You are 18 years old now.....
YOU have the right to say Bye Bye to your mother and father from now and on :lol: * KIDDING *
And yeah, Happy birthday for Mike too, Enjoy your time pal ;)
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You are 18 years old now.....
YOU have the right to say Bye Bye to your mother and father from now and on :lol: * KIDDING *
And yeah, Happy birthday for Mike too, Enjoy your time pal ;)
Nick!!!!! Happy Birthday man!!! Damn, you're old. :D just playin dude. Have fun. Get drunk. Get laid. Whatever, just have fun!!! Happy B-Day to other TFFers too. Don't know you Mike, but have fun!
It's my b-day today y'all! It's not showing up on the list on main forum page, but promise it is! I'm 21!
Nick: I know I wasn't around for a llittle, so this comes a fair bit late ><. But happy birthday! I hope it's a good year ^^.
LostUtopian: Same there. You're so awesome, I just couldn't avoid posting something.
Happy B-DAY Dude !!!
Today is our "Give your opinion about your above signature" and " Give your opinion about your above avatar" addicted brother :lol: :lol:
Enjoy this day !!!
I nope you have a great birthday today. 21's a BIG one. :lol:
And drink a few on my behalf, i'll do the same for you.
Happy BDay Lost Utopian!
Wow...21? Thats totally legal...which means...err....BOOZE & STRIPPERS!
Well...thats your perogative...so anyways...have a great birthday even though i practically never spoke to you. You're among the cool members though...and that...thats...well...invaluable....i'll drink a dozen for ya...
OH....and thanks to everyone for the nice wishes you're all awesome! I love my 18 years more than i can say...thanks everyone, i love you all and your wishes mean a lot to me whether they were wished before, on time, or late *Cough* Froggie *Cough*.....:P
*news music plays*
I got a Black DS Lite w/Animal Crossing: Wild World! Yay!
And my grandmum gave me a $50 check to buy other game{s} {prolly just diamond lol!
Woah dude. I can't believe you're 21. Damn, you should be in Vagas right now having fun!!! Happy birthday Lost Utopian. That's awesome you got a Black DS. ;)
Black Ds Lite :-p
Just registered it too online {game/system}
***Hey ho guys,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YALL wholl be gettin older ahahaha:drool:
*ok now time for me to be a good boy....may you have many more cakes to slober and many more chickens to eat to the bone! many blessings to you,take are and peace and prosperity to you and your family :woot:
Ooo...kay. ;!
Anyway, I'm here to wish Rikkuffx a Happy Birthday. I know we only talked on AIM a little bit but I still would like to wish you all the best on your special day. May you have a day full of happiness and I hope that you receive many awesome presents. Party hard and have some yummy Birthday cake. :) Have fun!
Happy birthday, Annikit!
You're awesome, and one of my favourite members so have an excellent day and eat loads of pizza and cake. :P
Better yet, a pizza-cake. Awesome.
Annie!!!!! >.< *coughs* I mean Ann.;! Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have fun and may this be one of the best days ever. May you have loads of presents and have some great pizza cake like Chez mentioned. (That's actually sounds good. :drool:)
Don't cough Fishie. It's Annie...she doesn't seem THAT disturbed about it.
Sorry for the lateness, I just noticed that it's your birthday today(at least here)
....well, 19 isn't it??? Another year on your back....getting older....and older......the wrincles start getting deeper....you know...
Ahem! In case you really didn't notice, i'm joking & before "someone" says i'm being an ageist!!!
Ahoy! I hope that it's not as boring as you may think it is.
Aww.. thanks you guys. Cheers me up a bit, considering I flunked my driver's test today =_=.
Happy BDay Annie! It's been so long since i last spoke to you....so have cake...and punch followed by ice cream and don't hold back....!
..and welcome to the driver's exam flunkers' club...hehe (I flunked too :( )
Happy Birthday ANN!
And don't worry about that one flunk, you'll do it next time. Cos you're AWESOME! :lol:
*Belts out something sounding a decent amount like the 'Happy Birthday' song* :lol:
Aye aye... seems that it's kaletra_aeris' birthday today.
Well then, happy 17th birthday. I hope it's not as boring as all the other days.
I don't know what else to say, so i'll leave it here.
Happy fracking birthday Storm! You're 18 too...welcome to major land! Actually i dunno about england...thats over here...meh...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Oh and i hope you drink tea rather a lot today!
Heh. Actually it's 16 in the UK, but =P
I want to wish her a happy birthday as well. *hugs tight*
I'll talk to you soon, my love.
No, It's 18.
16 = When you can smoke, have sex and not be told off by your parents
17 = When you can start learning to drive
18 = When you can buy booze
Well I have no idea time differance wise how this will go down...anywho happy birthday Storm. Granted we've never really spoken but you seem cool around here so hopefully you have a whole lot of cake and gifts...and hats, love the party hats.
How did I manage to miss Ann's birthday? Oh well Happy Belated Birthday, hope you enjoyed it.
Also Happy Birthday Storm, I am almost certain you will have a great day being the cheerful person that you are. I dunno if you drink or not but on my 18th I remember buying my first bottle of Jim Beam and chugging it back... great times, hope you get to do the same or something similar. :)
Happy Birthday Storm!
It's been a while, but I still use that avatar. :lol:
Hope you have an awesome time!
Lol thanks Winter. And Happy Birthday, Storm!! Hope you enjoy it more than I enjoyed mine.
Happy belated birthday, Storm!
I knew I was meant to post here earlier, but I've been busy with a few things, but yeah. Hope you had a sexcellent day, uwee!
(That was weird).
I hope you ate much cake... spinach and cheese cake. ;!
It's been a while, but I'm sure to see you later on. :lol:
Have a great day.
Thanks, celtic!
Well, I figured I'd might as well post here ..
Birthday was yesterday! What is a birthday, anyway? A celebration of not dying for another 12 months?
Anyway, it was a pretty good day. Got some books and Naruto. Wonderful combination. >.< I'd write more, but I can't be bothered. Happy birthday to Chase, who shares the best day of the year with me. And Sasuke, the hot, fictional anime character that he is. XP
A happy Birthday to Zell_dincht0808!!!! Its a shame the you don't come on the forums anymore. For crying out loud!!!!!! Visit this site once in a while!!!!!!! :LOL: Hope you have fun.