Tiffany your kid is going to be a world class thief! Starting at the age of 2!
Can I give mommy a kiss? :p
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Tiffany your kid is going to be a world class thief! Starting at the age of 2!
Can I give mommy a kiss? :p
man it's so strange looking through the pics here, because back when I first started tff who knew if I was going to stick around and be at this place after I graduated high school, too cool 4 tff, etc. And now I turn around and I see pictures of not only tffers but their whole immediate families. It's strange but in a cool way. Anyways, keep up the good pics, I'll post one of me in my apartment when I get moved in on saturday! :D
'Sup TFF?
Proof that I have a body.
Proof that I now have a working webcam...
Yeah son, I haz a bass. And a desperate need to shave.
Joe, don't shave! It's hawt.
And niiice bass. 8D
winter: Gorgeous. All of you.
Tiffany, you and your girl are so damn cute/beautiful/awesome.
Entity! Nice body. ;) Haha seriously, you're very pretty.
Sin, you do bored very well. A working webcam is a favor to us all! (I'm saying you're attractive)
Joe, I'm listening to "Fever," and pretending you're the one playing bass. :cool:
chad: Yep.
Guys, I have pictures from a lot of things. Here's one. Me and my dog.
Me and some of the people I spent my summer with (proof I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich):
More of us:
Side of crazy:
At the Cloisters in NYC
A friend actually got a candid at the Cloisters. ****ing sneaky:
Taken after spending the night on the sidewalk outside of Central Park. I can't explain my weird eye.
There are so many from this summer... and I feel more comfortable going picture crazy in my journal...
So what you're saying is that Joe is a sexy bitch, a sexy bitch? Joe is a sexy bitch?
For some reason, I can't stop laughing at the expression on the face of the girl on the right. I kinda want to make myself an avatar out of that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Oceaneyes28
Some pictures that were taken a few days ago. Thought I'd post them here.
Smokin' a cigar
Smokin' a cigar 2
A night out with my sis
Me on the left, Muse gig on Saturday, it was aaaace ;D
Im asking santa for a new camera for crimbo
Me and my boys! Most current pic. The man in Yellow is my step bro and the lovely lady in white is his new wife. The rest is explainable.
A friend and I at this amazing pizza place called "Sam & Gregs". Best pizza I've ever had. They also make vanilla coke and have gelato. Heaven? I think so.
****in' around on a Flea Bass. god, compared to me 80$ yamaha bass. One day. XD
Oh shit, Joe. High-Five! :D
Some pics from my fishing trip
So my friends and I went to a shooting range this past weekend. You don't need a firearms licence to shoot there. FREAKING AWESOME! I shot a 9mm SIG (that's what my OH calls it, I am a dunce when it comes to gun stuffs) another 9mm that was apparently different, a .40, a .45 and a 12 gauge shot gun. Epic. For anyone on my FB, there are videos posted. :D
I was totally crapping my pants in this picture. Guns scare the CRAP out of me.
Shooting a 9mm something-or-other.
With the shot gun. Ka-BOOM!
My guy shooting some sort of gun. Carbine something or other? Seriously, I am a DUNCE when it comes to guns. All I know I learned from Borderlands!!!
I am attractive, no?
I drew this ;)
If I knew we were allowed to post horrible pictures that we drew in this thread, I would have posted a long time ago!
This is a true story. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
And shut up. I know I have terrible handwriting and I can't draw.
So I'm sitting here downloading a few things off the internet, because I haven't had internet access for a month and it'll probably be pretty slow where I'm going, and the built-in webcam on my month-old laptop pops up for the first time since I've had it. Interesting. So what the hell, I'll take a picture.
The shit were you downloading?! lmao
Looking btw, Bleachie... ><;;
BTW, if you're wondering about my shades, it's cause my eyes are so puffy from the damn ragweed.
Mega high-quality new camera, test run last week forgot to download them all off it.
Had to resize it from 3648x2736 .. still havent quite worked the camera out yet but I'll get it soon enough. ;!
Me taking a break while climbing the tallest mountain in Ireland
And me on top of the tallest mountain in Ireland..
And one of the views from the top : )
nix, I'm surprised, I always imagined you to look different for some reason. Lol
One from the other day...
I'm intrigued, what were you expecting me to look like? please don't hold back, you wont offend :P
Never knew you had a mullet.
pfffft tis no mullet, sides are long, not shaven :P