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Thread: Nuisance pets.

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Nuisance pets. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Nuisance pets.

    Ok I have had enough our dog is literally re-landscaping our yard she just doesn't stop digging holes, even when I walk her and play with her until she is completely stuffed she just doesn't stop.

    Ok I must admit I don't get enough time to walk her all the time and she is still young but if anyone out there has any suggestions to stop her please go ahead.

    Ok I guess I better turn this into a proper thread does anyone have a pet that is a bit of a nuisance?
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  2. #2
    This ain't no place for no hero Nuisance pets. Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    Have you tried some of the hard bones for them to chew? What type of dog is she?

    Sometimes digging is a nervous habit, or some breeds have been bred for that trait specifically. Kind of like if you don't want a dog barking all the time, getting a hound who bays is probably not the smartest idea. Or getting a Border Collie when you live in an apartment.

    Not saying that's what you did, but sometimes the breed plays a huge factor. I have a Shih Tzu, they were bred nothing more than to be a lapdog, and it shows. He's spoiled and fru-fru and thinks he's above everything. Definitely not an eager to please type of animal like a lab. Although labs are rambunctious.

    Anyways, I'd avoid rawhide, as that can break off and splinter... potentially cutting their throats. I use bully sticks for Gizmo, but he's small so its not that expensive to buy them. And yes, they really are bull penises. Just sayin'.

  3. #3
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    It sounds like she just needs more exercise. Puppies/young dogs have tons of energy and need an outlet for it. If you don't provide one, they will turn to destructive behaviors like digging, chewing, jumping, etc. Making time to walk your dog is one of the responsibilities of owning one, so.../shrug. There really aren't any shortcuts when it comes to taking care of pets. If she's a high energy or working type breed, walking may not be enough either. Try getting her into agility courses or something like frisbee/flyball. Give her somewhere safe and appropriate to use all that energy before she escalates into even more destructive behaviors.

    As for nuisance pets...I can't say I've ever had a true nuisance animal. A pet is only a nuisance if you don't work with them and make sure all their needs are met 100% of the time. I've had a cat with health problems that required cleaning up vomit on a daily or near-daily basis until I figured out what the problem was. Cleaning up the vomit was definitely a nuisance and a gross one at that, but it wasn't her fault and well beyond her control. I did manage to ease the issue for her by finding a better dry food she could eat but sadly she passed a few months later from age and failing health.

    My current boy was considered a nuisance by everyone in the household until we inherited him and I started taking care of him. They'd had him for ten years and not a single person noticed he was (and is) mostly blind. He was also constantly clawing furniture. He doesn't anymore and while he does have bad days (he suffers from the same health problem the other cat did, only thankfully he didn't get the vomiting side of the disease), he's nothing like the cat he used to be. He's semi-feral though so he'll never be like a normal cat. He's happy and loving and no longer considered a nuisance though, so I call that a win.

    All it takes is really paying attention, being patient and spending the time researching and implementing solutions until you find one that works. I spent many many hours researching the various problem of these two cats. No one else in my household was willing to put the effort in, they just wanted the problems to go away. I'll never understand that sort of thinking. They would have "gotten rid" of the cats if I hadn't been able to pinpoint their various health/behavioral issues and worked with them to eliminate or at least minimize those issues. Neither one was adoptable (Zippy still isn't) so if it had come to that, they would have been put down. All because no one actually wanted to "deal with" them.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 02-16-2010 at 07:58 AM.
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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    Maybe there's a body under your lawn. If she's digging in multiple places, maybe there's multiple bodies.

    In all seriousness, she's just being a puppy releasing some energy. She probably thinks it's fun. When Rolo was hyper, my mum used to let me and my brother take him out for hours on end. I suggest getting a tug rope. Play a few games of tug of war, and make sure you always win. That'll tire her out, and show her who's boss.

    When we first got Rolo, he liked chewing the corners off the bottom of cabinets. The dog trainer we went to gave us a bottle of Sour Apple Spray. We sprayed it on everything he chewed that he shouldn't chew, and it worked - he hated the taste.

    When he was a puppy, he used to have nutty moments. By this, he used to run the length of the livingroom, out into the hall and around to the kitchen and back again. Usually, this was unprovoked (sometimes singing "Who Let The Dogs Out" would send him flying around the house). One time, he he jumped over my mum who was sitting on the sofa, and flew down the back of it, getting trapped between the wall, the sofa and his cage. XD

    Oh god. The look on his face was priceless.

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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    My aunty has a chihuaha that's a total nuisance. When it's not trying to **** someone's leg it's barking or getting aggressive. And the fact that it looks like one of it's parents was an albino rat doesn't really help at all.

    Fortunately most animals seem pretty cool if you treat them right or leave them be depending on the animal in question.
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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    Only problem I've had with my Chug (3/4 Chihuahua 1/4 Pug) is if we leave her alone usually around paper/paper towels she usually chews them up. She used to chew up our rugs and my dads expensive pair of sandals with beer bottle openers on them. She doesn't chew those kinda things up anymore, we made sure of that. Now it's just she likes to get a hold of paper towels and stuff. Keep your dog busy, my friend likes to take his dogs to a dog park so they get drained when they get home all they wanna do is relax for the rest of the day.
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  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Nuisance pets. Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    My dogs are real laid back, and chill. They don't cause any problems. I didn't even have any problems when they were puppies.

    Only animal I have ever been around that annoyed the shit outta me was my grandma's chiuaha. He was so f*cking annoying he would yap nonstop, and wouldn't shut the hell up. He would bite me all the time. Annoying little ankle-biter...

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  8. #8
    Banned Nuisance pets.
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    I've had my dog for his whole 3 years of life...and ever since I have had him he's always made it hard for me and my fiance to spend time...He doesn't like her in anyway and barks when we try to get physical. I also got my Fiance a Dutch Rabbit For Valentines Day and the thing is some what annoying...It cries when we turn all the lights out so we've had to put a night light in the bed room lol.

  9. #9
    Cilla vs. Games Nuisance pets. Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    Nope. All of my pets are laid back. I have 8 acres of yard for my dogs to run around in. So they never get bored or make a mess of anything. We always play with them and give them bones and stuff. So they are very well behaved.

    Same as our cats. They just do whatever they like. Mainly sleep and eat.

    My horse. The only problem I have with her is she likes to eat the dog food. She's a lot bigger than they are so they just watch her do it. She doesn't do it often though =]

  10. #10
    The Bad Boy of TFF Nuisance pets. Block's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    I once had a cat that would hide in the coat slash shoe closet and wait for people to come and get their shoes. When you were bent over grabbing your pair he would then pounce from the shadows of the closet onto your face.
    Devil cat.

  11. #11
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Nuisance pets. midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    Dogs. All of them. Nuisances:

  12. #12
    Do the elements trust you? Nuisance pets. bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    I saw something just like that on dog whisperer, your dog is a breed that's bred to hunt, try hiding a favorite toy after showing it to him, and do it repeatedly he's just doing what his instincts tell him to do. He's trying to sniff out and find stuff.
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  13. #13
    TFFF Ghost Nuisance pets. Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: Nuisance pets.

    My kitten. He pulls my clothes out of my dresser (the drawers open really easy). He put holes in one of my pillows. Basically he makes a mess. He even digs in my trash can ><;;

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