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Thread: Power,money and religion.

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Power,money and religion. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Power,money and religion.

    The three main aggresors of war, if we were to eliminate them all would we be a war free world?

    The only other thing I could think that would make us stoop to violence and bloodshed is survival but if we all worked together and co-operated then there would be no need to fight for survival.

    I think futurama has the right idea we need a president for the whole world but then that brings back power and money back into the mix creating greed and jealously.

    Is there ever going to be a solution?

    If anyone is familiar with the author 'Matthew Reilly' in one of his books he suggest an imminent WW3 created by greedy war mongers who prosper off the riches made by war for example weapons manufacturing, vehicles bio agents etc etc anyway he goes on to say the want more money so the plan on starting a world war 3.
    I quite think this is possible that somewhere behind the scenes there is more than governments.
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  2. #2

    Re: Power,money and religion.

    Governments only hold power because the people would rebel if corporations took over. However, business runs everything in the world these days. Even charities are run as businesses.

    It's the sick, greedy world that we live in. And i agree, we are on borrowed time as it is. All it takes is for someone in a position of power to get mad and we're all looking down the long end of a nuclear war. If Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Cuban Missile Crisis weren't enough of a lesson already.

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  3. #3
    Bananarama Power,money and religion. Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Power,money and religion.

    Well, I think it's far simpler than that. The world is really just broken down into the haves and the have nots. People are always jealous and/or angry because someone else has something that they want or need.

    People see that other groups or countries have something, and they want it for themselves as well. Look at any major war or political unrest, and look at what it stems from, especially in this digital age, where information is spread instantly and globally with a single tweet.

    Oftentimes, people look at America and see all that we have, and then the stupid shit that we have as well. I mean, honestly, how many of us look at celebrities and their houses and their cars, and say "wouldn't it be cool to have their life?". At the same time, in Africa, people are killing each other over cups of rice and bad water. And then we wonder why Somali pirates were attacking ships and demanding ransom.

    Hell, look at the beginnings of WWII. The Japs needed resources, so they began to attack the Chinese.

    Look at any major event in history, and it really all stems down to people who have shit, and people who don't. Even look at radical Islam and the terrorist groups. They hate the west because we have so much shit that it's ridiculous. We have such an overabundance of things that they can't even comprehend it. We gave them a few guns and some training and left them to die fighting the Soviets back in the 70s and 80s. We had everything, and essentially threw them back into their nothing. They all get together at Osama's bbq and pig roast one day and 9/11 happened shortly after.

    But really, most, if not all conflict is about who has what, and who wants what. Religion is more of a crutch for groups to unite and attempt to justify why they hate. Muslims and Jews both want the same strip of land, which they both claim is holy to them. Palestinians want a political homeland, because the Jews have one.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  4. #4
    Whistling Songbird Power,money and religion. Asectic's Avatar
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    Re: Power,money and religion.

    Shouldn't this be in Intellectual? Oh well, it's not my call.

    I agree with what you said there Rudd, that instead of fighting humans should just shut-up and co-operate with each other. But I also agree with Pete with what he said in the beginning. That there is always going to be people who are jealous of others. Sure after WWII the world is finally at rest, but this quote mentioned in "Divergent" really got me thinking:

    Human beings as a whole cannot be good for long before the bad creeps back in and posions us again

    Take what's going on in the world. The war with Afghanistan for the past (sorry if it's wrong) 8 years, and in other places of the world. Once people have the power, they are very reluctant and stubborn to give or even "share" it away.

    Government sees all rebellors as terrorists who seem to seek nothing but destruction. And the rebellors sees the government as the Highest group in authority who don't give a damm about it's people. Because they don't understand each other, or don't even bother to, war happens. (I feel like as if I'm repeating myself but ah well)

    I just hope that later in the years people will somehow, in some illogical way comes to a conclusion that not everything is solved by war. That dying for your country/purpose isn't always the answer. It causes nothing but grief and sadness. I mean we're humans, and we can think for ourselves, right?

    Focusing back onto the topic here. The thing is, without power the world would fall into chaos, regardless. Religion I'm not too sure about but hey, if Canadians can get along even though we take in people of all different cultures then why can't others?

    I don't seem to know where I'm going with this. Anyways, I wouldn't eliminate these three "factors". Otherwise chaos would occur. At desperate times, people always want to have some leader leading them. That's a given.

    The only real things I would worry about is TIME and AMBITION. People over time grow old, and the young pretty much don't know the "real" experience of war, having not faced it themselves. And face it, even I wouldn't really want to hear a draggy story of how a war all went. Most people are driven by their small family life and ambitions, and pretty much don't know what's going on or what used to go on in the world.

    Short: Power, money and religion stays in my opinion. Allthough humans can think and say for ourselves, there is a point where to think things through.

    This is another quote I came across by. Just thought people would like to read it.
    "Possibly, we humans can exist without actually having to fight.
    But many of us have chosen to fight.
    For what reason? To protect something? Protect what? Ourselves? The future?
    By killing people to protect ourselves and the future, then what sort of future is it? And what will it become?

    There is no future for those who died.
    And what of those who did the killing?
    Is happiness to be found in a future that is grapsed with bloodstained hands? Is that the truth?

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  5. #5
    I invented Go-Gurt. Power,money and religion. Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Power,money and religion.

    I never knew that America went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan because of religion, money, and power. I always just thought it was because they instigated war by murdering 3,000 innocent people. But oh well, I could have been mistaken.

