You are not over reacting at all. You need to lay a firm rules for both of you or you should walk. Either both of you can drink to whatever limit each of you decide, get stoned (if you do), not tell where you are going. Whatever you decide it must be equal for you, however, I do not think your boyfriend would adhere to the rules. He seems like one of those guys who can do anything he wants but not his girlfriend. Either put that man in his place or walk out. There are guys who can be better/ more compatible to you than he is.
Has this relationship always been long distanced? Where does he live and where do you live ( you can give me just the state if that is all you are comfortable with). If you two have never lived close to each other then this relationship will be a lot harder. I suggest finding someone closer and if one of you move away you have a better framework.
Talk to him, make fair rules for both, but if you feel he won't or hasn't followed them and has gotten on your case still - do not hesitate to leave. Do not develop a case of what I call "Beaten wife syndrome". Where the woman will take the poor behavior, excuses, and treatment of their man because deep down he really loves her. I don't want any woman to go through that - remember to stand up for yourself. Hope this has been helpful.