This was literally just posted on 4 forums at about the same time you posted it.
Interwebs is crazy fast at sharing.
WARNING: there is some cursing in this video.
The women is karen Klein
a 68-year-old volunteer bus monitor for the Greece Central School District in Rochester, NY, recently was harassed to tears by a group of teens, who captured their abuse on video and gleefully shared it on Facebook.
Needless to say this is feral and I feel incredibly sorry for her. A donation has started up to raise money to send her on a holiday as a means of good will from the internet and those that feel sorry for her. Donations can be made here, if you are interested Donate.
I really only posted in the interest of seeing how you would all react to this and for the sake of keeping things active, but I suppose we could discuss what makes kids act out this way and how they deserve to be punished. Do you believe in capital punishment? Do you believe that the kids are a product of their environement and are not to blame? Is it their parents fault? If so, then why?
This was literally just posted on 4 forums at about the same time you posted it.
Interwebs is crazy fast at sharing.
First, I was appalled at the video. It took a tremendous amount of self-control on the lady's part to not rip those kids out of their seats and give them what for. But she couldn't legally do anything if she wanted to, because as it was pointed out, she was only a volunteer. If she had been paid to be a bus monitor, then she would have a little more power. As she wasn't, all she could do was take what the kids were dishing out.
Second, I don't like that the person who made the video posted it on YouTube. I don't like it even more that he/she even made the video in the first place. If you have the energy to point a camera at something (no matter how discreetly), you have enough energy to open your mouth and tell those brats to shut their mouths.
Third, I truly hope that you, Rowan, meant to put corporal punishment; and not capital punishment when you made your post. As much as I don't like what those kids did, I don't think it is punishable by death. My high school didn't introduce corporal punishment until my junior year. My parents were all for it, even signing the permission forms for my brother and sister. They didn't sign mine because it was a waste of ink and energy of their hand muscles. Why give permission for something that wouldn't be used on me?
But honestly, I don't think administering spanking to students does much good. Maybe it straightens some kids out. But if students are constantly causing problems, their hind ends get used to it. And my school could only give a maximum of five swats at a time.
As for whose fault it is, it is probably everyone's. The parents, teachers, the school district's, and the kids themselves. Teachers and the school districts are so tied down by laws and stuff that they are afraid to actually do anything. (Some) Parents nowadays are too focused on other things that they let their children run wild. And kids have all these television and other influences that basically say, "Go ahead and use all kinds of profanity. Be completely rude to people. Etc."
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):
Sorry, I meant corporal punishment.
I am absolutely appalled. This is the exact reason why I am against bullying. This is exactly how not to act. Especially to ladies as nice as she. It broke my heart to watch this video. So sad.
If these kids get some sort of punishment, what makes you think they'll actually learn? They're spoiled ****ing brats. They're going to offend again and again and again. ****ing disgusting. Is corporal punishment even enough for these guys? What will it take for them to learn?
What I feel like doing most is sending this lady a kind message at the least. I know I'm not the only one that wants to send her at least something nice, I mean, that donation link is appreciated. And thankfully, it is being spread across the internet. Once things are on the internet, they spread like wild fire. If anyone wants to assist me, send a PM. Or you can just send her a kind message yourself. I think it would mean more to this lady than you think.
Thanks for posting this Rowan. Making us aware of these things is great, but knowing that there are ways to help this lady is even better. I hope you all can do the same.
The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!
Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!
Didn't watch it.
Making people with implied or direct authority cry is one of my favorite games and Ive played it since I was their age.
As long as there is no physical violence or threats.
Assuming that these kids didn't try to hit the woman or make any threats, I don't see a problem.
Being harassed by a bunch of school kids shouldnt be anything new to her anyway.
I don't think I ever had a school teacher that I didn't challenge, bother, annoy or aggrivate. Same goes for bus drivers.
If kids weren't ment to be obnoxious in schools, they shouldnt be asked to sit and be quiet for hours on end. School pushes a childs patience and thays about it. Put a bunch of bored kids together and trouble is going to happen.
The solution is not beating the kids up or putting them through the court system.
Give them something to do.
