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Thread: Onion Tears

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Onion Tears RamesesII's Avatar
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    Onion Tears

    Are you a whizz in the kitchen? Do you like making meals for yourself or others (quite frankly can you even make anything).

    Are you as anal as Oceaneyes with your meals.

    What can you cook?

    And what tricks do you have to cut onions?

    My best trick is to keep them in the fridge, and a sharp knife is the key.

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  2. #2
    Death Before Dishonor Onion Tears Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I cook quite a bit. Onions are simple man, best way I have found to cut onions is just to simply dice em'. I don't use onions to much in my personal food, but when I cook for others I use them quite a bit. What I always enjoy in a lot of my cooking is a bit of sliced green peppers gives an excellent flavors to most things.

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  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. Onion Tears RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I cook quite a bit. Onions are simple man, best way I have found to cut onions is just to simply dice em'. I don't use onions to much in my personal food, but when I cook for others I use them quite a bit. What I always enjoy in a lot of my cooking is a bit of sliced green peppers gives an excellent flavors to most things.
    Yep onions are very simple when you learn how to do it, I love onions, I have onions in most my meals as well as garlic and ground chili, the flesh of the chili is beautiful its the seeds that are really hawt.

    And mince it is so versatile as long as you have good quality mince.
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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Onion Tears Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I cook every now and then, nothing special, still, beats TV dinner. I'm good at preparing pasta, then again who isn't, making certain toppings/gravy to go along with it takes a lot of effort though. I'm also good with fish, hakes and carps are rather easy to clean and prepare, both excellent with potato salad. Carps are also good on grill.

    As for onions, can't say I have anything special up my sleeve, I honestly don't use them that much.

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  5. #5
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I cook a lot. From sautees to stews, cookies and cupcakes, etc.

    Anyhow, about onions - cut them on both 'ends' (top/bottom where the roots or whatever you call them are) , take away the peel and wash it over water (so you wont tear up as much if at all). Then cut them.

  6. #6
    TFF's Resident Messenger Onion Tears Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I am more of a baker than a cook. If it goes in the oven, I can bake it. Just last Friday, I baked a birthday cake. My specialty is my zucchini bread. But I can bake more than desserts. The people that have eaten at my house really like my baked chicken.

    As far as cooking goes, if there is a recipe, I can follow it.

    And onions...I've never had problems with them. I just wash them, peel them, and chop them up.
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  7. #7
    Gingersnap Onion Tears OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    Quote Originally Posted by RamesesII View Post
    Are you as anal as Oceaneyes with your meals.
    Wtf? What a weird thing to say, I'm not anal about anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by RamesesII
    Your awesome Ally

    Yes I am a good cook and like for the things I make to have nutritional value. Yesterday I made vegetable soup with quinoa shell noodles and the day before I made raw brownies because I was craving chocolate but didn't want to feel sugar-gross. This weekend I made guacamole and put it on toast with tomato slices for breakfast.

    Boyfriend is a great cook. He and I are good at different things, and I love that. He makes these stuffed collard greens that are so good... probably my favorite thing that he makes.

    I dunno what was up with the onion I cut yesterday, though, it really got me. So many tears.

    Sometimes I like to use shallots instead of onions. They're great.

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  8. #8
    Crash Boom Bang Onion Tears Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I have no tricks for onions, I always end up with my eye balls burning

    Apparently goggles work

    Im a semi decent cook, but only if Im super organised and have everything prepared before I turn the oven on/put the pan on the hob. I'm quite haphazard with most things I do, so I will occasionally **** up spectacularily

    Only problem I have with cooking something proper rather than chcuking something in the microwave or having stuff ready prepared out of packets is the time it takes and the cleaning up involved. If I didnt work, it wouldnt be an issue, but theres just not enough time in the day sometimes to cook as much as Id like ):

    I like baking too, I can't work out why the outside of buns/cake/bread always end up burnt, and the inside is still coming off on my knife, when I have the heat how it says I should. Its most annoying ):<

  9. #9
    I do what you can't. Onion Tears Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I usually make simple pasta and casseroles and such because I'm cheap, but when I want to, I'll go all out and make a full three-course, five- or six-dish meal. Even when I make cheap stuff, I'll try to spruce it up ... when I make spaghetti, I'll sautee' some onions and mushrooms first, then mix them with the sauce, along with some diced tomatoes. Or instead of just beef, I'll add in some sausage, or replace it all with chicken. It's still cheap and easy, but it's a lot better than a box of Angel Hair and a jar of spaghetti sauce.

    I'm only cooking for myself, but once a month or so, I'll go all out. Fish, chicken, pork ... One time I made pan-seared lamb medallions with spiced steam cabbage and a garlic potato puree' that was just incredible. I should do that again soon.

    EDIT: Oh, yeah. Onions. Try holding a piece of bread in your mouth while you cut, it'll absorb the fumes. Or, depending on how you're preparing them, cut them on a plate or something into a colander, with water running over them the whole time. Or, if you're also cutting something else, mix them -- say, if you're dicing onions and tomatoes, put a slice of tomato over a slice of onion and dice them together. Other than that, a sharper knife helps, as does moving air (do it under a range hood, or near a fan, so the fumes don't just go straight up into your eyes). And the colder, the better -- put the onions you're about to use in the fridge for half an hour or more before you prepare them, it'll help keep a little bit more flavor in the onion, instead of having it vaporize into your eyeballs.
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 01-31-2012 at 10:05 AM.

