It's valentine89's birthday, and I didn't realize it? How...? Oh yeah, she lives in England, where it's like 8 hours ahead of me :P Happy Birthday lady! Hope you have fun, partying with the chavs or something :P (just kidding). I hope you find the last remaining Gummi Bears and hang out with them, instead. Have Fun!
Wuv, Yer Mom
Happy B'day british indie who I suspect is anorexic chicka, eat lots of coconuts and watch lots of Pokemon and try not to have too much sugar or caffine :p
It's Valentine89's birthday?
Wow you are almost as old as I am, poor little thing:p
LOL JK don't worry you aren't that old yet
Happy birthday little chica:)
*gives enormous present*
It's valentine89's birthday, today. Happy birthdy, Val! I already gave you your gift.
Is it Val's birthday today...? I haven't watch yet but I think that I will trust your word...So happy birthday Val...I give you gift maybe later today...or someday...but yes, I'm goiong to give it...if not this week, then next...but I promise that I give...and again, happy birthday Val...
(lot of dots again...)
I am making this post to promote underaged drinking and hopefully to have a hand in the delinquency of a minor. That being said, Val, have a wonderful birthday. I highly suggest, nay demand, that you get severely wasted, a state of utter "shitfaced" as it is oft described, and make horrible decisions a normally sober person would not make.
I do not know how it is over "across the pond", I have never been there, but I assume that the level of havoc a young drunk person, or a group of young drunk people, could manage is somewhat high.
Or you could be a lame ninny and make smart, sober decisions. But how much fun are those?
Happy Birthday Val. Let's make it one you don't remember.
Ha ha you all beat me to it! Ive been out and about today... though ive been at home since 3:00 so I have no excuse... hmmm...
Thanks all you! I feel so loved! :o
Well... sorry to Bunny but I won't be getting wasted/shit-faced as I'll be at home indulging in a whole gut-full of chinese until my stomach explodes. Unfortunatly my tongue doesnt take to bitter tastes much... meh... i get crazy on Ye good Olde English tea... CAFFENE!!!
I'll be having a camping party next wednesday: guitars, swimming pools, friends, and a boyfriend that everyone wants to get drunk... I dont know if theyre planning on getting him drunk for me buuuuut.......
yeah thanks again guys!
Happy Birthday to Cheesivixen. Hope you get tons of gifts and get a yummy cake and go have a sweet party!
Yep...it is cheesevixen's birthday. Happy birthday. I think that I send gift to you too. You have to also wait for a moment. But you will get too. And again, happy birthday.
(Why every TFF'er that is much online haves birthday same time...)
Happy Birthday Cheesevixen. I hope you find all sorts of wonderful new pictures of foxes... doing things, for your birthday ;) :P Although I bet you're out partying it up, eh? It is a Saturday today (although it's a Saturday morning...) If that's the case, party safely.
Wuv, Yer Mom
Thanks everyone for the B-day wishes...I just saw this BTW, Lol. thank you for directing me Tiff !Lol
I doubt he'll ever venture out of the Journal Section or the Animation Section to see this, but happy birthday SSJ4 Goku! You're friggen' 18 today! Is that right? I thought you were older. You started college this year, didn't you? Gosh, I didn't realize I had three years on you. Heh. Well, you're an adult now. All you have left is the 21'er, where you will get drunk. I'll make sure of it. I don't know how, but I will.
Wuv, Yer Mom
Well, well--look who's ventured out into another part of the boards! Gracias for the birthday wishes, though your thoughts that I was older are correct as I'm 19, not 18. I never put my age in here, so it left it doesn't know my actual age. The fact that the person next to me on the birthday list happened to be near to me in age was just coincidence.
So yeah...arigatô and such. :D
Happy birthday, Testbug.
May you return to TFF with more spam. And a birthday cake.
Happy B-day...I have not gone to sleep so if this is late then it is still a "day" to me, lol.
Yeah an that was to Testbug btw
Happy Birthday Testbug! May your day be filled with plenty of awesome gifts and birthday cake. Make sure you party hard and have a blast. :p
Happy Birthday Testbug!
Hope you have a nice big slice of spiced ham to brighten up your day. Enjoy amigo!
Thanks for every birthday wishes (and coming wishes...). But, yep...thanks for wishes. Nah, I haven't got any gifts and parties after I turned to ten year old...and I think there aren't come soon. But I'm going to have fun today...
Wow testy it's your birthday! That's awsome! Allow me to sing to you.
Happy Birthday unto you. Happy Birthday Unto you.
Thanks for buying me a present on your birthday.
Happy birthday Finnish man! Have some sugar and go make out with a man! <3
Awww, poor Testbug! No presents or parties? *gives chocolate cake and plush Mr. Valo* We'll cure that!
Happy birthday! <3
Hey, it's Arus Kim/DeepEyes/Kaychanne's birthday today. It's been awhile since we've seen you post, but some of us haven't forgotten who you are. Happy birthday madame femme fatale!
Well, it better late than never...
Happy birthday Testbug ^^!!!
And Happy birthday too for Finnish, Arus Kim, Deep Eyes, and Keychanne ^^!!!
It says its like your B'day down the bottom today Chez but being like 10 hours ahead of you I suppose this is a bit early but anyway Happy Birthday and stuff, have a good day and do what it is you plan on doing. :)
Actually, that was posted a minute past 12am, so you caught the right day. :)
Thank you, though. It's much appreciated. I shall eat many a cake on this day of aging!
Hey Chez happy birthday!!! Hope your days awesome and that you eat tons of cake and gets loads of gifts!:D
I'm sorry Chez, I know you really wanted me to pop out of a cake naked singing happy birthday to you, but I didn't get around to it. Sorry.
Happy birthday anyways though. For whatever mystery age you are. I guess 20 to 23. :P
Chez has teH birthday?? OMGZLOLZ!!! :P
Happy birthday *gives present*
Check it out! It is now Chez's birthday in the time zone that matters. (Well, actually it was an hour ago, but oh well.) Happy birthday, you crazy moderator person-type-girl, you. I hope you are enjoying whatever it is you are doing today. Best wishes in all your endeavors!
Wuv, Yer Mom