A physical challenge, a *meaningful* goal to aspire to every day.
The lack of that is what spawns lazy, self-doubting, fat sacks of crap like that woman.
The school system is designed to create dependent, uninspired and helpless sheep. The "out of control" behavior is a response to being physically, emotionally and creatively oppressed by a bunch of uninteresting, ugly and overweight lames.
Blame whoever you want for these kids acting up,
I see them as the victims of overwhelming attempts at oppression and control. There is nothing for a kid to look forward to in a day of classrooms and spineless, self-loathing authority.
That woman may very well have not deserved to be driven to tears, but for what we know, off camera she may be a nasty, insulting, child-threatening bitch.
Now you know what to think.
Dude, if you watched it, you would have seen that they touched her, threatened her, insulted her constantly...all punishable offences. It's assault with battery, Harassment...The whole freakin nine. You also would have noticed the lady was caring, loving, respectful. She did not utter a disrespectful WORD to these kids. They just kept going. I'm surprised she didn't snap.
The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!
Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!
Ohhhh Order....every time I think 'Wow, I couldn't be more offended by Order' offend me more.
I somewhat agree with you though. Kids aren't treated like adults so they feel they have no responsibility to act like decent human beings. This doesn't explain EVERYTHING, but I'm sure it is part of it.
With that said...when I was a kid their age, I could never think of a bad word to say about anyone ever. I stood up for people like this. It makes me so horribly sad to think no one stood up for this bus monitor that day....but I'm glad to hear there are people standing up for her now. I just don't think hating a bunch of children will solve the issue.
Ah, welp yeah kids can also go way too far.
Wolfpack mentality or whatever you call it.
If laws were broken, then of course enforce the law.
Still haven't watched the video, dont plan to.
I'm sure most of us have been involved in the school system. I don't know how it was for the rest of you, but when I was in middleschool (ages 10-14) there were fights every day and most days someone went to the hospital. It wasnt much different for any age group.
Is the issue that these kids are malicious and violent?
Sure, they probably are. Most people are complete douchebags.
My response is still "shrug".
Kids with no risk of failure, no challenge.
They've never been tested and have something to prove.
I cant be sure if that was sincere.Ohhhh Order....every time I think 'Wow, I couldn't be more offended by Order' offend me more.
I'm going to take it as a compliment toward my masculinity and rugged looks.
This completely disgusts me, And so close to where I am too.
They where talking about it on the radio all of yesterday morning.
About the comment about her being "So ugly that her family should kill themselves". Her son took his life 10 years ago.
I just thought i'd throw that out there.
-My Tee Eff Eff Family-
Unknown Entity, My recipe trading, PS3 playing cousin.
And then just like that i'm gone again.
She's also a widow and has been for 17 years.![]()
The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!
Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
Check it out. The Fall of Spira is finished!
Honestly, it's pretty disturbing, but not at all surprising. She seems like a genuinely kind and wonderful person, who has obviously been through a hell of a lot... And yet still continues to give. It's no surprise that her kindness is mistaken for weakness.
Chances are that the kids don't know her story, but that's a moot point. It only just makes us more angry. The real issue is how there was such disrespect, and then posted it on Facebook. It's ****ing shameful, and those kids should be forced to be degraded just as she was.
And the saddest part of all is that the woman would probably only want an apology.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Well said. I've found a majority of people like the woman in the video are like that; an apology goes a long way when it is in fact meaningful.
With that being said, I'm disgusted by their behavior, but like the majority of you I'm in no way shocked by it. Bullying in itself is a nationwide problem, and I believe it is not just a product of upbringing (hate does in fact teach hate), but also the social circumstances surrounding all parties involved. A lot of kids who bully only do so to feel better about themselves. Really, what human being who's comfortable in their own skin would feel the need to repeatedly call an elderly woman "fat ass"? There isn't, I don't care who you are, someone who partakes in these kinds of activities clearly feels deficient in one way or another in regards to their personal life and/or self-esteem. The little shits probably felt a strong need to "fit in", or feel like they were a part of an awesome, popular group so they needed to belittle someone who, for the most part, is defenseless.
