No, I don't make my bed, even if someone is coming over. And that myth is a fallacy.
You get warm the same amount of time, because you cover yourself up with the covers whether it's made or not anyway.
It's a legit question. I've had this debate with people before. I don't make my bed unless I'm doing laundry and they come out of the dryer or say company is gonna see it who I care how they see my room, which is rare.
I'm of the belief the bed should be rumpled since it has a worn comfy feeling. I've heard people say aside from the looking neater that when it's made you get warmer faster. That's true I guess but unless you're like a vampire and sit in one position I like the freedom of being able to lay however you want.
And you?
No, I don't make my bed, even if someone is coming over. And that myth is a fallacy.
You get warm the same amount of time, because you cover yourself up with the covers whether it's made or not anyway.
I never make my bed, I don't see the reason why I should. Personally, I like getting in my bed with the covers all scrunched up, just feels more comfortable.
I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.
Let me check....
No my bed isn't made, never is, I rarely ever make my bed. I don't care, since I'm going to unmake it soon anyways.
I usually don't make my bed at all. Unless my mom terrorizes me to or I want cats to keep it warm. Or if I'm trying to make my side look cleaner so my roommate will pick up. Other than that, I don't bother. I like having a nest-like feeling.
Last edited by Lunasa; 02-04-2009 at 12:04 PM.
"Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."
I never make my bed because I think it's just a waste of effort. Even after I do the sheets and pillow case, I leave everything rumpled and messed up because I know I'm going to ruin it all when I go to bed later. When friends come over, they don't care either, because whether it's made or not, they jump in.
I always make my bed, but I take realism to an extreme, freedom to me isn't as important as efficiency.
I'm kinda suprised that so far everyone chooses not to make their beds. It's kinda the opposite for me then, lol.
Yeah, I make my bed everyday after I get up. It's just been a natural habit of mine that has been drilled into me since I was a kid to get up, brush your teeth, comb your hair, make your bed, etc, etc, and thus is how I was raised.
If I am in a time crunch or something, I sometimes don't make my bed, but as soon as I get home, I make it, lol. I do a lot of things in the comfort of my own room, and I do have some OCD tendencies, and if my bed isn't made, then it pesters me to the point that I can't get many things done efficently if it isn't made.
Also, when I am in other people's rooms, one of the first things I judge someone on is if their bed is made or not. It's not a make or break thing for me, but if their bed usually isn't made, then that means that there is a possibility of other things not taken care of in a room, like having it vacuumed, dust-free, things picked up off the floor, dirty clothes out of the room, etc, and if there are a combination of things like that in another person's room, I lose focus quickly, lol.
So yeah, made beds are kinda a big deal to me. Dunno why, they just always have been.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Yes, albeit crappily. I basically just adjust my pillows and doona so it looks neat, the entire process taking under 10 seconds.
I'm not a fan of having tightly tucked in sheets as it really don't strike me as being all that comfortable, but to each his own.![]()
victoria aut mors
I like having my bed made. I usually only make it after I've taken my sheets through the washing and drying machines, but if my sheets or blankets are completely out of place/touching the floor/whatever, I will adjust it. I can't get comfortable if my sheets and blankets are all over the place, and falling off me. I also feel more comfortable in a freshly made bed (although with me, maybe that's because the sheets are clean...) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Not only do I not make my bed, I actually sleep with stuff over it. And with no bedsheets, just the sheets and quilts I use to sleep. I use only half of my bed to sleep, with just a little amount of space to escape into the door out of my room. I like having stuff around, easily accessible, like my laptop and some mangas around, some rulebooks, the PSP and the DS and the keys and the iPod and the cellphone. Yeah, and I sleep soundly and comfortably. I have conformed to my bed so well, I can just go and turn around and I always have a space to sleep.
So yeah, I love the chaos in my bed. I feel uncomfortable when I don't have something like that. Well, unless my mother insists so badly, or when visitors use the room, in which case I have no more choice, but most of the time I sleep very comfortably in my bed (which, last I recall, is a full bed. Well, to be quite precise, is a bed for two people to sleep pretty closely, so it makes sense. I sleep alone, so yeah...
I <3 the chaos in my room!!
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'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
I'm like TG, I have all my unfolded clean clothes on my bed right now, and I guarantee I will not be putting them away tonight.
I rarely ever make my bed. I clean the blankets, because those get pretty dirty with all the cats and body heat. My bed is currently made, actually. I try not to mess it up too much, so I just sleep on top of the made bed with another blanket.
I like my bed made. That being said, I usually lack the time to make it. I'm not sure, but I like things smoothed out and ordered, but I'm rarely in a state of mind to order things.
Then again, sometimes I like the slept-in feel of a bed. It royally depends on the situation.