    In all honesty, since the longest ongoing war of the past decade has not been fought over power, religion, and certainly not money, then it would be unnecessary to eliminate any of those things.

    Why would anybody suggest eliminating money in the first place? What are we, a giant ****ing communism? Everybody nowadays is a goddamn Chinese sympathizer. Just because they are forced to share their shit doesn't mean I'm going to.

    Also, you can't eliminate religion. That's a direct violation of the United States Constitution. I will protect my freedoms as an American, even if it means I have to kill you to do so.

    As for having a President of the World, that is a stupid and unrealistic idea. Why the hell would I want to elect a Chinese or a Soviet to govern me. Those assholes are morons.

  6. #6
    The Mad God Power,money and religion. Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Power,money and religion.

    Money and power are often one in the same. Religion is generally just used an an excuse to justify the measure taken to acquire them. Their removal may well solve all conflicts, but there isn't really any way of making that happen.

    Money exists as a means of measuring and transferring value. Those who control large sums of valuable commodities have power. What gives something value? Supply and demand. We fight over shit because there just isn't enough of it to make everybody happy. The only things we won't kill each oother over are the things everybody has enough of. The only example which comes to mind is air. Nobody thinks of how awesome it would be to go take someone else's, or of ways to gain control of a lot of it, because the shit's everywhere. We all have more than enough of it. It has little to no value, and therefore controlling vast ammounts of it (in addition to being nearly impossible in the first place) would not grant an individual any power. The only way we'll stop killing each other over money and power and justifying it with religion, is when everybody has such easy access to anything they could ever want, that nobody is ever going to have a reason to fight again. I can't see this ever becoming a reality.


    Look at Star Trek. Specifically, TNG. Earth united under a planetary government, ending all conflicts on their own planet. Why was this possible? Because they had matter-antimatter reactors which would give them near infinite energy, and a machine that coud convert than energy into any object a person could ever want. Energy being near infinite would have near infinitesimal value, so the actual 'production cost' if you will, of anything would be virtually nonexistant. Anybody could therefore go get anything they wanted for nothing. Nothing continues to hold any value because there's enough for everybody to have what they need, enough extra to be happy, and enough extra beyond that to where they could get bored with it and lose all desire to possess more. So, what need do they have for money? None. What then in their world would give them the kind of power we fight over now? Nothing. What then do they need religion for? Nothing. In TNG, the human race (and others who joined hthem in their united federation of planets) was without all three of these, and united as one organization.

    Only way I see this becoming our reality, is if we too find a means of providing every single human being with everything they could ever want and enough more to bore themselves with it. Unfortunately I don't see this happening. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure I'd want to. Becoming so comfortable having everything we need removed any desire to advance, so the evolution of the species would likely come to a screeching halt.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 09-23-2011 at 11:41 PM.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Power,money and religion. i.aM.BlissKaZE's Avatar
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    Re: Power,money and religion.

    I think that power and money cancel each other out. They both effectively mean the same thing in a world where whoever has the most is the winner. If there was one ruler of everything rather than many like there is now, there would just be more people to squabble over the one person who is leader.

    But of course, as soon as we bring Amercians into the conversation, it becomes about defending their rights and not being communist (no offence intended). There's nothing wrong with the principals of communism, in my eyes. The only thing wrong with communism is that many more people then would ever admit it are still the hoarders and the poachers, and they'll steal your stuff anyway...But you have to think about who provides the rights you hold dear. Is it right for only Americans to have those rights, when all the poverty-stricken countries in existance would love to have just one or two of those rights? What makes you different from them? If everyone from a first-world country was to share with people from a thrid-world country who don't have the ability to provide for themselves, wouldn't that make the world a better place?

    Ahh, religion. Probably invalidates every arguement in history for the sake of 'God's gonna make it all better'. People will never stop believing in something thas bigger then them, and I think thats a good thing, but surely its not possible to believe in God truly and not want to share your things with people from third-world countries? Isn't that what God says to do? Love your neighbour as yourself?

    I hope I didn't make this arguement contraversial, just looking to provide some food for thought XD
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  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Power,money and religion.

    People will use anything these days to control others, and all three play a part in control whether you like it or not. I see it every single day walking on the street, whilst I'm at work, on the internet, etc.

    The thing about power is that it's an addictive poison. Anyone gets given a slight measure of it, and they'll use it for their own bidding - sometimes without even realising it. I'm at work, and I've been given a task, and another lowly sales assistant like myself comes up and gives me a time limit for my task because she's buddy-buddy with the person who gave me the task. There's people with the same job as me commanding everyone about and then calling it "teamwork".

    If you don't have money, you don't have power. A homeless guy on the street goes to stand up for his right to a meal, and he's shunned back into a piss stained doorway for the night. When you have a load of money, you piss it up a 42" television set and other worthless shit you don't really need without a second thought. Why are the buildings in the middle of the city so tall, made from glass and have a marble floored lobby with a glistening water fountain? Why are we as humans so accustomed to luxury? It's all **** measuring.

    As for religion? Bah. Jesus wore nothing but rags, and the people who preach his life wear fancy suits and ask for money. Just look at the Vatican City. Look at the robes the priests and the Pope himself wear. Why? That has nothing to do with Jesus. That's to show a symbol of power. A few thousand miles east, Buddhist monks wear orange cloth and ask for nothing more than enlightenment. Religion is a shady topic in this particular topic, but it's no more or no less a method of control (and combination of them both) than money and power are.

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