This is me trying to look like the girl next door. Did it work? LOL Been 3 1/2 years and still can't get the "mom" look quite right. :-)
ps; I can see boobs above me :-) nice prisc :)
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This is me trying to look like the girl next door. Did it work? LOL Been 3 1/2 years and still can't get the "mom" look quite right. :-)
ps; I can see boobs above me :-) nice prisc :)
See above for three perfectly good examples of the beauties of TFF. You ladies all look stunning!
Vixen, you totally could be my girl next door lol!
Here is a random pic of me at work tonight. Yes, that is me talking to a rubber duck. I recently gained a "bff" at work, and her and I are ducky buddies and all week we've worked together. So when she went to lunch, I taped a paper on the ducky with her name on it and told all the associates that came by that she said hi. LOL, I am so insane...
(Look at the icon. That's me)
Translation: MILF. Oh, she looks like a fun mom, alright ;) .
I'm really not sure what I have and haven't posted yet, so I'll just find some random crap. Because I guess I need more to post than just calling Cheesevixen a MILF. (Even though Ragnatoad beat me to it, dammit.)
This is Maddie. She noticed that I wasn't in the living room (I went to lie down for a few minutes while the girls were napping, and Madelyn woke up before I did), so she had to come find me. (I think I tried to post this picture in here before, but it didn't work or something ... I dunno. If I'm posting it again, oh well.) (And no, she's not my daughter -- love my nieces with everything, but still glad I don't have to take care of them.)
This one's in Iraq. My typical half-smile smirk, but usually it's not with my mouth open -- must have been laughing in this picture or something, I dunno.
My ex-girlfriend worked at a day care, and they were excited to have an "Army man" there. So I made 'em do Front-Back-Gos for a little while. Yeah, I'm an asshole.
This thread is dripping with pheromones.
But everyone is attractive so... fair enough. You're all beeaauuuutiful.
I want to post a picture of my dog.... He's pretty. The only recent pictures of me are from this summer and I'm in my swimsuit and.... well, that's just really obvious. :P
But my dog!
This is my dog. His name is Gatsby. We are adorable together.
Ok so I got a few from yesterday, they are not the best but they are the most recent and suprisingly enough I am in 2 of the 3! This is a rare occurance but I was actually not the one behind the camera. Feels odd. Anyways hope you enjoy.
This one was taken after my first game of the day, I was already wore out waiting for the endorphins to kick in but the son was dieing to get out there and play around so I took him back out there so he could have some fun.
Typical team pic, yes I know we are a mixed team but we have alot of fun. If you don't know me I am the 3rd person from the left in the back row. Picture quality isnt the best but I still wanted to throw it out there.
You know I couldn't resist but to throw one out there for the ladies. Yup he runs, he kicks and he falls but he has a blast doing it. He scored 5 Pts on daddy while we where out this time. Born and breed soccer player.
Ally, that dog is GORGEOUS!
Here's my two puppies -
GAH! Puppies and babies!!! So cute. *faint*
Gatsby is quite pretty, yes (thank you :) ). He often outdoes me when I take him on 7AM walks, but he never holds it against me. He thinks I'm the coolest.
Your pups are delightfully adorable. And Meier, you and you kid are always welcome in this thread. So cute.
You don't have to lie Ocean, I know that you could care less if I ever posted a picture of me again in here just as long as I keep the kiddo pictures coming haha. With the holdidays coming up and also the baby showers and the actual birth coming up over the next few months I will be posting in here alot more.
Got to show off the kiddos, to proud of a dad not too haha.
those puppies are so damn cute ! I had to get rid of my baby lab....:blowtop: So adorable though !! Here are a few more recent pics. The first one is Ally in her Halloween outfit, the second is my husband after I shaved his head, and the others are just me being my ole vixen self. :-)
Meir: that kid is soooooo cute ! He looks about my sons age. Can't wait to be a soccer mom !
Wow, your little girl really favors you! Bigtime. That's adorable.
