Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Went to Geneva in Switzerland at the weekend, got a tour of CERN and went to the HR Giger Museum, drove through the alps, great stuff.
The town the Giger museum was in,
The Giger bar,
Me posing by some art at entrance of Museum, they wouldn't allow pictures inside = (
Looking yonder at the alps,
And turning for a nice pose finish ahaha
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Sorry about the hair colour guys haha :)
nix the last picture is quite epic haha
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Originally Posted by
Sorry about the hair colour guys haha :)
nix the last picture is quite epic haha
Whoa, those pics are quite awesome, Nix.
@ last pic you look like http://images2.fanpop.com/images/pho...0-1280-800.jpg
except classier.
Also, we were talking about how we need to get you on skype so we can hear your sexy Irish accent.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
haha cheers che ;D
I've never used skype so it might be hard, i have used ventrilo for gaming is all really. I'm also on teh msn ;)
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
I've had some pictures taken recently for promotional stuff... related to my music. Here are the first two I've gotten ready for posting. :)
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
@ Oceaneyes
Album Covers ? :P
Also do my eyes deceive me or is your Guitar an Electric/Acoustic?
I couldnt do this in Liverpool haha if i go anywhere with my guitar in public and start to play it people look at me like im strange and people also offer me change. I have only done it twice at the train station but 2/2 times.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
@Ally, I see why Chad is all over you in MSN Convo's now.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
@ Ally: Very high kissability.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Originally Posted by
That tongue is a tease. I would do unspeakable things to you. RAWR.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Originally Posted by
That tongue is a tease. I would do unspeakable things to you. RAWR.
Eiffel Tower?
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Hahahahaha goddamnit Pete.
Squall: People still looked at me funny. But I'm used to it by now. ;! And yes! It is.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Hey, I'm just saying... :p
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
@Ally: the first picture would make an awesome cover. Very pretty. ^^
We've had some snow over here, and I took a bunch of photographs to send over to my grandmother and other family in Australia. =D
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Ally, your gorgeous. Thats all I am going to say before my mouth gets me in trouble.
As for me this one is fairly recent. Back at Thanksgiving. Me and my favorite nephew.
My new baby. Needs a butt ton of work but she will pay off in the end.
Oh and..... my project for Breyen and Aaden.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Haha Meier. You look like a fun uncle, dude.
And that motorcycle looks sweet. What is it specifically? (I'm a bike noob.)
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Not exactly sure what the year model is on it. The more I look into it, it looks like a 1985. The facts that I know is that it is a late 80s model Kawasaki 454. By the time I am done with it, she will look completely different. She will be a Kawasaki 454 custom.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Love that your nephew has the horns on both hands!
Christmas lights look awesome! Are those big bulbs on the trees? Hmm, they look good spaced out like that.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Yeah they are the big bulbs on the Spruces. Thanks! Took about 7 hours of stringing lights, trouble shooting and spacing everything right.
My nephew is fricken awesome and he is a lot of fun to hang out with.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
These are my photos which I haven't gotten back yet, these were taken in October though. I cheated and took pictures of the pictures in the preview booklet thing. That is why there is a number written on them.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
I am biased toward redheads, I'm afraid, but that does not take away from the fact that you are ****in lovely.
Meier, you are fine as hell as always (feel free to get your mouth in trouble with me anytime) <---whohooaoaaaaaaaa
I am jealous of your bike, busted up or not.
Entity, that looks fun as shit. You look so cute/pretty/English in that hat hahahaa. NEWSIE!!
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Wow to amazing looking gingers here at TFF?? What is this worldd coming to? This moment makes me want to ummm... never mind haha. Kidding. Or am I dun dun dunnnnn!
Hey now Ally, you have my number, next time you are in Oklahoma (or passing through) you had better plan on stopping by or hell the random occasional phone call would do haha.
Speaking of the bike, she got a good hose down today and now comes the fun part; disassembly!!
I am so tempted to quote part of your post in my sig haha.
One more for you Ally, my dirty girl isn't so dirty after her first of many baths
Oh and the sissy bar HAS TO GO. So when you do go ride with me that comfort will be gone. Looks like you will just have to pull up close and hold on tight.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
@ultimatekupo wanna be my date for the Quistis Ball:o
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Ultimatekupo, I cannot possibly fathom why you are having trouble pulling guys. Pro tip, stop looking for nerds -- they would simply be too intimidated by someone as attractive as you. Just sayin'.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Originally Posted by
Meier Link
Oh and the sissy bar HAS TO GO. So when you do go ride with me that comfort will be gone. Looks like you will just have to pull up close and hold on tight.
I'm in! I ain't scared.
Should have seen the first bike I rode on the back of (Harley Sportster 883). Not safe at all hahaha. Way safer to have my own bike. Right, mom? Yep.
Uhhhh.... ff...
You're all beautiful.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
ultimatekupo, you're very, very pretty.
Originally Posted by Ally
Entity, that looks fun as shit. You look so cute/pretty/English in that hat hahahaa. NEWSIE!!
COME AN' GEDDIT!!! *rings bell and waves newspapers in peoples faces* :smash:
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Originally Posted by
@ultimatekupo wanna be my date for the Quistis Ball:o
Never heard of it... what is it?
And thanks everyone :) lol
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Originally Posted by
Never heard of it... what is it?
And thanks everyone :) lol
If you do a search on the Quistis Ball you should be able to find the first two and read through them to get an idea. In short it is a very open RP that we have to be merry and have fun.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Lol well then sure I will go with you Josh_R. I haven't role played before though, so this will be interesting. I saw that plenty of others hadn't either though so I'm not worried about it.
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Re: Post Your Picture Thread (Read First Post)
Originally Posted by
Awesome heels are awesome ;D :spyfap: