I don't know about other countries, but in Australia, there are speed cameras all over the place. Now, they and the police, cop a lot of slack from the driving public, often accused of only being 'revenue raisers'. They raise millions each year from speeding fines. People are ALWAYS complaining about how sneaky the police are, as they have started using unmarked cars to catch people out. It does seem sneaky and I'm aware that sometimes the police probably have a target (maybe) and the speed cameras can get it wrong, as all things are capable of being faulty. And the police constantly state that 'speed kills' and that's the reason for the 'crack down'. Which is a load of bull.
If you don't speed, YOU WON'T GET FINED!!!! F**k me, it frustrates me soo much when I have to listen to people whine when they pass a speed camera, and say things like, 'those sneaky c***s' or 'do you think they got me? I was only doing the speed limit'. The police aren't being sneaky, it's pretty obvious that the big van on the side of the road is most likely a speed camera vehicle and if you were doing the speed limit, THEN WHY THE F**K ARE YOU COMPLAINING FOR?!!!! Especially to me! Oh and don't forget the fact that when people know there's a speed camera coming up, they slow down and when they've driven past, THEY START SPEEDING AGAIN! The fines and loss of demerit points are SUPPOSED TO BE A DETERRENT from committing the offence AGAIN.
The real issue here is that the attitude of MOST drivers, is appalling. Young or old. People need to get over themselves and understand that YOU COULD KILL SOMEONE or YOURSELF. You aren't invincible.
I know that some countries don't have speed limits and that seems to work from what I've heard. But, I believe speed limits are appropriate. You should drive slower in certain areas like school, around private homes and near roadworks. The faster you travel the longer it'll take for you to break. I'm not an expert, but it just makes sense. If you can't follow a simple speed limit, then maybe you shouldn't be driving.