Not really, but it would have been awesome if it actually WAS him! There was this guy at the restaurant where I work, and I swear that he could have been Stephen King's twin or something! I told my coworkers and they all agreed that the resemblance was definately there (so I'm not crazy! Yay!).

Anyway, to turn this into a topic: Have you ever seen someone that you thought looked like a famous person? Have you ever been told that YOU looked like a famous person? Have you ever MET a famous person?

I've been told that I looked like a few celebrities (not that I really see it myself though...). A couple that come to my mind is Sandra Bullock or Sara Paxton (she was an actress in the newer version of the movie "The Last House on the Left"). Oh, another one I get sometimes is Jessica Lange (when she was younger).

I've never met anyone famous, but there was one time that a country singer (can't recall his name...) came to eat at the restaurant that I work at. Just my luck, I was off that day, and nobody bothered to call and tell me. I had to hear about it all the next day.