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Thread: Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd

  1. #1
    Registered User Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd
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    Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd

    I really don't know where to put this particular topic...

    Well, I just wanted to know if there's anyone else on the forums who like these guys (or have heard of them). If you have, then do you have a preference?

    Haha. They did a few NC vs. AVGN videos together, and I thought that they were really funny. I know it's sort of a staged rivalry that they have, but it's still very entertaining.

    I personally like the Critic more than the Nerd. I check site all the time for his videos, and I have enjoyed them all! I am especially fond of his top 11 lists. I think he is really funny and he actually does some really great reviews on movies and television shows that I watched when I was younger.

    I wouldn't say that I dislike the Nerd, I just enjoy watching the Critic's videos a lot more. I think that most of AVGN's humor relies on the fact that he comes up with some very descriptive terms for how bad a video game is. It's not my sort of humor, but it works for a lot of people.

    So who do you all like? Are there any particular reviews that you enjoyed?
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  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd Victoria's Avatar
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    I prefer both, but I also watch Noah Antwiler also. Aka The Spoony One.
    This thread says for a preference, but they are two different types of critics. One for games and one for movies.

    Spoony does both, haha. So I will stick with enjoying both of them simultaneously.

  3. #3
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    So who do you all like? Are there any particular reviews that you enjoyed?
    Oh good god I never thought this topic would come up but I am glad it did. Thanks to Sabin AKA supersabin I am now a avid fan of teh Critic. I have spent many hours watching his takes on films that I have watched over the years and I can say that I agree with 99.9% of what he says.

    I loved his review on "The Good Son", by god it was the funniest thing I have seen in ages. From the point he showed up on screen to the point when the video ended I was LMAO. Damned Halarious is all I have to say.

    I have seen a few vids by the Nerd but I am not as impressed as by what I see with the critic. Not that it is bad by anymeans but I find the Critic more suiting to my favor.
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  4. #4
    Registered User Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd
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    Posted by Mistress Sheena
    This thread says for a preference, but they are two different types of critics. One for games and one for movies.
    You're right, but I thought that since there is sort of a rivalry between them that it would be fun to see who everyone preferred out of these two. It's also the reason that I wasn't sure where exactly this topic should go.

    Posted by Mistress Sheena
    but I also watch Noah Antwiler also. Aka The Spoony One.
    I've only ever seen his videos about FF VIII, but I thought that they were very funny! I'll have to check out his site and see some more of his stuff.

    @ Meier Link- Hahaha! I loved the Good Son review as well! I can say that it's definately among my absolute favorites of his! I thought that the note cards that he had to use was a nice touch!
    Last edited by Dodie16; 11-16-2009 at 09:22 PM. Reason: changed "cue" to "note"
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  5. #5
    A Plain Old Derp Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd Padraic's Avatar
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    Perfect thread

    I personally like the Critic, and I don't really watch the AVGN so I can't really say. I always find it funny how at the beginning of his vids when he says "hellooooo" he always waves his head My favorite comment of his is about the Power Rangers movie about why the black and yellow rangers changed XD Funny stuff though I can't relate to it all... I'm not from that generation :'( I get some of them though which is good enough

  6. #6
    アズテオル Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd Azuteor's Avatar
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    I prefer AVGN, but that's only because I've watched his videos the most.

    AVGN's humor gets tiring after awhile, though entertaining and funny at times. I usually find myself laughing on segments where he's frustrated and suffering. His reviews on movies and old video games is really informative as well as interesting. Did you know he makes his own films?

    I'll have to check NG sometime and see what he's like. I believe that both of them are just as equally informative, but with different styles of presenting their videos.

    So... how 'bout that Irategamer, ey?

  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I love the Nostalgia Critic! I look forward to his new videos that come out every Tuesday night. My friends got me into him at some point last year, although I don't remember which video we first watched; I think it was the Super Mario Bros. Movie one. To date, I think my favorite video by him was his review of the two Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons (particularly how he despised AoSth, and loved Sonic SatAM. I feel the same exact way.) Actually, my favorite videos by him are his Top 11 videos; I find it refreshing to see guys like these actually talking about things they enjoyed, as opposed to always just talking about things they hate. That said, I also love his reviews of cheesy 80's/early 90's media. Like his recent review of Suburban Commando. I love most of what Doug/That Guy With The Glasses does: His Bum Reviews, Ask That Guy, and the random skits.