I need to seriously give some props to that woman, if I was in her shoes I would have bitch slapped every single one of those mother****ers; hard. Yes, I actually would be for the whole idea of "corporal punishment" within reason. No, I'm not for the flogging or beating of teenagers, and I most certainly do not include Elementary school students; that kind of discipline is for the parents alone. There's also the theory that they're too young to know better, therefore I think if bullying is present at those young ages then there should be lessons about the ignorance of their ways with an emphasis on having "empathy" for others, etc.
I digress, if a teenager is being inappropriate, even to a lesser degree than what these kids were, I don't disagree with a teacher or principal having the right to whack their knuckles with a ruler. Hell, depending on the circumstance leaving a slight handprint on their cheek might send a clear message and also might give them a good clue on how exactly it feels to be humiliated. Needless to say, I think it's amazing that the possibility of making donations to the woman in question is available; I might do so myself.
PS- Thanks for the input, Order; it's wonderful that you cared to share the ignorance of your teenage years and how much you've learned from them. It also explains so much, thanks for letting me know, without a doubt, that I want nothing to do with you. Ever.
soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA
Stop bullying me.PS- Thanksfor the input, Order; it's wonderful that you cared to share the ignorance of your teenage years and how much you've learned from them. It also explains so much, thanks for letting me know, without a doubt, that I want nothing to do with you. Ever.
Did I really use superior strength or influence to intimidate you? Especially to force you to do something that I wanted? No, I think not. I did not call you a name, and I did not threaten you; I thanked you. I disagreed with everything that you said, my response was thanking you for letting me know that you truly aren't the kind of person I'd like to associate with. Actually, come to think of it, you seem to be a bully. End of discussion, I'll be ignoring everything that you have to say from now on; don't worry.Originally Posted by Dictionary
Back to the topic, I forgot to add the correlation between teenage bullying and the rate of suicide. This is rather disturbing to me and only leads me to the conclusion that awareness of such things needs to be addressed as soon as possible during childhood education. That goes back to what I was saying about having lessons involving the virtue of "empathy" and allowing students to distinguish that someone may be different, but that certainly doesn't give them the right to make them feel bad about it. Actually, if we were to think about it the teachings of diversity at a young age could cause future generations to actually appreciate each other's unique qualities, rather than degrade each other for them. Just my opinion, I realize this is a bit of a tangent, but the subject of bullying is really a huge issue (at least in the US). Definitely debate worthy.
Last edited by Dranzer; 06-21-2012 at 10:51 AM.
soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA
That is a completely baseless accusation. I have never spoken an unkind word to anyone.Actually, come to think of it, you seem to be a bully.
All you bleeding hearts can sob over this one instance of random violence.
Those of us who have seen the system consistantly fail a good person know this is just one bad day for one woman.
Thats why it is not horrifying. Thats why its hardly even shocking.
Those kids dont know their strengths because they are encouraged to coast at idle. They test their boundaries because so many times they have proven these borders to be not only false, but many times even pointless.
If they were tested, if their strengths as well as weaknesses were ever exposed, they wouldn't care to harass a nice old lady. They would know their capabilities and have their own faults to overcome.
Something to prove to a 68 year old woman? Care to elebarate on what that could possibly be that justifies their actions? I understand where you are coming from in the sense that bullies are everywhere and its so frequent that its apart of growing up, but my question is why the hell should it have to be apart of growing up? Will you not father a child that will be taught to be respectful and caring toward others? Or will you allow him to suffer by thinking the only way he can gain approval is by abusing other people?
I know you are a registered goober and I understand that you intentionally troll people on here to get reactions, but I can see sincerity in some of your posts. I think you intend to be sincere and when you realise how stupid you sound you play it off as if you were trolling... or joking or whatever. Im sick of that word. I need a new word. Goblin. Goblin is the new word.
You dont know what to think.I know you are a registered goober and I understand that you intentionally troll people on here to get reactions, but I can see sincerity in some of your posts.
Stab in the dark all you want.
How is it possible for a self-obsessed, controling, mind game-playing geek-jock-brain to think anything he says is stupid?
