Happy Birthday cloudy dude, I'll drink a couple of drinks in your honor.
Three cheers for cloudy everybody!
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Happy Birthday cloudy dude, I'll drink a couple of drinks in your honor.
Three cheers for cloudy everybody!
Thanks mate!!! I'll also drink a couple of drinks, or more today...:cool:Quote:
Originally Posted by celtic_silver
Note: I owe you a good fighting story & i'll make sure you get one in the near future.
happy birthday cloudy and happy birthday cyanide hope its a good one for you both hope you both have a brilliant day
Cloudy!!!!!! Happy Birthday. Hope you're having fun and drinking up a beer or two. ;!
Also, Happy Birthday Cyanide. Your officially 20 which means you're no longer a teenager. Sweet. :D
Lady Rika, with your awesome Ichigo banner,
happy birthday to you (x2),
happy birthday Lady Rika,
haaaaaaaappy biiiirthday toooooo you... Lol
(i should wish someone myself once)
Happy Birthday Lady Rika. You're finally 16 years old at last. I hope you're having fun and hope you're having one of those major Sweet Sixteen parties. Happy B-Day! :)
My birthday on sunday! Yay.
Gonna get blazed on saturday and turn up for football pretty wasted. The joys of being 21!
A very late 20th birthday to me, Anthiena! (So this is what two decades bring me....) My b-day was the 5th.
Really Athiena? Happy late 20th Birthday. I hope you had fun and did some cool crazy things. ;)
And Happy early birthday to Mugetsu who's gonna be 21 at last. I envy you since you can officially and legally drink. I hope you have fun. ;!
Hey Bennie boy happy birthday! Strong Bad, hopefully you get mounds of yummy cake and possibly lots of presents. Let the gifts come in bundles!
Yes, SB has a birthday, yay! =D
And so did Mugestu! WOO!
Happy aging day Mr. Strongbad! May you be surrounded by tits and ass.
And women, too.
You know, somehow, I always thought you were older than me... O_o
Manitoban pride...if such a thing exists.
Strong Bad, party up....yo? (As the Trogdor music conveniently comes on to Winamp)
Seriously, have a good one.
Boco, my "dear TFFFriend", happy birthday! Have some drinks for us today man, for it's not gonna be anything stronger than instant coffee for me today... What can you do..Just have fun dude & pay no attention to all those malakes & ilithious surrounding as in this Sheeethole we call home.
Bottoms up. Na ta hiliaseis mikre....
Happy birthday Chocobo-Face!
Boco... what can I say about you! You're my wittle buddy who I refer to as a chocobo's body part. You know I wuv you, little guy! Rawk on. :O
Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday dear Boco
Happy Birthday to you! Yay!
Hey Boco, I hope you have a wonderful Birthday filled with lots of happiness and fun. Make sure you have plenty of cake or sweets on your special day. I also hope you receive lots of awesome presents.
Have a great day!
Thanks, Ladies.
It wasn't the best b-day. I had to work and then do a project worth 30% of my mark... Oh well! I got it done and this means I don't fail.
There will be plenty of celebration this weekend. ;!
(Happy B-day, Boco.)
Happy birthday, first of all, to my good friend Winter. I really hope you have a good day today -- full of satanic goats and morbid vagina's and all those things the BOD loves that I don't understand. :)
Secondly, happy birthday to Jintatsu, who I have always respected and shared similar views to. (Apart from abortion. Pro-life, bitch! PRO-LIFE. :D) <- Except for the arguement we had all that time ago, we have always been able to see eye to eye and agree to disagree... on the forums at least. He's never on AIM, that hoe! I hope you have a good day -- you deserve it.
And last, happy birthday to FEM. I don't know you as much, but your posts are funny and that alone is something I respect. :D Have a grooving day, dawg.
Are you ****ing kidding me? Winter and I have the same birthday? Hahahahahaha! How can you NOT believe in intelligent design after that? A birthday rump is in order. Disagree as we may, have a good.
Thank you Chez, I suppose I should get on aim at some point. ;!
I don't know you Tifa, we have never talked or anything, but just the fact that you are Tifa makes me wanna wish you Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know the rest of you getting older, but anyways, happy birthday to you too folks, maxpower, D Serge , Evil Dragoon & Vossler. Have a nice day today.
P.S. I loooove Tifa..
I see two of my TFF brethren, Winter and Jintatsu both have their birthdays today so I want to wish the two of them happy birthdays. Hopefully your days go amazingly well, possibly get drunk, stuff cake in your face, maybe some ice cream or something. Whatever floats your boat I guess, whatever it is you do though, enjoy. :D
There are a few Birthdays here today. I want to wish a Happy Birthday to Tifa, maxpower, Evil Dragoon, Vossler and Dark Serge! I hope you all have a great day filled with lots of fun and happiness. Party hard but don't do anything you might regret lol. May you receive lots of awesome presents. Have plenty of cake as well because it's yum. :lol:
Have fun!
Happy birthday to maxpower, Tifa and Evil Dragoon. May you all have fun, cake and...fun!
And happy birthday to the others, who I don't really know anything about. :P
Wow, a lot of birthdays today. Happy Birthday maxpower and Winter. May you guys have fun and have a great time. Also, happy birthday to Tifa and Evil Dragoon. I don't know you guys, but hope you have a great time and enjoy yourselves.
Happy birthday to Tifa, Evil Dragoon, Vossler, Dark Serge and my buddy Maxpower! If I wasn't a student and if I lived near you, i'd send you a Patrick Wolf album after I got you into him a few months ago, however if you come MSN I'll send you a few tracks as a pressie! ^^;
All of you, take care. Have fun, yet try not to indulge too much!
Happy Birthday to long time friend ED and Tifa. And Vossler, Dark Serge, and Maxpowah too.
Did I miss Maxxy's birthday? Dammit!
Anyway, Happy Birthday Max (eventhough I am a little late =P)
Don't you get it, I am your Altar-Ego, the past you left behind which turned towards the opposite path in which you chose... it's all there, you just have top look a bit closer :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Jintatsu
Thank you to everybody, and happy birthday to Boco, Maxpower, Tifa and all those other people I may have forgotten, hope you had much fun as I did.
Crappy I missed everyones birthday. :( even my own? Anyhow happy birthday Boco, Winter,Tifa, Evil Dragoon, Vossler, Dark Serge and all us other may nerds. Go team!
Happy Birthday to my good friend E L L Y. May your day be great with cake, present's, and fireworks(Joke about the fireworks, but it would be nice, XD).