Thank you Meier ! Your wife is really beautiful and your children are amazing !
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Thank you Meier ! Your wife is really beautiful and your children are amazing !
So....This is me, just about to head off to work at the crack of 7am. I Needz Moar sleep.
It's been ages so I figured I'd post pix.
Yes. I have long hair now.
Drunk with my boyfriend. (Lol@ourfaces)
Poser photo. Lollage.
Well, here's few more pictures of me, one of the few pictures where I'm not wearing my glasses, rare phenomenon really. The third picture was taken on the party few weeks ago, actually, that's the only picture from that party, I'm the only one on that picture who looks somewhat sober, what am I saying, I was sober:).
My girlfriend and I at her parents anniversary party, a few months ago.
Don't worry, I've had a few good haircuts since then. :P
Figured I'd put something in here, ostensibly to show off my new bass guitar. I've only just started learning, so nothing flash about either the guitar or my playing. Though I do have a sweet rainbow strap, but I don't think you can't see it in these pictures. Got some stickers on the guitar (on the back), one from Green Day's third album, which is the only one I think is any good. I just had the sticker lying around. Though I haven't thought of anything worthy of modifying beyond that, at least yet.
I like my hair in these pictures. A little bit longer and it'll be just where I want it. It starts to curl at this point. The time I grew it out to shoulder length is the time that I discovered that this curl remains the only one, unfortunately. Curly hair is rad.
The second one is cropped badly, because I had to use a self-timer from a height that is really incompatible with sitting on a bed. I also wanted to show off my Pulp Fiction poster :D
The first one is sepia, because sepia makes everything awesome.
that's me. Blue eyed red head with curly hair. Though its not as curly as usual here. eh and I'm a short one. (if i weren't short I guess I wouldn't be calling you kupo then huh?)
This was on FB, but its the most recent photo of me. It's at my boyfriend's cousin's wedding in the bridal suite. He was part of the wedding party.
Click the image for a bigger photo.
Just got home from work (yeah, the uniform is green), fuel in hand (alcohol! awesome) I'm ready to tackle the rest of the evening lol.
..hell, I think its been like over 5 years since I posted a picture ;!
me and the kiddo with the background looking like pea soup...
Meier, your family is full of pretty people.
Looking lovely as always, Chez. You're a cute drunk!
Alpha: PLAY ME SOMETHING! That guitar suits you nicely.
DAWZ. Lookin' good. ;)
I told Rocky I would post pictures and I'm not a liar, so...
You guys (those who CARE *sniff*) know that I am in New York. No, I have not hung out with damn Pete yet. That ****. But once we do, you'll know. How will you know? Spontaneous orgasm.
So here's me being a badass in New York. For those of you who don't know, in the first picture, I'm the redhead on the left. And then in the blue. And then in the way back next to the dude who must have just sucked on a lemon. And then the redhead with less clothing than the other (sigh).
New frieeeends. Pizza at 1AM:
Thai foooood:
Birthday gathering:
I am truly terrifying:
Bonus pictures:
Jump fail
Took two pictures with my eyes closed and then overcompensated. I look crazy.
The link man looks like Cool Hand Luke.
"What we have here is a failure to communicate"
My workplace is very well lit, and the flash on my iPhone is incredible!
If it doesn't work for some reason, check my facebook page.
For more pictures... check my facebook page.
Some of those ones are a little better lit! :lol:
Me in my gangster hat xD
And here's few pictures of me enjoying my vacation, it was shorter than I thought it would be, but a great one nevertheless. I've seen many great places this year, some of I've never been in before, Knin, Šibenik, Split, all great places, my only regret is that I didn't took more photos, but then again I'm not really photogenic so it ain't all that bad:). Not to break tradition I've spent few days in a place not far from my home, one of the most beautiful places in my country, a waterfall where we local folks like to dip in when we're not going to the sea. And yea, I got chubby over the year, it seems all that fast food had it's effect on me:).
Haven't posted a few pics in a while so here are a few:
The first one is of me walking up to good ole Shea Stadium about a year and a half ago, the last season at Shea and you can see Citi Field on the other side of the pic. The second is of me and my girl hanging out in a penthouse that we got lucky enough to land during New Year's this past December in Times Square! It was awesome lol. The last picture is of me playing ball for my summer ball team, had a great time playing.
Ne nisu, to su zapravo Kravice, nalaze se odmah pored Ljubuškog, ali je zastrašujuće koliko su slični Plitvicama. Nekih 20-30 min vožnje od moje kuće, odlično mjesto za okupati se I malo se opustit, vjerovatno zbog toga provodim dosta vremena upravo tamo.
My most frequent pose, also the chain on my top is a monocle, I love iiiiit, best 6 quid I ever spent
the monocle in action!
ive eaten through my hangover today, could be worse though, I could have had my head down the bog all morning like my brother did hahaha. Aw if I could of taken his hangover off him, I so would of done, the poor twat had a 4 hour train journey home this aft xD
finally after 2 days of searching through old pics I found one. It is a decent pic, you can only see my back(I am wearing the black shirt). This was my senior year of high school. We were all chilling in the parking lot playin hacky sack..
My little brother. He thinks he is Batman I Wore this suit in School i felt quite cool and a primary school year came and were waving at me and wanted scooby to come over. :)
A few pics of my dog. He is a bad motherf*cker..
Liam pigging out and chocolate birthday cake lol.
Your kiddos are adorable!!! Great pics!!!
Me and my girl at a birthday party. Our friend's little girl turned 2. Claire celebrated by stealing her birthday cupcake. Ooops!
Giving Mommy a kiss. :)