I make shit money. =XQuote:
Originally Posted by OnOneRyder
About a quarter of my monthly income goes to my car and phone. =\ 29%, to be exact. <.<;;
However, I don't race. -_-; Considering selling the Accord in a year or so to pick up a Civic Hybrid, or maybe one of those new Toyota Hybrids. Homie wants fuel economy, yo. Or, hell, even just a regular Civic, those do well enough. =O
Edit: Haha, I originally said half my income. Forgot I'm making more now. =O I make around 20 grand a year, before taxes, if I were to actually work year round like I do now. Since I don't, I'll only be pulling in somewhere around 16ish, if I can find a job to fill in my gaps between Football and Baseball seasons (Hockey season fits this perfectly, but alas, Deleware North doesn't control the hockey concessions here, so it's not as easy for me to get in there)
Edit again:
Either way you look at it, a WRX STI could smoke any Mustang. 300HP Turbocharged boxer engine. Yes, please! Man, I want one of those.... >.>; They're only $32,000! XD
Either way, I'm automatic. No racing for me, thanks.