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Thread: Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed.

  1. #1

    Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed.

    My friends and I are a bunch of pranksters. We do all sorts of crazy stuff to eachother such as break into eachothers' rooms at ungodly hours causing mayhem, newspapering other peoples' rooms, and even kidnapping eachother.
    It's all quite simple, basic prankage, really. But I want to do something more clever. I want to sabotage an already carefully planned prank and turn it on them.

    There's talk of doing something to this one guy Luke's room while he's away. We can get in, and a couple of the girls have something planned (Plan A). However, knowing about this idea early... I want to turn it around and outsmart everybody else with some kind of counter prank (Plan B). This will mean telling Luke what they're planning first so we can scheme together. However, I want to make sure I have something brilliant in mind first before I scheme with him, to ensure Plan B is a bigger humiliation to its' schemers than their Plan A would be to Luke, if you see what I mean. If I can't think of anything good for Plan B, I'll just let Plan A go ahead and Luke will be none the wiser.

    Plan A so far as I know is to just go into Luke's room (let in by his housemate) and give it some crazy makeover, so I was thinking about Plan B involving some kind of booby trap... but I dunno.

    Any ideas? This entire post may be quite confusing.... but the long and short of it is... can you think of any effective and humiliating way to booby trap a room?

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  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Rig some fishing line up so opening the door will break the fishing line. Have the fishing line attached to some balloons filled with a nasty shade of paint. And loosely balance some feathers on top of the balloons. You'll need to exit through a window though.

    Alternatively rig up some loudass alarms. They will make the intruders jump a mile. Or there's always the guy in a realistic gorilla suit under the bed gag. Just hire a decent costume from somewhere.

    Or get everyone by allowing the girls to do their thing and giving their rooms a makeover as they give his one.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Professional Klutz. Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed. Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Let in?
    You could do what we did to George in April-
    We moved out all of his stuff from his room, so it was completely bare. Then, we laid out a whole bunch of porn... Georgio had already found out (me being from your A prank lol) and we came in laughing to find him but naked pretending to... It was erm... Surprising to say the least.

    Of course, where you're doing this it may be inpractical. Lol plus, not everybody is as willing to strip as Georgio...

    Anyway. I'll go round and get more.

    Thanks, Aimee.
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  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    plan a
    you could always get a cop costume and have a buddy they dont know go to the house and have him pretend to be "responding to a breaking and entering" call.

    plan b
    if its pain your looking to deal, go into the room unscrew the light bulbs and wait for them with a paintball gun...

    plan c
    go screw up their stuff while they are screwing up his
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  5. #5
    Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed. Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    Booby trap? Oh, no. How about mindfvck? Okay. You'll need lots of superglue, liquid nails, duct tape, screws, and powertools.

    Put everything in his room upside down. I mean on the ceiling. Best thing evor.

    I'm not kidding. I've done it. Granted we couldn't get the couch on the ceiling, and there was this armoir that definitely wouldn't go. But ****, we even got the bed up there. It was great.

    Yeah. College. Woo.
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  6. #6
    Nice ideas, though like I say, I'm not really after doing anything to Luke's room so much.... it's plan B I'm more interested in making interesting. I want to pull a prank on the people who are executing prank A

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  7. #7
    Bananarama Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed. Pete's Avatar
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    Here's the best thing you can do.

    Get shitloads of rose petals and put them all around the room, but mostly in a path to his bed. Cover his bed in them and get yourself as many wine glasses that will accomodate yourself, plus all the girls showing up. Next step, get some wine. After that, figure out when theyre coming, and then go into the kids room, drop your clothes and just lay in the rose petals on his bed naked. Just imagine the look on their face when they see you there, ready for some romance. Just remember to have some kinda super cheesy line for when they enter; something like "hellllloooooooooo ladies" comes to mind. OH! and you absolutely have to snap your fingers and point at them after the line. Scented candles will absolutely make the mood so much better.

    Just think about it. They'll have absolutely no idea what to do at that point and will prob never **** with the kids room ever again.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  8. #8
    The joke is far too true Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed. loner-kid's Avatar
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    try getting a fake dead body like a real realistic one and hide it in a closet so it will fall out on whoever opens the closet then just make an excuse for one of the girls to open the closet

  9. #9
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed. Polk's Avatar
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    Dig a hole, then cover it with sticks. Then put something nasty inside the pit, like, tigers, or pandas, or Rick Astley or something. When they fall into the pit, they'll be all like "WTF OMGZ RICK ROLL".

    You can choose whether or not to let them out.

  10. #10
    Magically Delicous Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed. Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Here's the best thing you can do.

    Get shitloads of rose petals and put them all around the room, but mostly in a path to his bed. Cover his bed in them and get yourself as many wine glasses that will accomodate yourself, plus all the girls showing up. Next step, get some wine. After that, figure out when theyre coming, and then go into the kids room, drop your clothes and just lay in the rose petals on his bed naked. Just imagine the look on their face when they see you there, ready for some romance. Just remember to have some kinda super cheesy line for when they enter; something like "hellllloooooooooo ladies" comes to mind. OH! and you absolutely have to snap your fingers and point at them after the line. Scented candles will absolutely make the mood so much better.

    Just think about it. They'll have absolutely no idea what to do at that point and will prob never **** with the kids room ever again.
    I'd make a slight modification to that. Instead of laying on the bed naked, make sure all they can see when they look in is the bed. When they walk in, they see you sitting in a chair with nothing but a red bathrobe on, holding a champane glass in your hand in some pompous way. You can say some smarmy british-like remark like "Good evening ladies. The bed's all ready for you" or something. Then to put the icing on the cake, have your friend nail their ass with whatever projectile you want while they are standing there dumbfounded and speechless.

  11. #11
    Haha, I almost forgot about this tread.

    Luke actually knows about the plan now. Myself and him were both backstabbed by everybody else in another night of prankage (a very rubbish prank, though), so I decided to fore-warn him so together we can get revenge on everybody.

    Still, I've heard nothing more of plan A yet :/

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  12. #12
    Ultima Warrior
    Replace all the underganrments in their room e=with the opposite sex's (works best with males)

  13. #13
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Ideas needed for an elaborate scheme. All clever people needed. Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Lol i love pranks.

    My mate was at his cousins and his house has like no security. so we booby traped his house buy making doors open when he opened somthing else. he opened his door and bucket of feather fell on him. he also has a massive kermit doll so we hung kermit up in the front lounge with a knife in his hand. When he came home he was like WTF? and was trying to figure out what the hell it was. (bearing in mind he was paro)

    OR what you can do is when they enter the house kill them all bet they won't see that coming.

    OR kidnap them. jump them, from behind and lock thier asses in a trunk for a hour or so.

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