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  1. #1
    G'day If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I don't know about other countries, but in Australia, there are speed cameras all over the place. Now, they and the police, cop a lot of slack from the driving public, often accused of only being 'revenue raisers'. They raise millions each year from speeding fines. People are ALWAYS complaining about how sneaky the police are, as they have started using unmarked cars to catch people out. It does seem sneaky and I'm aware that sometimes the police probably have a target (maybe) and the speed cameras can get it wrong, as all things are capable of being faulty. And the police constantly state that 'speed kills' and that's the reason for the 'crack down'. Which is a load of bull.


    If you don't speed, YOU WON'T GET FINED!!!! F**k me, it frustrates me soo much when I have to listen to people whine when they pass a speed camera, and say things like, 'those sneaky c***s' or 'do you think they got me? I was only doing the speed limit'. The police aren't being sneaky, it's pretty obvious that the big van on the side of the road is most likely a speed camera vehicle and if you were doing the speed limit, THEN WHY THE F**K ARE YOU COMPLAINING FOR?!!!! Especially to me! Oh and don't forget the fact that when people know there's a speed camera coming up, they slow down and when they've driven past, THEY START SPEEDING AGAIN! The fines and loss of demerit points are SUPPOSED TO BE A DETERRENT from committing the offence AGAIN.

    The real issue here is that the attitude of MOST drivers, is appalling. Young or old. People need to get over themselves and understand that YOU COULD KILL SOMEONE or YOURSELF. You aren't invincible.

    I know that some countries don't have speed limits and that seems to work from what I've heard. But, I believe speed limits are appropriate. You should drive slower in certain areas like school, around private homes and near roadworks. The faster you travel the longer it'll take for you to break. I'm not an expert, but it just makes sense. If you can't follow a simple speed limit, then maybe you shouldn't be driving.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I got pulled over going about 40 in a 25. They were just wondering why I was going that fast.
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  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I got pulled over last week doing 85 in a 35. I got my license suspended, and have court in a few weeks. I will pay my fine, and everything will be fine.

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  4. #4
    I invented Go-Gurt. If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Clint's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    On busy freeways and such, it doesn't matter what the speed limit is. On my stretch of 495, the posted speed limit is 55 mph, however, if you do 55 mph, you're going to get yourself killed. The average actual speed limit on that road is closer to 75 to 80 mph. So, sometimes it's good to speed.

    Other times, like if you don't know how to drive, it's bad to speed. It's also bad if you're doing 85 in a 35. I'd be able to understand 55 in a 35, but 50 mph over the speed limit is just ridiculous.

  5. #5

    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I've never been pulled over for speeding because I always stay within the limit. I hate how people drive in California; they're always in a f*cking hurry. I'm like "It's Saturday at 11:00am where the hell are you in such a hurry to get to!?"

    I almost got into a bad accident yesterday actually. Some jackass completely ignored a protected (red) left turn light and I almost smashed into the left side of his big ass suv. I almost had a stroke. Lol

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  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I was recently flashed as the green light turned yellow as I was proceding through an intersection. Cameras can be faulty and a lot of the time they actually are. Australia has been recorded as having the most aggresive/idiotic drivers in the world. I hate people that speed on the roads. I live in Mill Park and about 1 or 2 years back, a group of 5 people were killed in a head on smash with a tree on plenty road. The reason was because the driver was drunk and high on drugs, the speed isnt what caused the crash, but it most certainly played a factor in the collision which caused the deaths of 5 boys. The only survivor was a girl and that was because she was incredibly lucky. If those people had of crashed into a friend or someone close to me, I would furious. The people were actually defending the actions of the driver by saying "oh was a good person, **** you for saying hes a killer!" well you know what? If you speed, if you drive under the influence, you are an IDIOT and you are not only putting yourself at risk, but others. Time after time, this happens. No speed limits, passenger restrictions, amount of years on 'P' plates are going to stop this, because they will do what they want to do anyway. Thats what I hate about drivers who speed and drive under influence. They have no reguard for human life and are selfish enough to risk not only theirs, but others lives.

  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I also was going 35 in a school zone 25. Cop just said what's up, and let me go. 1000 dollar ticket I didn't get lol.
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  8. #8
    Asking all the personal questions. If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    You hit the nail on the head nikkie if you don,t speed then you have nothing to complain about obviously all those complaining are the ones that speed.

    I will admit I have sped before nothing outrageous. I never ever speed through a school zone and never speed on a highway or small residential street you never know if a child will run out unawares.
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  9. #9

    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I agree. If you're anything more than 5 over the limit, I say you deserve to get caught. I say over 5, because sometimes people can accidentally go a couple miles over the limit without knowing. I hate when some idiot speeds by all fast like they think they're all bad. I always wish so much that a cop would see them doing that.

