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Thread: The previous generation

  1. #1
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) The previous generation che's Avatar
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    The previous generation

    Are older people always destined to hate "youngsters" and wish times were like they were when they were older?

    People always talk about respecting your elders, but do elders really ever respect the younger?
    Last edited by che; 08-26-2010 at 03:43 AM.

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  2. #2
    This ain't no place for no hero The previous generation Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    Younger and Older people's versions of "respect" are different. What made me respect my peers when I was a teen is FAR different than how I do now. Before I was impressed respected or people who fought authority (god, I was angsty back then!!! ), who stood up to parents and teachers and whatnot who were trying to ruin our "fun".

    Now that I'm older and a parent myself my values have changed and I no longer respect people who deliberately cause a fuss just because they can. Its hard to explain, and I've become the person I swore I wouldn't when I was younger. I had it all mapped out how I was going to be the COOLEST PARENT EVAR and how my kid was never going to be treated how I was, blah blah blah. Now? Yeah right!

    That being said, I do know quite a few cool "youngins" (young in relation to me) and they are great people, and I totally respect them. In my work as I can't speak for others you get what you give.

  3. #3
    The previous generation Jin's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    I already hate younger people. Them and their ways.

    Until now!

  4. #4
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    Yeah seriously.... I ****ing hate teenagers now. I guess it's just a cycle, who knows.

    There's very few that deserve respect. Most that I run across think every person they meet owes them the world. Bunch of egotistical ****s.

    I especially hate teenagers on the internet.

    Though, the "teenagers" I meet are juniors and seniors in high school (one way or another affiliated with my future sister-in-law who is now a Freshman in college)

  5. #5
    Registered User The previous generation winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    I'm only 23 so still young my self but I hate teenagers, no offence to anyone here
    It's kinda hard to respect the younger people these days, gobby, disrespectful of others and their surroundings, no way will I ever respect someone like that, little gits like that don't deserve respect. So I don't blame any elderly people if they don't respecting young people either.

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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    I just don't like teens who think they are the coolest thing to hit the street. Also the fact that some think everything in this world is a joke and a cake walk.
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  7. #7
    I invented Go-Gurt. The previous generation Clint's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    Young people are assholes.

    The reason why so many elderly people tend to disrespect young people is because they were once assholes themselves, and can therefore just tell. Once people start to smarten up, around their mid thirties, I've noticed that older people don't seem to mind them so much anymore.

  8. #8
    This ain't no place for no hero The previous generation Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    Case in point:

    Yesterday my guy and I were driving along one of the sidestreets in our city while getting some errands finished. This little teenaged puke saw us coming and deliberately slowed down while crossing the street and we literally had to stop and wait for him to finish walking so we could keep going. That's taking pedestrian right-of-way a bit OTT, IMO.

    My guy said that if Claire and I weren't in the car he would've done a burnout beside him as payback.

    Irritating as **** though.

  9. #9
    Death Before Dishonor The previous generation Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    Case in point:

    Yesterday my guy and I were driving along one of the sidestreets in our city while getting some errands finished. This little teenaged puke saw us coming and deliberately slowed down while crossing the street and we literally had to stop and wait for him to finish walking so we could keep going. That's taking pedestrian right-of-way a bit OTT, IMO.
    That is when you get right up on those motherf*ckers and bump em a bit. That is what I do when assholes do that.

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  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    Case in point:

    Yesterday my guy and I were driving along one of the sidestreets in our city while getting some errands finished. This little teenaged puke saw us coming and deliberately slowed down while crossing the street and we literally had to stop and wait for him to finish walking so we could keep going. That's taking pedestrian right-of-way a bit OTT, IMO.

    My guy said that if Claire and I weren't in the car he would've done a burnout beside him as payback.

    Irritating as **** though.

    That happened to me one time when I was driving home early morning when kids were waiting for the bus to school. He started to walk slow so I sped up (i was in the lane he was walking towards) and I turned my wheel quick towards him and back to straight; his ass ran across that street. Punk ass kid.
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  11. #11
    This ain't no place for no hero The previous generation Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    I wished he would've revved his engine or something while the puke was right in front of us. He was looking at our car too, with a total "whatevs" attitude.

  12. #12
    The Bad Boy of TFF The previous generation Block's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    I think that young people dislike the old because they think they know everything. And the old dislike the young because they think they know everything. We all know nothing, and that's pretty awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisyn
    I can tell by looking at you right at this moment from the angle of through your window that you have nothing to be ashamed of
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  13. #13
    Bananarama The previous generation Pete's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    I think it's a lot of jealousy and resentment on one hand. Think about it, teens get to be as dumb as they want, and ultimately get a free pass for things that would get adults fired or ostracized from society. Oh, you wanna smoke a bowl at 2 in the afternoon, hey that's cool, you're 16... at 24, you should probably be at work. Oh, you wanna go joyriding and mooning people, also cool when you're 17. At 24, you're a sex offender.

    On the other hand, all of the shit they like is stupid. Bieber? Seriously?
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  14. #14
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    For some it mightn't be as much of an age thing as a 'things often associated with a certain age' thing.

    I'm not a fan of those teens and young adults (some are older than me) who don't show the respect for people and people's belongings like most people do and most of my mates (most of them are at least a few years older than me) feel the same way. Think things like vandalism (particularly if the owner hasn't done anything to them personally), larceny for the hell of it, treating the road like a playground, getting publically drunk to the point where they're a menace to others and hanging around public places in anti-social groups (if they keep to themselves there's no problem, I'm strictly talking those that do make problems for others).

    Some of these kids have a problem with us too, particularly when we try and defend our property from them - they just don't understand that people often worked hard for what they own, especially homes, small businesses etc. And then some of them resent the rewards of our labor. Finer clothes, food, drinks, the ability to go to nice places when we want, things like that. And this is despite the fact that most of them probably could get a job and start building their way towards having their own stuff if they wanted to. Instead they scream for Anarchy and take their frustration out on those who did make it. The ironic part there is they're also often quickest to play the victim when someone targets their property.

    This frustates one of my oldest friends (in years of age rather than years of friendship, he's in his mid 40s). There've been a few times when we've had a few beers at the pub talking about current happenings and he'll look all gloomy and comment on how these 'stupid kids are pissing away their lives'. And I agree with those sentiments completely. Note it's nothing against youths in general, just the ones acting self-destructively which often seems to be associated with teens/young adults moreso than any other age.
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  15. #15
    Registered User The previous generation Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: The previous generation

    Apparently to what I have read from previous posts, I guess im the only 15-year old here
    Guess it'll be hard to defend my generation then.....
    Lets see, how do I start this off.
    You can't judge a group/race/species/family/etc. based on just a portion of the members.
    Just cause 70% of teenagers are arrogant, doesn't mean the other 30% are aswell.
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