And nice costumes for both of you.
oh she totally does LOL. the instant I pick her up she quiets down. I have experience though and I think babies can sense that. He is catching on though. :-) My kids are always some kind of animal. U should see the one of my son when he was a skunk last year. I'll try to find it later.
Ok seeing there is no other place to put them but here I am going to place them in here haha. So today I mustered up enough strength to actually do this and drink a beer or two (in hopes for some temporary pain releif).
So I am going to go ahead and say that my son has chose to be a pirate this year for Halloween so in turn I modled his pumpkin after his costume. Took about 3 hours total because I was moving slow and did it all free hand with no kits or crap like that. Just used a knife and exacto blade a spoon and a lot of patiance.
So with out further guilding the lilly, I give you Breyens pumpkin!
Lights on:
Lights off:
Well that is awesome ! I wish I could produce something like that, or even have the damn patience to. It looks amazing; I bet your boy was real proud. :-)
We did it stencil style, but this was my first real effort at carving a pumpkin.
In the fam pic there is Tom the Devil Ally the Pumpkin Head Me Little Red Riding Hood and Joshua the Skeleton :-P Ally was going to be a leopard but she pooed all over her outfit. ha ha ha I love being a parent. lol lol
Awesome! Love those pics Cheeze! The family is adorable. I love the holidays gives me time to post a crap load of pics of the family haha. Also I actually will put one up of me, close up this time haha.
I will get the one of me out of the way first haha.
The second one is of Breyen and my neice.
Lastly the one for the ladies.
Bahahaha the wall decoration behind you looks like you are wearing a tiara.
Yer son be adorable yarrrr. And ye pumpkin be badass. Seriously, that's cool.
Cheesy v, your family looks great. It always throws me off to see you speaking of an infant named Ally, but she's a lovely girl to share a name/nickname with. And she is a spontaneous pooper! I approve.
Thanks for the earlier, guys! I know, my hair looks way better naturally black. =]
Those costumes are so cute, Meier Link! Same goes to you Cheesevixen, your family looks so happy together. ^^
I wish I got to go trick-or-treating. Instead, I went to the mall & went shopping xD That was my trick-or-treat haha.
I took some new pics, too. One is with my boyfriend Can you say camera whore?? =D
Yeah ty for all the comps. I must say I didn't realize the tiara until OE28 said something. That is too cute ! Meier you're ADORABLE and Ur DS takes after U. He's a cutie :-P. I <3 pirates.
My auntie said I look "come hither" in that picture. Obviously she has never seen my Myspace LOL That's not "come hither"; this is....*points to picture*
Also, rain, u r beautiful in that pic !! I can't even see ur bf.
Zombie White Girl :
So, Halloween is fun when your girlfriend is a cop.
And you have fake handcuffs.
Which get used after the party.
...of course I would blink though.
@ everyone else - surely there are some mostly-appropriate costume party pictures hiding amongst all of you! Good grief, this is certainly supposed to be the time of the year for camera-whoring!
As for recent pictures posted, here's a very generic "everyone looks great!" Even though I'm too lazy to break it all down (after all, it's been ages since my last post in this thread), at least pretend that you know I mean well.
@Meier: Again, some lovely pumpkin carving work! And your son is adorable! =3
@Cheesy: Some more lovely carving work! And wonderful pictures of the family! =3
@Rain: You're very prettiful. =3
@Loco: Halloween was fun then, no? Both looking good! =]
... *wishes I had handcuffs* >>;
Loco; ur chick is hawt. Saw it on FB. Maybe some after whippin' u pics? LOL
Some random pictures from an "excursion" to Wales
Climbing some 1km high mountain... fog, rain and high winds didn't help any.
Same mountain XD, back of my head for the win
I'm not in this one, but this is the way down we took haha. We had the choice between the easy and difficult ways... obviously we took the difficult one because it took 30 minutes off the journey XD
Did you guys camp out up there, or was it just a one day deal? Those packs look pretty small. :P Awesome pics. :thumbs up:
Hmm, might as well update this a bit!
Here's a few with me and my OH:
P, and I... with P being silly lol
And again!
Aaaand again!
Our first family picture!!!