    Plus, I hate to see tragedies come from it. I mean, it sucked to see Ryan Dunn go because of speeding too fast.
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  10. #10
    I do what you can't. If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Ryan Dunn crashed because he was too drunk to drive, not because he was going a few miles an hour over the speed limit. Those are two totally different things. I don't wish that on anybody, but driving that fast while that drunk on a road well-known for curves and such, that's just plain damn stupid, and one can't be too surprised when something bad happens.

    I'll admit that I speed. But, as has been mentioned here, if I were to get pulled over, I wouldn't be surprised or upset. I don't speed excessively, though -- there's a balance that doesn't draw attention.

    Everywhere in America that I've ever driven, people who go the speed limit are road hazards. So everybody prettymuch has to speed. But there's a way to be smart about it -- if you're going 55 on the interstate, you're nothing but a traffic hazard. But if you're going 80, you're going fast enough to, at the very least, make yourself stand out. Of course, at that point, you're also posing a danger to yourself and the drivers around you and causing another traffic hazard. You shouldn't really do any more than it takes to keep up with traffic. It's the same thing with breaking any other law -- if you've going to do it, don't be stupid about it, and don't flaunt it.

    I've been pulled over one time for speeding, and I didn't get a ticket. And I usually go about eight over -- in a 25, I'll go 33 or so, in a 55, I'll go maybe 65.

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  11. #11

    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Ryan Dunn crashed because he was too drunk to drive, not because he was going a few miles an hour over the speed limit.
    Yeah, but he was going 100-something mph, and drunk or not, someone going that fast in the darkness of the night is likely gonna wreck. Not saying the alcohol had nothing to do with it, but I think it was more the speed he was going.
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  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cereal~Killer View Post
    Yeah, but he was going 100-something mph, and drunk or not, someone going that fast in the darkness of the night is likely gonna wreck. Not saying the alcohol had nothing to do with it, but I think it was more the speed he was going.
    He was going that speed because the alcohol impaired his judgement. It was the drink that killed him and his mate, not the speed.

  13. #13

    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    He was going that speed because the alcohol impaired his judgement. It was the drink that killed him and his mate, not the speed.
    According to Bam Margera and other friends of his, Dunn was a regular speeder. I think he would've gone that fast with or without drinking. Bam said Dunn was a "maniac" behind the wheel.
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  14. #14
    Boxer of the Galaxy If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cereal~Killer View Post
    According to Bam Margera and other friends of his, Dunn was a regular speeder. I think he would've gone that fast with or without drinking. Bam said Dunn was a "maniac" behind the wheel.
    To what extent he "speeded", we dont know. When you drink your reaction times are slowed so it was an accident waiting to happen. We can argue back and forth, but up until this very point where he drank and drive, he was alive. So we can safely assume that bceause he was drunk in this particular instance, it was the reason for his death. He has been speeding many other times and hasnt died, but when he drank he did. As I said before, speeding is one thing, but driving under the influence is what will kill.

  15. #15
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I won't speed in school zones, especially during dropping-off/picking-up time. My instructor commended me on my safe careful driving round a primary school (it was the one my friends' kids go to) where I didn't, indeed, couldn't, go over about 8 mph.

    I have caught myself sneaking over the speed limit a few times (e.g. 33 in a 30 zone, 42 in a 40 zone) especially when I have just come off the bypass, which is a 60/70mph road. On motorways/freeways where the speed limit is 70, just about everyone (except the slow moving and restricted speed vehicles) breaks it. There is currenly a campaign in the UK to get the motorway speed limit increased to 80mph, which I find a fairer, better speed. However, in adverse weather, which we have a lot of in winter lately, this will not be safe. *sigh* It's a conundrum.

    I will only risk putting my foot down if there are no speed cameras in the vicinity, and it is safe to do so.
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  16. #16
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! motscroises's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I think it bothers people because speeding is such a norm, at least in America. Cops themselves speed nonstop, I've never seen a cop go the speed limit. It feels less like they're trying to protect us and more like they're trying to rip us off. It was just on the news the other day around here that the city is avoiding increasing the speed limit of a stretch of road because the police like to use it as a speed trap. The limit is currently 25 mph and it's supposed to be 45 mph, but the city likes the money that stretch of road brings in.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying speeding is acceptable. However, if we're talking about dangerous drivers, when is the last time you've seen someone get a ticket for tailgating outside of when there was already an accident? Tailgating, whether you are speeding or not, can be even more dangerous than speeding. Seems to me like cops don't care that much about preventing accidents so much as handing out tickets that bring in money.

  17. #17
    I invented Go-Gurt. If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Clint's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    So many anti-speeders. It seems a lot of you shouldn't have your licenses, since all you do is slow people down. People who go the speed limit are at fault for people speeding, because you piss people off by going the speed limit when it's clearly obvious that the posted speed limit is always too slow for every road. 35 mph? I can run faster then that.

