on being drunk in class, due to the wobbly walking. He kicked me out of the class telling me to come back when I was sober, which led half the class to start laughing. Not too cool.

    Anyways, I stood up, pulled my shorts up and showed him my swollen and black n blue knee, while going into great detail about how the injury happened. I also called him a hypocrite because on the first day of classes he gave this whole speech on how we need to open our minds to how we see the world, and that our perceptions are based off our our experiences.

    Moral of the story though is that respect is given when it is received, and sometimes you just have to earn it.

    Totally got an A in that class, btw.
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  10. #10
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ Respect SilkAngel's Avatar
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    I always make sure to respect my teachers/elders. Heck, if you want to earn respect you need to give it first. Everyone at school looks at me weird because I get along with teachers, but they are people too. They don't have to teach us; it's because they want to.

    I can't stand it when people interrupt class for some stupid crap just to get attention. >=/ To me, those people won't get that far in life. Who knows, maybe I'm just too narrow minded, but I don't particularly care. To me, respect is one of the best things you can have.
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  11. #11
    Yeah I always did. But it just fit my personality. I was never really one to cause a ruckus at school. I've always tried to show restraint even when teachers were dicks. I'm a little more even keeled now so it might be a little better...for me not them. Still it's funny reading how everyone here seems livid about how others treat teachers. I liked some of them but believe me teachers are people too. They hate certain kids and have favorites, though they might never admit it. Why does it seem like people have completely become spineless? Alot of people give teachers a hard time and aren't the brightest sure. But then people will deal with whatever the teacher says just cause they think he or she must be all knowing. You gotta be realistic about it. Be respectful but don't bend over backwards just cause someone says their in charge. This ain't the military, just be practical.

  12. #12
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maridia View Post
    Yeah Why does it seem like people have completely become spineless?...Be respectful but don't bend over backwards just cause someone says their in charge. This ain't the military, just be practical.
    Y'wanna fight?

    ...seriously, though, you talk about never challenging the teachers, but then call everyone else spineless for not wanting to/respecting authority? What're you trying to do, rock the boat or something? If you're gonna do it, don't do it half-assed. "I'm calling you all out! ...for something I'm admittedly guilty of..." Damnit, gotta go to work, but maybe I'll conclude my lecturing of you later. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  13. #13
    Asking all the personal questions. Respect RamesesII's Avatar
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    When i first started high school i feared the teachers of course being a new system and environment etc but as the years went on not only did i find their weaknesses but i also exploited them sort of not really but anyway as i got to my final two years things were more laid back and both myself and my teachers related to each other as more equally than teacher student and it was great i loved being able to talk to the teachers on that level.

    It is quite funny because i was talking to a friend who was a grade above me that went to my school and she now works at that school and we were talking about how it is now knowing and relating to all her teachers as colleges instead of teachers and we had a great laugh about them.
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  14. #14
    No when I was younger I didn't rock the boat alot. Though I did sometimes it was rare. Overall you're brought up being told to respect others. Which I have and has backfired. In a perfect world if someone is a **** and I try to be nice to them well that's just silly. If they rock the boat rock it back. People have to be realistic. I've yelled at my boss before when he's copped an attitude with me. The point being you can't let someones name rank or position make you eat what you're gonna say just to be kosher in response. People should be more realistic in their attitudes about others. I'm all for being kind but once you cross that line **** ya.

  15. #15
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    And that's all well and good. I don't disagree with you there. Although I think you have to weigh the pros and cons of telling off the person who you are about to tell off. There have been occasions when I've done this:

    -One time, this professor made some comment about how he was glad more people in the world were bhuddists than christians, and was generally being an ass about it. I made a very sarcastic comment about it in our final, and he praised me and gave me an A, ha ha ha (I'm not really sure if I deserved that A by his standards or not, but oh well.)

    -There was also once that my work wanted me to work on Christmas. I told them "hell no!" They said "if you don't, you'll be written up." I said "if you write me up, I'll quit." I didn't work on Christmas, and I wasn't written up. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  16. #16
    Registered User Respect Yesha's Avatar
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    I respect my teachers because they treat me kindLy.. and attitude is one part of our grading system.. aLso.. there's no reason for me to disrespect them, because I know the consequence I'LL get if I did that to them.. :-)

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  17. #17
    Reading the topic heading led me to put on this. I think we should all take a moment to appreciate, and boogie.

    Some people in school respect teachers, some don't. It's been this way since the dawn of institutionalised education. They didn't hit them for fun back in the day.

  18. #18
    Stream Crosser Respect Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Respect

    Yes of course. And my juniors also respect them. But the problem in my school now is not between juniors and school's staff, but between the seniors and the juniors..
    Younger students in my school these days seem to have no right manner to treat their seniors. This didn't happen in my junior's period. We always respect our seniors. But why our juniors now can't do the same? Boy, geez..

    Personally, as long as they respect me, I too will respect them

  19. #19
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Respect

    I carry a level of respect for almost everyone. Depending on the person, I could respect them greatly as my family, friend or partner or just as an individual, or as my superior (teachers, bosses, etc...).

    I'm someone who gives my respects to those who show it to me. It doesn't have to be respect directed at me - I could see a teenager walking an elderly lady across the street, and I'll respect that.

    As for at school? I respected my teachers greatly. I was a somewhat of a teachers pet, and enjoyed talking to them about everything. Me and my tutor got close (we swapped addresses and e-mails when I left, so close enough for this sort of trust), and I once stood up for her during a lesson in which everyone in my class had turned into complete and utter ****s. I got put in the class traitor book, but I couldn't just sit there and say nothing.

    It used to upset me seeing students being bitches to teachers, in the same way I'd get upset if my friends were getting the same treatment.

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  20. #20
    Banned Respect
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    Re: Respect

    A gave everyone respect, and always have. You need to give respect to gain it. I had extremely well grades in school and the teachers didn't have a problem with me, a few did because of my social status. I knew 2 of my 9th grade teachers outside of school, which made things a bit easier for me lol. But respect really helps you out in life, just respect your peers and teachers, even if you hate them.

  21. #21
    Registered User Respect Diyala's Avatar
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    Re: Respect

    I respect everyone who makes me earn him my respect
    I think we all suffer such problems and generations change as well , the way parents rising their kids and teach them how great messengers your teachers are and how much respect they deserve ,also the way kids respect their parents play essensial role in having respect for teachers I suppose , It's all about the surroundings in which a student is living and acquiring either the good manners or bad from them .
    Yes I see that too , we were having fear from teachers and see them as the most who should earn our respect , and that's the way it should be , also I didn't like it when some students start talking badly about a teacher and that really was bothering me .
    When we were high school students we were having awesome relationships with teachers like our older sisters with love and respect .
    I think a teacher is someone like no other one who must have love and respect earned from all
    Last edited by Diyala; 03-01-2010 at 12:26 PM.

  22. #22
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Respect The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Respect

    I respect everyone who makes me earn him my respect
    Great Philosophy Himi! If you give respect you gain respect as well in my opinion!

    To the point though. Respect is something that seems to have lost its meaning as a word know days. When I was growing up respect was not an option but a must, and if i didn't give respect to my peers my dad would tear my ass up with his belt. So I am glad to have gone through that because i feel better as a person when giving respect to other and not just making rude comments or jesters about someone i just met and don't know much about.

    Everyone will agree and disagree with things but having a good debate and respect for that persons opinions is better than just ignoring it or fighting against that person beliefs.
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