I know most cant keep up with my stance on just about every topic.
I know most take what I mean for face value as metaphor and what I mean to be ironic as sincerity.
But to think that I spend time considering what people who will never know who I am think would be self-doubting, socially inept and intellectually insecure.
Do I seem like any of those things to you?
We used to just call it "the internet".
Still, screw the old lady.
Don't plan on watching the video.
The kids have something to prove to themselves:
That fat old ladies can't push them around unless the kids let them do it. The authority those sad lames have is borrowed from the willingness to learn in each kid. The kids are proving to themselves that they are not mindless lackeys and that they can control their environment if they choose to.
Now you know what to thn
Last edited by Order; 06-21-2012 at 05:19 PM.
I disagree, I rather like goblinning. Screw trolling, I will use goblinning from here on out. Rowan has started a global phenomenon, you'll see.
This video actually really disgusted me, I wish I was on that bus and could've done something about it. Order, you can try and justify these kid's actions all you like but at the end of the day, they were completely and utterly in the wrong and just because bullying is a common thing that happens in everyday life like you say, it doesn't make it okay. It's still sick and wrong. And it's people like you who are the reason bullying is so common. I can't even fathom why you would want to justify what happened, unless you really are just being a goblin.
Yes, you do. And you seem like you're reassuring yourself that you aren't by telling people on the "internet" that you aren't.Originally Posted by Order
I dunno. I was reading your comments to Martin and seems to me that you like to think you are smarter than everyone and we're just here for your entertainment. Congratulations, I dont think i've seen 'obnoxious' on the forum until now.
Why is everyone picking on me?
What am I supposed to do know that I've been found out and I'm not fooling anyone with all my lies anymore?
I cant take this kind of abuse from so many people, Im gonna cry.
Two things on this thread that are really sad.
1. The subject matter at hand.
2. How it got derailed from that.
No it didn't.How it got derailed from that.
The topic was kids senslessly attacking people.
We never moved away from that.
I hate people, and the reason why is because nobody has any respect anymore. Everybody is self-absorbed with themselves and their own meaningless lives, that they forgot how to be civil and polite.
There's a thing in not liking somebody. I don't like plenty of people, but I always have a good reason, and I never voice it. I keep it to myself, and suck it up, because voicing it would be rude. Although I may not like somebody, I have enough respect to not want to hurt their feelings.
The kids in the video are nothing more then lowlife punks. They will never amount to anything, and there will come a day when they will be ashamed of themselves for the way they behave. And when that day comes, I will laugh.
A prime example of what I was referring. Thanks.
In an effort to steer the conversation away from Order, here's the latest news on the situation.
Originally, I was going to write that if these kids treat elders they way they do, then they better not complain when they get older and young people treat them that way as well. But then I read this:
Karen Klein Bullies Apologizes
Basically, a couple of the boys have apologized. I didn't watch the CNN video that was featured in the link. But the article mentions two. I believe I heard more than two voices in the original video, and whether or not those other voices apologized I don't know. Anyway, they have seen the error of their ways...I guess.
I kinda question the actual apologies. Did they apologize because they are truly sorry, or because they received international attention and apologized to not become some of the most disliked people in the world? I would like to think they are truly sorry. But only time will tell if they keep to what they said.
In other news, donations so far have reached four hundred thousand dollars. And an airline has even agreed to fly her and nine other people to Disneyland.
Last edited by Michael Swayne; 06-22-2012 at 09:28 AM.
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):
People donated money?
For what?
Did the kids burn her house, car and get her fired?
I understand that you chose not to watch the video; but you did read the original post, right? Here, I will show you in case you missed it.
But to answer your questions:
As stated in the OP, which I have quoted above.
No. No. And no. However, there were threats of vandalism to her house as well as threats of violence toward her. And she was a volunteer, so she couldn't be "fired". Just asked not to come back and help. Anyway, people will most definitely be keeping a close eye on the kids who did this to her. After all, it is one thing to apologize; but another thing entirely to keep to that apology and never do it again.
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):
Oh forgot to mention, if you google 'Old lady abused on bus' just make sure the safe search is on