Because I probably won't be here tomorrow, I'd like to share my warm congratulations to Vincent on his birthday. SHM loves you, man. And I'm talking about the SHM, not the silver haired men. Congrats and have a hell of a day, man.
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Because I probably won't be here tomorrow, I'd like to share my warm congratulations to Vincent on his birthday. SHM loves you, man. And I'm talking about the SHM, not the silver haired men. Congrats and have a hell of a day, man.
Happy Birthday.....stranger.
Got some rare things on sale. =]
Just to keep track, happy b-day to all those who recently had one!!! May you feel younger than you are, and have more energy than me!! I shall be soon celebrating my sisters birthday, although its in November, aww well.
Happy birthday, Seth. (Cloud Strife X). Despite your insanely gay username, you were a fricking cool member. Talking with you, Michael and Brad online... I miss those days. :(
Anyway, go and buy something. For your mother, who was lain screaming in agony 19 years ago today. xD
Happy birthday, Griffith. You're the type of guy who I can imagine giving immense pain to your mother while staying instead her womb for a few extra hours during labour.
Nevertheless, you have some pretty good points most of the time... So yeah. Have fun.
Hey Griffith, happy B-day, now go party hard!!! NOW!!!
My babbby!
I slaved and I slaved to raise you! And then you go inactive! I DIDN'T RAISE YOU TO BE THIS WAY!
In fact, I didn't raise you at all!
I apparently gave birth to you fifteen years ago, though, and that isn't really a good thought since I wasn't many years old myself fifteen years ago.
In any case, enjoy your birthday, eat cake and BE ACTIVE FOR MOMMY!
Oh my God. I knew your birthday was this month! Of course, I forgot the day, but now I know... go figure. ;!
I remember last year, when you were turning 21, and we were talking through MSN... Man, you were all "the big 21" or something. Oh man. I miss you. </SAD FACE>!
You're a good friend and always hilarious to hang out with. Come back and make disgusting lolosky love to the forums, dammit!
(In other words, post more. :D)
Seriously. I hope you have a good day and that that special someone comes to visit you.......Leonardo. :D So many years ago today, you were squeezed from a vagina and into the world......and now you spend most of your time inside one. Which, I suppose is a pretty disgusting thing to say. XD Fuck a hag.
Have an awesome day and I shall listen to one Opeth song for you today, because you got me into the band. Rox onz.
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Hildegarde! Eat cake and enjoy your birthday, since it's always a nice treat. Also party hats a must.
Yes! Finally I'm allowed to post here again! :D
Happy birthday, Hildegarde! Have a good day, and demand a free dinner and cake!
Oh, you guys are spoiling me rotten!.
Thank you very, very much, both of you, here's hoping that I'll celebrate many years to come as a member of this awsome forum!.
Chez, I don't get cake but I do get birthday donuts from my husband every year; I'm eating one right now, hmm-hmm!.
Ah and i know it's coming late but happy birthday! (you probably already got the champagne bottle of course, cheers!)
OKay sorry for not telling everyone happey B day lately just have not had time .
Well happey B day to Hildegarde
I wanted to say happy birthday to people a few days ago but that would've meant a triple post. Happy belated birthday to -Xu- and the other cool cats that I missed but can't remember. :)
Also, 5,100 posts. Wow. ;!
Do dee do. There were others that I might've said happy birthday to, but I blew them off, because I'm an ass and forgot. However...
...I'd just like to take this opportunity to say happy birthday to everyone's favorite ff6-loving lurker, Palazzo. Happy Birthday! I hope you spend it putting silly fools in their places.
Wuv, Yer Mom
I would like to say happy birthday to SelphieTilmitt. I hope you have a wonderful day. Party hard and I hope you get a lot of awesome gifts. Eat lots of birthday cake because it tastes real good! :D Have a great day. :)
Happy birthday to Shadow Axel 03, who is apparently two today!
You're the smartest toddler I ever saw, and I hope you get a nice rattle and a new bib today. :) Eat some birthday rusk?
Happy birthday to Mr. Taco because he is 22 today. >=[
And somehow older than me! Goddamn your oldness, sir!
In any case, make some sweet taco's and eat them on a giant birthday cake. I hope today for you is GRAND. I use the word grand because it seems to go well with your persona. ;!
Happy birthday little Taco man!
Happy Birthday Taco Man!!!!!!!!!!
3 more years to the insurance discount. LOL
I almost forgot this thread existed.! I guess I don't check birthdays enough. ;!
I also was confused that people were wishing you a happy birthday, because it wasn't showing up, but then i noticed it was TOMMORROW (or really 4 hrs and 10 minutes). Looks like a few people are getting a jumpstart!
Anywayz, I'll join the the pre birthday givers and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY taco! Hopefully your day goes great and you get super fat from all the cake and icecream you eat!
Yeah. Heh. Silly Chez lives over in Britainland, where they are like 8 hours ahead of us (or me, at least. My birthday doesn't come for another 6 hours, here.)
Thank you everybody! I wuv all you soooo much!@ at sign, apparently! Three years until my insurance is happy! Three years until I am a RESPONSIBLE ADULT! ...well, let's not get too drastic, here... Anyhoo, thankee!
Wuv, Yer Mom
Happy Birthday Taco! I hope golden taco's shower over you in a reign of happiness.:D
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppppp pyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TAcoooooooooooooooooo. My fellow club member. Have fun, get drunk and stuff. Maybe you have alreasdy celebrate your birthday but that thing down there still shows that it is your birthday. So happy birthday.
Yeh Happy Birthday Taco. It is always a joyous occasion when a small Taco survives for a whole year longer! I'm not actually sure what a Taco is.. never heard of them in Britain... maybe I have and I'm just stupid.. meh.
Anyway, have a good birthday dude - I hope it's everything you want it to be ect. Enjoy yourself!
Happy Birthday Taco!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a fun time and party really, really, really, really, really, really hard. Till then enjoy yourself and have fun. :)
im sure none of you care but its jew's bday guess youll have new pics of the events....i will!
Dear Jet/Spanishxhardcoreemoomgwtflolbbq(roflface),
You're full blown camera whore that's a-okay. Happy Birthday!
Tis the 30th over here now, so happy birthday to Geo. I don't know if your name is still in the database but whatever. You're an awesome friend and have been for the two years that I have known you.
Happy 21st.
It's also my sister Amy's birthday today, too. UWEEE APPARENTLY.
T'was my dad on the 28th and my mother on the 1st of Jan... ****ing expensive month, that's all I have to say. ;!
People have to stop mating nine months before this month. THERE ARE TOO MANY BIRTHDAYS RIGHT NOW. >=[
Happy birthday Daddy! Yaaay!
18 now, eh? Now you're a man. And you can do manly things! Like have sex with a tarantula! ...Actually, that sounds pretty scary and illegal... Don't do that.
Well... have a great day! I have nothing dynamic to comment about your mother squeezing you through her vagina 18 years ago yadda yadda yadda, so I'll spare you that. :)
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Daddy! Hopefully you get a new guitar or something musical you'de truly appreciate! and eat cake...lots of cake!