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Thread: If I didn't learn my lesson the first time!

  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    If I didn't learn my lesson the first time!

    OK the title is deceiving and a joke.

    Not sure where else to put this so I will throw some questions in at the end so that it fits the suit for GC.

    So over the last few weeks I have had my speculations that something was up and as the time passed my thoughts turned into more and more of a reality.

    First off there was the at homes 2 positive one negative. Then there was the wait, I called to make the appointment; today was the day.

    Ok enough speaking in secrecy. Some people already know about it even though there was not a confirmation but today I found out that my wife is pregnant and I am going to be a daddy again!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She is currently 5 weeks along and I am ecstatic and overcome with joy. So I figured I would come here and let it be known publicly.

    So yeah that is my big announcement!

    As for the questions, they go out to all of the parents; well if you are not one make note and feel free to respond to how you would act if you found out that you where going to be a parent.

    So what was you initial reaction once you found out?

    Given over a couple days reactions usually change, what was your second reaction a few days later?

    How far along where you (or your spouse) before you found out?

    If currently pregnant or have been, what are some of things you have went through physically and emotionally?

    If you have a child, what was your first few moments like after the child was born?
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  2. #2
    I will finish the hunt If I didn't learn my lesson the first time! Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    So what was you initial reaction once you found out?
    The 1st. Time:I didn't want any of it. In fact I thought about the very thing I am against.

    2nd. Time: Happy...very satisfied with my reproductive organs, lol. I wanted my children to be born close together.

    Given over a couple days reactions usually change, what was your second reaction a few days later?
    1st. Time: I began to be really happy about it. I felt a little empowered even, and I knew I was stronger than just "giving up" and choosing to not take responsibility.

    2nd. Time: I was a little afraid. I knew me and Tom would have to move up the wedding, and I would need to continuously work to get us to were we could live comfortably after the baby got here.
    How far along where you (or your spouse) before you found out?
    1st. Time: I was almost 3 months; very near the end of the first trimester.

    2nd. Time: A little over a month.
    If currently pregnant or have been, what are some of things you have went through physically and emotionally?
    1st. Time: Near the end I got heartburn a lot, and swelled up...even came down with preeclampsia.

    2nd. Time: severe fatigue, nausea, constipation, acne everywhere, headaches, bloated, over sensitivity, and heartburn. I seriously think this kid wants to kill me >>, and I am only five months. LOL

    If you have a child, what was your first few moments like after the child was born?
    1st. Time:The first thing that happened after he came out was he cried, and his first cry was the most beautiful sound to my ears. It was as close to an Angels voice as one can get. After I was able to hold him this incredible sigh of relief came over my body. Suddenly the heavy nine months, Dr.'s warnings, fears, and anxiety drifted away. I knew from that moment on everything would be ok from now on. My Sig says it all.
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  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Oh wow! Congrats Meier! Thats really good news, and I wish you all the best!

    So what was you initial reaction once you found out?
    Depends really on how old I am and what my plans are, but I know I'll be very happy. I'd proably be a little scared because it is a big thing, but thats normal I guess.

    Given over a couple days reactions usually change, what was your second reaction a few days later?
    Erm... I'd probably be sitting and watching the clock for the big due day. Seriously, I'd probably be telling my parents about then, and crapping myself to see what they would say. I guess that what they would say would be depending on my age and who I'm with too.

    How far along where you (or your spouse) before you found out?
    Can't really answer, but I guess between 3-6 weeks. Pesky periods... >.<

    If currently pregnant or have been, what are some of things you have went through physically and emotionally?
    Can't wait to find out! XD

    If you have a child, what was your first few moments like after the child was born?Can't wait to find out! XD

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
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  4. #4
    Registered User If I didn't learn my lesson the first time! winterborn86's Avatar
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    First of all congrats on the good news are you hoping for a boy or girl??

    So what was you initial reaction once you found out?

    With the 1st, I was excited cos I've always wanted to have kids, even tho I was only 19 when i fell pregnant, but I was also a bit worried as to how Matt would react cos we had only been together for a few months.

    With 2nd, I was excited and happy and so was Matt cos this one was planned, I was just abit worried about my parents reaction, cos none of family really think I should be with Matt.

    Given over a couple days reactions usually change, what was your second reaction a few days later?

    With the 1st my reactions were still pretty much the same, I was still happy to be prgnaant and was really excited about it, but I wasn't bothered about what Matt thought. He originally told me he didn't want me to have the baby so I told him that i wasn't going to get rid of it. He eventually came around to the idea after a few weeks.

    With the 2nd we were still happy about it, but now it's getting closre to the due date, I've started having doubts, cos Maria is going through her 2year old phases, like tantrums and wanting to be more independent and the potty training. Plus I don't think she will like the baby cos she has always been the centre of attension, so I'm startimg to get a bit worried now.

    How far along where you (or your spouse) before you found out?

    Wow, I can't really remember how far I was with Maria, I'm pretty sure I was only over a month tho.

    With this one, technically I was only aabout 2 weeks, cos it was planned we done all the timing of the ovulation cycle, so I knew wen to test, but pregnancy is always counted from the last period which made me 4weeks, evn tho I technically concieved about 2 weeks before. Very strange how that works lol

    If currently pregnant or have been, what are some of things you have went through physically and emotionally?

    With Maria me and Matt had ALOT of fall outs, we constaly argued so there was alot of stress for both of us.
    Physically tho I only suffered from really bad back pains, which my midwife said was because I was a very skinny person the extra weight at the front is putting alot of strain on my back.

    Witg this pregnancy, it's pretty much the same with my back, just feelsa little bit worse, but things are ok with me and Matt tho.

    If you have a child, what was your first few moments like after the child was born?

    I remember feeling like sh*t cos I had been awake 24hours and been pushing 2hours was exhausted and i hardly had any energy to hold Maria and I kept wanting to cry, cos I desperatly wanted to hold her but had no phyical energy at all. And I remember when the nurses gave her to me to hold straight after she came out, she looked purple and cos covered in slimy white stuff lol

    I'm wondering what this time will be like, hopefully easier, fingers crossed lol

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  5. #5
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom If I didn't learn my lesson the first time! Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Hey Gratz on that meier at least you know your still Potent!!

    well i don't have kids but this is how i think i will react ect.

    So what was you initial reaction once you found out?
    I think i would be like "Omg is it mine" ok maybe not but i would be shocked especially if we wern't planning it.

    Given over a couple days reactions usually change, what was your second reaction a few days later?
    Prolly Happy. id be all like dude im going to be a father Awsome.

    Can't Answer the rest but Again Gratz to Meier


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