Mmm, free cake. That's all birthdays really are. An excuse to eat cake!Quote:
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
Happy birthday all the same. Gain a couple pounds in pure cake for me, eh? :D
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Mmm, free cake. That's all birthdays really are. An excuse to eat cake!Quote:
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
Happy birthday all the same. Gain a couple pounds in pure cake for me, eh? :D
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Chez. Our own spam thread mamma...well, not actually but anyway...happpy birthday Chez/Daisy...look, I remembered it...
Thanks a bunch, has been awesome so far. =)Quote:
Originally Posted by Josh
Damn... I was really looking forward to that. :( XDQuote:
Originally Posted by Jin
Hahaha. Oh Jin... xDQuote:
Originally Posted by Jin
Thank you, n00b-man'06. xDQuote:
Originally Posted by DV
Hahaha, thanks a lot. =) And I guess your time zone matters... If only I was in the time zone that matters, too? In any case, I'm almost done with all my birthday stuff today, hence why I have a few free minutes on the net. =DQuote:
Originally Posted by Taco
Excuse to eat cake? If only! I try not to eat too much. Everyone feels they have to eat more and more just to surpass the fact I can't eat much, haha.Quote:
Originally Posted by LocoColt04
I'll gain some pounds for you, if you send me excerisizing gear to work it back off again. xD
Heeeey! You did remember my name! Hehe, thanks. =)Quote:
Originally Posted by Testbug
Thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday. It's too bad you all couldn't come 'round and have me piss you off all day. Oh well. Maybe next year, eh? xD
hope I'm not too late. Happy birthday Chez! *hugs*
And stuff....
And I never noticed this earlier, but never late than never!
Happy birthday Chez!
Hopefully the little magical pixies from the stars will make all your birthday wishes come true... yah de yah de yah...
Thanks guys, 'ppreciate it!
Next week shall be cool too, though. My friend is coming 'round for two days, shall be fun! WE WILL EXHCNAGE BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!
In any case, though, thanks for all the gifts and "happy birthday"s, you beautiful people. :p
I just noticed that today is birthday of Sasquatch. I haven't talk with him much but anyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sasquatch and good luck in there...where ever you were...
Mmm! Happy birthday, Sasqy!
I hope, wherever you are, you have a fantabulous birthday!
Yes. I hope Sasquatch is somewhere safe today. I was thinking about posting this last night, but then I thought, "He won't even see it..." Heh. Oh well, I did it for Mike, so Happy Birthday to you, Sasquatch!
Wuv, Yer Mom
Happy birthday Sasquatch!
Have a great, hairy yetiful birthday!
I didn't know Chez was a Leo , lol I am half ^^Sorry I was late with the B-day wishes.
Happy B-day Sassy! I love you an be safe over there!
Happy birthday, Mr. "Kit" sir! You're not the most well-known member, but you have some interesting views and posts!
You probally won't see this, but happy 21st all the same. XD
Quistis!! WHY AREN'T YOU ACTIVE ANYMORE!? In any case, happy birthday. Now get your ass back to TFF and post around! (You won't see this anyway, though.) </pointlessness>
Fyr Drage? Happy birthday to you as well. :p (I don't know you. :D)
Even though it doesn't show on TFF, it's Sean's birthday!
<3. :D.
Yes, happy birthday to Sean, Mr. Grumpy Pants! :P (just kidding.) Hope no one stands in your way of having a great day! Yar!
Also, I'd like to wish my buddy Annihilationscape a happy birthday. It doesn't say it here, but he is. He's 21 today. So he has to go out on the bars and get drunk. Or else. Our friend Joel hasn't yet... we'll have to take care of that some time... Love ya 'Scape! Good luck in the Air Force land!
Wuv, Yer Mom
Happy birthday Banned Testicle! I hope your testicles shall become unbanned on this day of age!
Happy birthday, GEOTISTA, who seems obssessed with the breasts of old women. Happy anniversary of being squeezed out of a vagina.
Sorry for the double post, but I want this to be seen! ^_^;;
I'll be the first to say happy birthday to Pete! Have a wonderous day, and such... Annnd... I thought you were older than you are. Yay?
Also, happy birthday Divi-Dead, you're an old member who is on the inactive side, but you sorta kick butt whenever you pay TFF a visit anyway. :p
Happy birthday, Pete. You're cool because you're old school, and Catholic. So yeah, I suppose I can wish you a happy birthday. We should chew the fat more, like we did in the olden days on AIM. Except I don't have AIM anymore.... then get MSN. Or not. Whatever.
Wuv, Yer Mom
Pete Happey birthday to you I hope it is a great one for you mine is soon so happey B Day.
Divi-Dead You have been here a good amout of time so a big Happy B day to you.
Usagi, its your birthday! 21 today? yay! *celebrates* Here have some vodka :D xD
Have a great day buddy, all the best :)
Yeah! Happy birthday, Usagy, fellow European!
Have many a cake, and a gift of a new goat. Shall you ride it upon meadows of flowers and Asian females.
happey b Day Usagy even idf I don't know you lol. I hope you have or had a great day today. 21 shit luck ass
Usagy, happy birthday
Even when I'm inactive I remember your avatar, it always makes me miss this place.
Plus you speak nonsense, I like it.
Okay two b days today Usagy and Cornflake. I don't know who you are but have a great day. Hope it is fun.
Well, since no-1 has said happy B-day 2 her/him 2day, I will! I don't know them but I'll say it anyway! Happy B-day Darkthrone! Hope u hav a great day!
Yay! Today I turn 17! Congratulate me. Love me. LOVE ME!!! :D ^^
Happy birthday IM. We wait here till you decide post to IL again and waiting for you tell when Trophy Project is ready. But anyway, happy birthday.
Happy birthday Inferno Mage!
I hope you will enjoy the stolen Pacman score on this day! :D
Also, have some cake? I dunno, what do you people do on your birthdays? Illegal alcohol consumption?
Happeh birthdeh, for anyone who needs one.
this thread just reminded me, it's my mate's birthday today...