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Thread: Puzzles

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Puzzles RamesesII's Avatar
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    Who likes number and word puzzles, apparently practicing these types of puzzles can reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer but that is not why i do them i love to time myself doing Sudoku and number puzzles and i enjoy crosswords and all word puzzles.

    One night i was doing a Sudoku and i tried to go to sleep but all i had was bloody grids and numbers running through my head and i couldn't get to sleep so i have laid off the number puzzles lately.
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  2. #2
    Omg I love sudoku <333 But it gets terribly addictive. I know exactly what you mean about the sleep thing. It just dominates all thought and keeps going on and on and on...

    So yes , in short I'm a fan of puzzles. I especially love it when I compete with friends to finish one or something (I have an extremely competitive nature inside of me XD). Crosswords, Sudoku, word searches... I love them all ^^.

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  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. Puzzles Clint's Avatar
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    I don't like puzzles. You're sitting there concentrating, eventually loosing track of time, and at the end of the day, you're left with sore eyes and a headache, without actually accomplishing anything other than completing a puzzle, which really isn't that big of a deal, seeing as how many people complete puzzles everyday. I'd rather have dementia than do puzzles. At least then I would be a funny old man who won't be able to remember anything passed 2025, instead of a grumpy old man with bad eyes and headaches. I'm looking forward to people introducing themselves to me for the first time over and over again.

  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Puzzles Xanatos's Avatar
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    I'm not really big fan of puzzles but when I'm really bored I do sometimes solve word puzzles, Unlike me my mother loves number and word puzzles and she solves them often.

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  5. #5
    Sir Prize Puzzles Sinister's Avatar
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    I hold the record in my circle for Cryptograms. 10 minutes for a two-sentence segment. I don't get an opportunity to do them anymore, because I worked through my book of them and I don't get the local paper. I also like Crossword puzzles, but same problem.

    I do like buzzing through Murder Mysteries; I usually have it figured out by the halfway mark. Which, unless they're really well-written...I put them down.

    I dislike jigsaw puzzles. I do like riddles and mazes...etc... I can do sudoku, but I'm not a fan of them.


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