I aint got no nerd rage.
I make the nerd rage for them nerd ragers cause they nerd rage like they are the best but when they really aren't the best they just think they are cause they are like LOL IM GOOD LAWL but when you own them in the FACE they nerd rage out so quick it's so funny. Like in Left 4 Dead one you just do a pro ass smoker triple hunter attack and it's nerd rage all night lonG ALL LONG.
I never actually nerd raged, just kinda bitched at some noobs who think they are good and don't listen to advice when given to people who are clearly better then them. Like in DOTA, I stopped playing because I hated public players, I had more fun steam rolling teams in 10 minutes with 4 friends then having a terrible band of allies and lose a game we could have won if people listened to me. But it's all gravy slavy you dig?