    Since you're slowing people down, people then have to speed to make up time. Plus they're pissed that you went so damn slow. The average speedometer in a car goes up to at least 100 mph. If the people who made the car didn't want you to go 100 mph every now and then, they wouldn't have put the number on the speedometer.

    The only thing speed limits are good for is for cops to trap drivers. It's a corrupt system. All police officers absolutely suck, so they have to forge traps in order to trick themselves into believing that they're actually doing their jobs, whereas in reality, they don't do anything but eat donuts and cheat on their wives.

  18. #18
    G'day If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I do agree that the speed limit on some roads could be higher, but they're not. So what's the big deal with doing the speed limit? I also agree that some cops, are just dicks on a power trip. But if people just followed the law and weren't so f*cking impatient, there'd be no problem. People are just selfish.

  19. #19
    Sargeant Tastycakes If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! dustinpro's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Speeding is bad,but drunk drivng should be on par with attempted murder it's so stupid and selfish.

  20. #20
    Kiss with a fist. If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I don't really have a personal problem with speeders in general. I'll freely admit that I tend to drive a lot faster than I'm supposed to, but I also can't stand down shifting and once I get to fifth gear I'd like to stay there as long as possible. This applies to more highway driving obviously. However, I HATE when you're in the fast lane going ten or twenty above the speed limit and a douchebag behind you decides to ride your back bumper. I'm a frequent break checker.

  21. #21
    I invented Go-Gurt. If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Clint's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    However, I HATE when you're in the fast lane going ten or twenty above the speed limit and a douchebag behind you decides to ride your back bumper. I'm a frequent break checker.
    That is annoying, but what's even more annoying is when people are cruising in the fast lane at the same speed as the cars in the lane next to you, making it impossible for you to pass anybody, hence defeating the purpose of the fast lane. That pisses me off so much. People are supposed to go fast in the fast lane. That's why it's called the fast lane.

  22. #22
    Kiss with a fist. If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Clint Eastwood View Post
    That is annoying, but what's even more annoying is when people are cruising in the fast lane at the same speed as the cars in the lane next to you, making it impossible for you to pass anybody, hence defeating the purpose of the fast lane. That pisses me off so much. People are supposed to go fast in the fast lane. That's why it's called the fast lane.
    Agreed, that's possibly even more aggravating. Especially because I do my best NOT to tailgate so I end up going even slower. As a general rule you should not enter the fast lane unless you're prepared to drive AT LEAST 75MPH they taught me that in driver's ed.

    @Kinzerelli: I've honked at people who do this..

  23. #23
    Peace Through Power If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Kinzerelli's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    One of the main things I hate, regarding the above bit, is when you have 2 going 1mph faster than the other.....then they take about 20miles to pass each other. Though it is more annoying on Dual-Carriageways, than on Motorways.

  24. #24
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Uh... wow. It was sad to see Ryan Dunn go. But he was a maniac driver with or without the alcohol in his system. You're telling daredevil guy wouldn't have put the pedal to the metal when sober? I can see what Cereal~Killer means, but I'm going for that the combination of alcohol and driving killed him. Putting it down to one or the other knowing who the guy was is stupid. It's a tragedy involving a car and speed all the same.

    And I agree with Nikki. If you speed and get a ticket, you have no right to complain or cry about it. It's like knowingly putting your hand on a hot surface and then complaining that you have a painful blister on your hand.

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  25. #25
    Bananarama If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    I'd say speeding is a lot less of a problem than people driving drunk or running red lights... or people who DON'T ****ING SIGNAL. DIE. I also happen to enjoy taking my liberties when I'm driving, but I'm not stupid. I don't speed when the conditions are shitty, and I don't speed in work zones. I try to keep to the left lane, so as I'm not one of those assholes who zips in and out of lanes, causing more trouble for others.

    I'd also be pissed if those speed cameras went off if you were 1mph above the limit. The way it generally works here, unless the cops are assholes, you're given a 5-10 mph bubble, where they won't give you problems. Anything over that, and it's dicey.
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  26. #26
    Kiss with a fist. If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught! Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: If you speed whilst driving, you deserve to get caught!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    or people who DON'T ****ING SIGNAL. DIE.
    I really have never understood that, it literally takes moving your pinky finger less than an inch to signal that you're turning. I also can't stand those people that signal RIGHT before they actually turn so you're stuck at a stop sign, etc. for longer when you could have made your turn for like five minutes; that's really fantastic.

    And honestly for our speed cameras, I think there should be a 10MPH limit instead of just 5, they really need to factor in weather conditions such as wind, etc. that can move your vehicle and make that difference between 5 and 6MPH over the set limit.

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