Younger and Older people's versions of "respect" are different. What made me respect my peers when I was a teen is FAR different than how I do now. Before I was impressed respected or people who fought authority (god, I was angsty back then!!!), who stood up to parents and teachers and whatnot who were trying to ruin our "fun".
Now that I'm older and a parent myself my values have changed and I no longer respect people who deliberately cause a fuss just because they can. Its hard to explain, and I've become the person I swore I wouldn't when I was younger. I had it all mapped out how I was going to be the COOLEST PARENT EVAR and how my kid was never going to be treated how I was, blah blah blah. Now? Yeah right!
That being said, I do know quite a few cool "youngins" (young in relation to me) and they are great people, and I totally respect them. In my work as I can't speak for others you get what you give.