New ugly me with contacts
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New ugly me with contacts
Another one, because I can. :D
This one makes me laugh for some reason.
Originally Posted by valentine89
I get told to sign into MSN storage when I click those links... and when I do, I just get a blank page claiming to be 'done'.
Shame. Cornwall is one of my most favourite places on earth, I'd love to see those pics :(
Those links are for your own personal storage, only you can see them. You should try putting your pics on It is free and easy to use. works as well and you don't need an account.
sorry guys, i didnt know! ok, i've put them up on photobucket. Thanks for the link Mike, and sorry Neo Necron, i really didn't mean to disappoint, and to make things up for you i've put up another Cornwall pic taken from the Minack Theatre. sorry for the inconveniance and i'll delete the faulty links!
p.s. that Cornish weather wreaked havoc on my hair and made me look a tad rough as you'll notice!
Alex said I hadn't posted pictures in a while.
Fair enough.
It's... me and some friends at a party.
The young man I am speaking to turned 18 and had an 80s party. I dressed up like a sterotype. But the legwarmers, fishnets, and purple heels aren't in any of the pictures. Shame.
Hahaha... I don't know.
Blowing party things. Apparently, I'm not real happy about it.
Some picture someone got of me at a party. Pretty useless if you ask me.
And finally.... a picture with too much flash. Couldn't have a bunch of photos without one of these.
In the 'black history month' one, that guy looks to be struggling very hard not to move his hand a few inches up....poor guy.
Notice how "Black History Month" happens to be the shortest month of the year...?
Is it just me...or would Alisyn look GREAT with a moustache? Huh? Anyone? Maybe?
Mmmm... Cornish.
Jintatsu is pretty ;\Quote:
Originally Posted by Jintatsu
I can't say anymore than that without coming off as more of a fag than I really am.
And he gets love for wanting TES4: Oblivion.
Anarchy is using the force to protect his goods. Nothing can't break through! Not even a slick African American! :oQuote:
Originally Posted by Daddy
TFF as a whole should thank me, for I am something of The Man. You're welcome TFF. Your man accepts your words of praise. As long as they have nothing to do with fish food.Quote:
Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
We should not ask why the black man's hand is hovering underneath Alisyn's ass. A better question would be: Where is this man's grill? I demand all Blacks to have golden mouths. This would make the world perfect.
Oh Man, you're so dreamy... Will you go out with me!? :o
He has golden teeth, you just can't tell 'cause the picture is in black and white. haha... Black and White...
Here is a picture of the desert sunrise behind our 30 meter radio antenna. If you are wondering what the antenna is for it connects my phoneswitch to another. It is one of the backbone links for our phone network here.
This second photos is what you get from being too bored and cut off from civilization.
I had new hair for new year.
(I = on the left)
Oh baby! :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Daddy
Good job on the hair Neo, it looks ummm....nice? haha new webpage I made.
I can spin a web. Any size.
I can also catch thieves. Just like flies.
No, really, I can.
Look out Tiff and Yuna, looks like you've got some cosplay competition ahead of you! :o
Sweet spidey suit comin' along there... all you need now is a mask (to hide your ugly mug ;!) and the tight pants. Are you gonna make 'em? ehh? ehh?!
...and maybe some tea and crumpets.
Mike lives in a shack.
;-; Omg the real spider man. He's right here on our forum! Dude you rock. Its on honor to meet you! I've always wanted to know, when you shake hands with people, does your hand stick to theirs? That would be so akward.
Yes, that can happen, so I try to avoid shaking hands.
I also cause problems when I throw the horns at rock concerts. Not good.
Mike works in a shack or a truck(I switch everyother day). I live in a trailer....not much better though. ;% If you want to see more of what the truck that I work out of looks like then click on the link in my sig and view the first Iraq webpage link.Quote:
Originally Posted by Strong Bad
During my recent stay in Melbourne at my uncles house, first class accomodation compared to my grandpa's shack out at Ansons Bay. Had to turn up the brightness of the picca since I had the flash turned off.
..and the hair, I need to cut it.
Michelle is back... God no.. Haha.
I'm pretty drunk in a few of these photos. See if you can guess which ones.
Oh, and a side note about the sex toy picture. I honestly don't remember what I was doing there anymore. I think someone was trying to squirt me with some sexual lotion....again, I was drunk.
Hahaha, I'm gonna be laughing about THAT for the rest of the daylight. Yeah, I can hear the MI tune in my head right now.
MJ, that is a lovely teaset you have. It makes me want to gather my fluffies and have a cuppa.
A cuppa what? OH! *punch line drum thing*Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady Ambika, drunk at the Underworld Evolution party in Chicago with my hippie friend.
Belle, You make a great drunk. ;!
LOL, I can hardly notice that you were drunk. :p
Michelle... wow you're pretty ^^
Dawezy... its so dark. Gawsh. So not fair.
Neo... LOL yhu were having fun huh? xD I wanna climb walls too!!
Yay! I have new pics! I look different from what I used to look. I think o.0 Well alot changes over a couple of months. Now what.
First I get Alisyn to post some pictures up, and then I get Tiff to take one of her in her glasses. This is a testament to how much I am awesome, surely.
Next up: MichelleJoanna in compromising positions with tofu.
I do not have a picture because I do not have a picture. But the rest of your pictures are nice. I did not like Underworld Evolution like I liked the first one, but it was still an okay movie. That party looks kinda... hahah nevermind.