    I haven't seen that much by the Angry Video Game Nerd, but I am pretty confident that I like the Nostalgia Critic better based on the little that I've seen. I think the Critic is more clever with his jokes, and has a much better delivery-he's actually a decent actor. I also think the Nerd relies a little too much on his foul mouth at times. That said, I loved when they teamed up to do the review of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles "Rock and Roll" band thing. Particularly their reaction to Splinters' line at the end of the program: "They are happening. Musically." "...WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?!!"

    As for the Spoony One, I think he's a good actor, and that he's kind of clever, but I haven't really laughed out loud at anything he's done, although his videos do entertain me. I enjoy Linkara as well. I think he has some good jokes, but he doesn't seem to be that great of an actor, and doesn't have a strong delivery. I really want to hear him say "Inconceivable!" I'm not sure how I feel about the Nostalgia Chick; I think some of what she does is funny, but I also find her kind of annoying at times, too. *shrug*

    My favorite is Doug. Anyhoo...

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  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Thatguywiththeglasses is funny. So is AVGN. Then again, so is Spoony. I like all of them; they're perfect entertainment for when nothing else is going on and you have a bit of time on your hands.

    I think it was Joe who pointed me in the direction of Spoony earlier this year (he showed me the FFVIII reviews - sooo funny), and since then I've been seeing them all over the place. Then it was Vicky who showed me thatguywiththeglasses, who I must admit to preferring more than Spoony (I have a feeling it's got to do with the glasses).

    Since discovering them, I've enjoyed watching their videos. It's funny how you don't notice them until someone shows you. ^^;

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  9. #9
    Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd Jin's Avatar
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    I respect the Nostalgia Critic, but I can't relate the way I can to the Nerd as I've rarely seen the stuff the Critic reviews. I've never really been big into movies or any other form of pop culture other than gaming. Certainly less so from the 80s. Honestly, you'd be surprised how many "well everyone's seen that" things I haven't seen.

    But that fight those two had. That was freaking epic.

    Until now!

  10. #10
    I feel epic... Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Oh, I love them both, Spoony, too.

    The NC really appeals to me, because he has so much quantity in his videos. Top 11s, Specials, and normal movie reviews. It's awesome when he and the Nerd compete, even if it is scripted.

    As for the AVGN, I love him too. Who doesn't love a guy randomly bursting into rage? However... I haven't seen that much in him these days. Back in his first reviews, he simply bitched at all the things he could find wrong with a game. It was random, but hilarious regardless.

    And then, Spoony. I consider him to be right up there with the two of them. Yes, his FF8 was what drew me. But his other reviews are such a joy to watch, I always look forward to them.

    Today is Wednesday. Does the Critic have a new vid today!? o_O ZOMG! He does! *goes to watch*

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  11. #11
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Well, I just wanted to know if there's anyone else on the forums who like these guys (or have heard of them).
    Pardon me, but:

    What guys?
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  12. #12
    Registered User Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd
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    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    Pardon me, but:

    What guys?
    Doug Walker (best known as the Nostalgia Critic) and James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd). They have thier own websites that host videos that they do that usually have them doing hilarious critiques of movies and games. NC does movies, but he did one game. AVGN does games, but he collaborated with NC on a review of the Ninja Turtles Musical movie thing.

    Here's a vid from both:
    Nostagia Critic- Super Mario Bros. Movie Review
    Angry Video Game Nerd- Spiderman

    You can follow the links in the description boxes to thier respective websites for better quality vids, but that's just a sample of what they do.
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  13. #13
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd Polk's Avatar
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    I prefer The Critic over the nerd. I think Critic comes up with some better material, and is a bit more original in his writing. The Nerd, well...

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    I also think the Nerd relies a little too much on his foul mouth at times.
    Pretty much this. I don't dislike the guy, I think some of his stuff is actually pretty good. But there's something about a guy screaming at a video game and making poopy jokes I don't find funny. If I wanted to see someone get mad at a video game, I'd pop in Ninja Gaiden Black and get my ass kicked on Master Ninja.

    That being said, I like Spoony. I like Linkara. The Nostalgia Chick is someone (found on TGWTG) I also really like because she's cute and has tits funny and hates Michael Bay almost as much as I do.
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  14. #14
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Nostalgia Critic or the Angry Video Game Nerd Tallulah's Avatar
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    I like AVGN; I just love the way he goes so mad about the 's****y games that suck a**' and just flips out! Apparantly, according to my other half, I get like that over games when I'm frustrated with them. My favourite review was the Power Glove, closely followed by Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout, his first encounter with the wascally wabbit!

    I also think Spoony is awesome, especially his Final Fantasy VIII review, which is now complete. I don't have to be up tomorrow so I think I'll watch it again.

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