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  10. #10
    G'day Onion Tears NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I cooked curried sausages and mashed potato last night and it turned out... ok! I was so happy, the things I cook don't always turn out I usually cook roast chicken and vegetables. I can do that. But anything else is beyond me.

    I really wanted to get into making cupcakes but again, every time I tried it failed. Even when I used a packet mix! I think my problem was that I expected it to taste awesome, so when it didn't taste awesome, I was like WTF?! I don't have patients when it comes to cooking. Ah wel.

    I don't really like onions. So I never have issues with them, because I don't use them. But I remember having to cut up onions at Subway. Man I teared up like a b****. It was horrible, cutting up like 30 onions in one go IS NOT FUN! Lol.

  11. #11

    Re: Onion Tears

    The trick to no tears onions is drizzle the onion in water before you begin to chop, sorted! No more tears, or sit at a table and cut at arms length if you have no water... ummm yeah!

    I'm not a good cook, have only started cooking recently, so can do spaghetti or a curry or burritos, steak, carbonara, a salad.. Actually im not that bad

  12. #12
    Registered User Onion Tears
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I read somewhere that if you stick an unlit match between your teeth and hold it there, the sulfur from the match-head will cancel out the onion. Haven't tried this myself. I just work through the tears.

    As for cooking, I can follow a recipe, but if it comes to recalling meals from memory, I can only really do simple dishes, which is usually casseroles and soups of some kind.

    Hardest thing about cooking is figuring out what to make though.
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  13. #13
    Asking all the personal questions. Onion Tears RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Wtf? What a weird thing to say, I'm not anal about anything.


    Wait here it is.
    Now they will know what I mean.

    What I do for breakfast every day is a bit different. Typically, I'd drink my coffee black, but I've been getting a kick out of adding cashew milk and a bit of stevia to it early in the morning. I might then munch of fruit while I get ready (muscadines this morning). For my main breakfast, I'll take a bit of (grass-fed) butter and sautee some of whatever vegetable I have in the fridge... usually peppers or kale or something similar. This morning was Swiss chard. Then I'll crack one egg over it all (local, pasture-raised) and break the yolk, cook, flip, cook. When it's solid, I'll take it off heat and smear some goat cheese on top. If I have salsa, I'll add that too.
    But typically, my breakfast is what I described earlier. Cook veggies for a couple minutes in grass-fed butter (like a little square of it... I can do a bit of butter, but not an entire bowl of milk) on medium heat, crack an egg over it, cook until solid on both sides, spread goat cheese over it (goat cheese doesn't bother me). It takes me around 10 minutes to cook and eat that breakfast. If I'm using a leafy green as my veggie, I'll just tear off pieces as I cook, but if I'm doing peppers or something, I'll chop them up the night before and put them in the fridge for when I need them. And I go for veggies that cook quickly or taste okay without a lot of heat.
    Look, if you want creamy delicious nut milk, you have to soak your nuts for at least 8 hours.
    See I was using you as a example. I was asking if some people prepare there meals like you do. Haha

    And I thought the *are was implied, you knew what I meant that's all that counts.

    As for cutting the roots off Quistis I disagree you cut the loose end peel under some running water, cut in half through the middle of the roots of course, lay it on the cut section (a sharp knife is crucial) then evenly slice the onion towards the root don't cut right to the root though, then cut the opposite way to your first cuts hey presto automatic diced onion.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
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  14. #14
    Crash Boom Bang Onion Tears Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Try holding a piece of bread in your mouth while you cut, it'll absorb the fumes. .
    Why can't you just put the peice of bread like, next to the chopping board?

  15. #15
    I do what you can't. Onion Tears Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    Why can't you just put the peice of bread like, next to the chopping board?
    I suppose that might help, but keeping it hanging out of your mouth forms kind of a "barrier" that the fumes would have to go through to get to your eyes.

    On a "cooking" note, I made some Stuff yesterday. I either call it "Stuff", because there's not much else to call it, or "Nutterscotch Treats", because that's what it is -- rice crispy treats with peanuts and butterscotch chips mixed in. I'll usually make that, but sometimes I'll make it with chocolate rice crispies, and little bits of chocolate and caramel.

    Come to think of it, I'm gonna cut me a chunk right now, with a big ol' glass of milk.

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  16. #16
    Hewerya love...? Onion Tears seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    Just cut the dam onions. only wimpy little girls moan about crying from onions... but hey, first world problems man

    I think oceaneyes should change her name to onioneyes

  17. #17
    Just kind of there. Onion Tears Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Onion Tears

    I've found that peppermint candy helps, Place the mint on your tongue, And it fills your sinuses up, Boom, no onion tears.

    I can make some mean eggrolls, I also like to make stir fries, pizzas, fried chicken, And Burgers, I can also make a nice pot of chili.
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