But, realistically, I make my bed perhaps twice a week, if that.
I make my bed in the evenings, probably sounds a bit strange, but my partner works nights so when I wake up he gets straight into bed, so there is no point in making the bed, but when he gets up, normally between 5 - 9, I do make the bed. I just hate getting into an unmade scruffy looking bed.
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Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
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Hell no. Im always too lazy to make it, unless people are coming over when I just straighten it up a little...Also I head off to work and school long before by girlfriend even wakes up so I rarely get a chance to make it anyway.
I straighten my quilt slightly, but that's it. For two and a half years, Imademybedup everynight because I slept on a sofa. But now I have a bed, so I don't bother to make it properly. I like the comforting feel of the creases.
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I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.
Actually,I never really make my bed. The only times I do is when I wash my sheets or completely change them to different ones or if i'm cleaning my room. The last time I changed my sheets was when our heat broke so I had to make sure I had my flannel sheets and pillow cases on my bed along with my quilt and fleece blanket so I was warm. I can't be bothered wih it,I dont do it because it's just going to get messed up again.
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hmm surprisingly a very popular topic.
Well Unless my GIGANTIC sleeping bag is falling off my bed then nope I dont make my bed. If everything is to out of order then my slight OCD kicks in and I just have to fix it.
I tend to make my bed when everything is a big mess on it and it's no longer easy to just slip into bed comfortably. That usually happens after maybe a week or two.
Other than that, no. I don't see much point in it. Nobody goes into my room anyway. Not even me. I go in to go to sleep and that's it. I keep nothing that I use on a regular basis in my bedroom.
I personally like to have my bed made. This is for the simple reason I'm a clean, neat person. Not so much compulsive or anything, I just like to be neat and organized.
This is the most insane thing I have ever read.
I don't make my bed. It usually has a ton of stuff on it, and I have recently been sleeping on the floor. You will feel so refreshed when you awake.
Who would of thought that a forum of teenagers equals so many unmade beds!
Hey! Read my movie blog!
I never make my bed even when i change my sheets and stuff i put the sheet on the matress and then chuck the quilt on the bed a leave.
I have a queen sized bed but only sleep on half of it because the other half has dvds and a con toler scattered about.
the only time it was ever clean was when my ex was coming over, but no theres no need.
Messyness for the win
You know, that's funny... I was thinking about this this morning... Anywho.
I make my bed. As a matter of fact, I used to take pride in making my bed and the room around it nice. I just... thought it would help me sleep better being in a clean environment. Making the bed for me is a habit that won't go away, and it's usually the first thing I do when I get up. I think it's mainly because my bed = my desk as well as comfort. Everything I use during the day gets dumped on it, and I use my laptop on it too. I mean, I have a "desk" in my room, but it's not comfortable to sit at (it's a set of draws which you can't put your legs under).
Lately, however, I've been sloppy about making it. I just can't be bothered making it look pretty. I just kind of... chuck the pillows up one end, and flatten the duvet. The heart isn't in it any more I guess.![]()
Usually I don't make my bed in the morning, I just really see the point in it as it'll just get creased again when I go back in it. That statement aside the only times I straighten things up is when I'm either going on my PS3 (I don't like lying on my mattress in the day, quilt is so much better) or if I have company coming over in the day or night.
Generally though, I don't see why I should make it. Ever since I got back off holiday my parents up-graded it from double to king size quilt and its like o.O bigger than my bed. So out of sheer laziness, I couldn't put the effort into making it in the morning.
Originally Posted by Itachi Uchiha
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I'll make my bed at random times. Most of the time I dont, unless there's company coming over or if I'm gonna play some videogames. My tv is about 3 feet from the foot of my bed, so I'll just lay on my stomach and play. I can't stand having a mess of sheets under me.
As for when I sleep, I don't have a preference. If I'm tired enough I'll sleep anywhere, and in the summer, I'll just sleep on top of my comforter. That being said, all I need is a mattress and a bedsheet. None of that fancy shit with a flat sheet. It just gets tangles up and annoying.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
For me it depends if I'm going to be gone for a long period of time then yes I make my bed, and other times it depends on how I feel that day. So at times I do and at times I don't.
I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds coolRPGs THAT I'VE BEATEN.....
In the summer all I have is a Duvet and all I need to do is pull it up but I don't even bother with that. During the Winter I put in an electric blanket, it keeps me warm but it's kind of uncomfortable if its all bent and stuff so I at least try and flatten out. For the most if I do a huge clean up of my room I'll make it or if people are coming over but generally who cares... only old people and army men make their bed constantly.
I always make my bed. I take pride in what my bed and room looks like so it has to be completely spotless all the time. As does my bathroom. Plus I can't sleep at night without my room being clean so I might as well make it in the morning =]