Happey b day to Kilana, Inferno Mage Wakeup13 hope you all have a great day and have lots and lots of fun.
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Happey b day to Kilana, Inferno Mage Wakeup13 hope you all have a great day and have lots and lots of fun.
Yo Kiriyama!
Happy birthday! I hope that on this day, Henry Townshend will emerge through your windw at night and rape you in your dreams! Have an awesome day. <3 :)
Yeah, happy birthday Kiriyama, you gay sack of never here anymore. Now, get back here and buy me a beer.
Kiriyama happey b day. Hope you have the best day you can. How old are you? Well Hope you don't have to work today that would suck.
Kiriyama's 21 now. :)
So as not to spam, I guess I'll say; Happy birthday, Lover Boy. We don't talk for obvious reasons but on the other hand, 104 is a ripe old age. Now hurry up and die, you old coot, so you can leave your grandchildren a nice big sack'a life insurance. :p
Happy birthday Ruby Light. You arne't active anymore, but you were sexy when you were here.
I hope you come here today and see this post, and if not... Well... I'll be a sad duckling.
Eat cake.
In any case. Happy birthday, Daniel, you are now 18. Enjoy your presents.
Happey B day your 19 today Ruby Light. I hope it goes great. Mine is in less then a mouth.
Happy birthday, Leviathan.
This time 21 years ago, your mother was preparing to go into labour and later on, you were squeezed from a vagina and into the world. Although you were born female, your great dedication of becoming a man has finally paid off and the permanant scars will hopefully all be gone with extra surgery on the side.
Happy birthday! I know you're going to get shitfaced, so I may call you tomorrow and yell down the phone at you.
Happey B day Fishie your 16 teen today hope it is great. Mine is in 3 week yes. Money Money.
Thank you for the love and the gift as well.Today's been really great and this is one of the best days of my life.Well thank you! :)
Happy birthday for yesterday, Fishie. :p I was gunna comment, but I forgot... sorry. ^_^;.
Surtur. Happy birthday, you old git. Har har. You're gunna eat cake and sodomize fat guys with broom handles.
Thank Chez Daja. I had a great time yesterday, but yeah it the big 16. Anyways enough about me, I would like to give a Happy B-Day to Clodan and Surtur. Hope you guys have a great time and wish you the best. :)
Happy birthday to Methra, who only joined yesterday, but made it clear to all that today, is in fact her 14th birthday.
*sigh* you are nearly as old as me! :D
Methra yes happey late b day. hope you had a great weekend. 14 thats was a fun year for me. Any ways 2 week tell mi b day.
Yo! Happy birthday Musashiden.
The guy who has dyed his hair every shade ever made into a hairdye. And he has a pretty cool music taste, too. Happy 20th; rape many a fridge on this fantastical day (and eat food from out of them at the same time, heh heh heh), rezpeck, hommie.
Seriously, happy birthday, you ole' fridge rapist, you.
LOL yes happey b day Musashiden hope it is great. don't smoke to much pot. I know you love it but what I don't know. **** never mind go smoke lol.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
But for real happey b day hope its the best one ever.
Hey Musashiden Happy Birthday! Go get hi and all that its yer birf day!!! Don't let rules restrict your fun! So keep yourself :D and safe . Peace!
I haven't gotten high yet... but... I got so much money it's falling out of my wallet XD. So far like $215... blew it all on video games :D. Thanks everybody ^_^. I'll come back when I'm stoned :P.
Heeey happy birthday Mush! Haha, have fun getting stoned... make sure you're getting high and not literally getting pelted by rocks... that really hurts!
Happy Birthday Musa. You are now 20, right?
You are oooooooold
*points and laughs*
Well, not really, and I don't want to ruin the fun. So yeah happy birthday. You are a cool member and you rock as a graphic artist. Seriously.
Enjoy your birthday my old friend.
Yeah, y'old fart! Happy birthday!
...wait, I'm 21, aren't I? That's like a year older... Boco... watch your step, young man. Us old farts can be violent :mad: (just kidding.)
Happy Birthday Musa, the best Music Moderator EVER (after me, of course.)
Wuv, Yer Mom
Happy Birthday Musa!!!
I hope your day is filled with wine and song. You deserve it.
Gift is on its way. :D
Happy birthday, Bunny!
You don't love TFF so you probably won't see this. But have a great day. Buy some hentai and go wild! :D
I'm kidding, please don't hit me. You know I love you. In a totally non-sexual, unromantic way. And you have a girly username. LOLZ.
Anyway, also happy birthday to my little brother. He doesn't go here, but HAR HAR. He's 12 today. Aww.
It's not his birthday yet, you crazy little British girl :P It'll be his birthday in about 6 and a half hours, in the time zone that matters.
Happy birthday, Bunny (Bob) 6 and a half hours early! Hope you enjoy the day to the best of your abilities, off in Military-land. Be sure to watch some Veronica Mars for me!
Wuv, Yer Mom
EDIT: Whoah. What Chez said got me lookin'. You're not a moderator anymore either, eh? Cheers! Here's to more free time... until you have other responsibilities to swallow that free time up...
Happy birthday to Tiff (Mikaesu) even though she hasn't been here in god knows how long XD.
And, happy birthday to Bunny. Have a nice mug of horse semen to celebrate :D.
I have no idea if the time zone is correct so it's truly your birthday yet, anywho Happy Birthday Bunny! Hope gifts of gods are brought on gold chariots of fire to you.
Buuny happey b day. LOL try not to be mean today like that can happen any ways have a great one.
Also Seraph happey B day hope it goes great.
Josh's ost made me laugh. :p
Anyway, before I head out of TFF for a few days, I want to wish that intelligent mofo Merlin a spiffing birthday.
Have a great day...! Take a break from the books and have some cake. :)
Yes, happy 24th to the pwn'ing guru Merlin. Who pwn's people with his massive intellect. You rock.