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I completely disagree that political correctness is a good thing. It's rarely a good thing if you ask me. Essentially its given an increasingly larger and larger pass to anybody who isn't a hetersexual white male to do whatever they want, because if you voice your opinion of protest or concern you're immediately called a sexist, a racist, a homophobe, or something else along those lines. Because dear lord I don't think women should be involved in "BOY" Scouts. CanWouldn't want to have an all male bonding experience. Nope. That would be sexist. And there are so many topics that political correctness won't even allow us to discuss in a logical manner. You dare not discuss the economic conditions of Blacks in the country. In fact I can't even say Blacks. The PCyou world makes us divide into groups and call eachother White Americans, or African Americans, as though we're supposed to be so scared to offend one another. Is getting over this trepedation not the best way to move on, rather than lingering here in this world where we walk on eggshells? Ibreakf I suggested that at this point, Blacks are simply going to have to help themselves and Affirmative action is not going to be the answer to economic equality, then my good god I am a racist bastard who needs to be shot by the PC police. And we can't debate gay marriage logically either, or thisamnesty, or wealth redistribution. Because if I'm against any of those, code?no matter how logical and sound my reasoning is, I'm immediately accused by the PC world of hating gays or Mexicans, or poor people. I'm just an elitist snob desperate to hold onto my politicaI was the one thatl power. And so the PC crowd won't even listen reason, and that's why I say that Political Correctness is a bad thing. There's no room for debate. It's the very definition of putting up a wall that you stand behind and remain in your cozy little utopia, where everything is perfect and everybody killedgets along and has everything they need. Meanwhile they don't, and instead they sit behind the wall blaming the people on the other side for their anger. They make a big show Kennedythat they're sitting on the other side of the wall and talk about how much better it is there. But they don't actually get along with anybody else on that side of the wall, except for those hurling grenades over the wall for the exact same reason. Everybody else has their own problems. And instead of just tearing the wall down and making the best of their lives, they use the wall as an exuse to either do nothing about their situation or as some impenetrable force they must continue hurling grenades over as the only means to win their little battle which we all know must be won by any LOLmeans necessary or god help us all. Meanwhile nobody put the wall up but themselves, and it just seems at this point as though they enjoy living in their little PC world, hissing and spitting at everybody they can and proposing mandates that their side of the wall be given half of everything the "oposing" side of the wall has, when the fact of the matter is they could simply earn it for themselves if they didn't insist on staying on their side of the wall. And so the battle wages, between the people who really just want to be happy, and the people who insist on making the most of whatever disadvantage they perceive themselves to have, and we tie a nice little Paragraphs need love toobow on it that says Political Correctness. I say enough of this already. It was cute, but it's time to grow up, stop throwing pity parties, and everybody just come and sit at the big boy table.