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Thread: I am done!

  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I am done!

    So yes this thread title is deceiving. This thread has nothing to do with me leaving TFF or giving up my mod spot or anything of that sort.

    When I say I am done I am referring to having kids, I have decided that 2 are more then enough for the wife and I; which she agrees upon.

    So I have decided it is time to take semi-permanent measures to ensure that no other baby Meiers will be born to this earth by means of a vasectomy. Given there are other means of birth control out there; the pill, condoms, tubal ligation , or even sustaining from having sex (not going to happen) are just a few means to name a few. I find this measure to not only be the safest for me and my partner but also a semi permanent fix for the issue. I say semi because the process for a price could be reversed if I ever decided (unlikely) to have it done.

    So in thinking about doing this it has sparked a few questions to the members here at TFF!

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?
    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?
    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?
    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

    Given there is a lot more to talk about then just those 4 questions, and I truly hope this thread isn’t limited to them, I am just truly curious as to peoples opinions on the matter.

    I have my first consultation this Friday and I hope to set up the operation with in the next couple weeks.

    Also keep in mind that I have 2 other illegitimate bastard children; Rocky and Fate (Hahaha) and possibly others that I don’t know about.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    yay for being an illegitimate child!

    As for having children, I am unsure on how many I would like to have. I think if it was finanically appropriate, I would be content with 2 or 3 kids. As for birth control, I'm not against anything in particular, as long as it works. I don't think pulling out counts as birth control though lol.

    As for preventing pregnancy, if me and my wife are still having lots and lots of sex even after having kids, then I would seriously consider having a vasectomy. I think it would be the safest and most effective solution overall. I was unaware that you can have the process reversed though, that's pretty cool if you wanted to change your mind. The wonders of science! And as for me or my spouse getting fixed, I wouldn't care either way, whatever happens to be the safest method.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  3. #3

    Re: I am done!

    Well I'm of the opinion most people shouldn't have kids. In the end most do but it's not the prettiest thing. Call me crazy but you have to take in the factors that you're spending time with your spouse, so that cuts personal time away, which everyone needs. Then factor work in and your hobbies. If you still can manage you want a child that you'll have to tend to and take care of for the rest of your life or at least the next 20 or so years.

    To have a kid takes a lot of time and input. So being able to divide work, spouse, and kid time properly, plus your own for sanity sake. Then divide money and not want to stab someone at the end of the week takes alot. People think of things in too much fo a static sense. People change, as in everyone and it's hard to predict. I firmly believe the child is the most important part of the relationship once you decide to have one. So that means petty shit you have to put aside. Now I was the child in a marriage that failed when both people changed and couldn't see eye to eye. Yet in the heat of it I was forgotten by both sides. So I know how important it is to put in time and get your priorities straight if you decide to do the family thing, not just say I want this so lets do it.

    I don't want kids at least not anytime soon. I've thought if I do it should be somewhere in my early to mid 30's but that's just my rough idea. I won't have a kid if I can't support him or her. Unlike most of the parents who send them to the grandparents so they can get their shit straight even though they're stocking shelves for $8.00 an hour buying smokes and booze with it. I'll need to be in a good financial standing, happy and realize it's gonna be life changing not a 9-5 thing.

    And that's why I believe in both birth control and rubbers cause you can't be too careful!

  4. #4
    Registered User I am done!
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    Re: I am done!

    Good luck with your surgery Meier.

    Anyway, kids. Yeah. I'm not ready for 'em yet. I don't plan on having any until I'm in my mid-30's, so I still have a ways to go. I might not even have my own children. I've always thought that if I was going to have kids, that I would look into adoption. I'm sure that there will be some children out there who wouldn't mind putting up with me as thier mommy.

    If I did have my own kids (whether through adoption or conception), I think that I would want two and be finished. I wouldn't want just one, because I feel like when you are a kid growing up without any siblings it would get kind of lonely. Plus, if I mess up raising one kid, I have another one that I can be proud of! Haha... No, that's mean. But, yeah. Two seems like a good number to have.

    As for contraceptives, I prefer just taking the pill. I don't like shots, and I don't think I would want anything stuck up inside me, like a vaginal ring or IUD or whatever. I know that you don't really notice it after a while, but still, I don't think that I would want it. Also, not too keen on the patch either. No real reason. I just take my pill and be done with it. Granted, you do have to take it about the same time everyday, but after a while of being on it, it just becomes routine. Also, guys gotta wear a condom. Everytime. I'm taking no chances on catching something or having an unplanned pregnancy.

    As for a more surgical solution, I'd much rather have the man go through the surgery than myself. It's a lot safer and has less recovery time if a man goes through with a vasectomy than it is for a woman to get her tubes tied or get a histerectomy. I would never force him to get one though. At least I don't think I would.

    Kids are definately a lot of work, and people shouldn't have them unless they're ready. It blows my mind when someone says they got "accidentally pregnant". With so many options out there for contraception, that shouldn't really happen, imo.
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  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    To be honest, it's not something I've thought about. I'd love to have a child one day, but as for if I'd want more than one remains to be seen. I wouldn't want to have more than two. I'll always be a big kid myself, so they'd never be lonely.

    I haven't got much of an opinion on birth control yet, but I know it'll be a must until I want to have children. I think I'd be happy going on the pill once I've found the right one for me. Condoms aren't a type on contraception I'd be happy with in a long term relationship, and I'm pretty sure my partner wouldn't be happy with them either, but I'd want to use them before going on the pill. I can live with getting jabs every now and then too.

    I know I'm not getting a coil or a ring or whatever put inside me to stop a pregnancy. I've heard of so many problem arising because of them. Periods are hell enough without them being prolonged. I'd want more sex time without getting pregnant - not waiting around for a period to stop so I'd be comfortable with sex.

    When I'm done having children, I feel it would be wrong to ask my partner if they'd go through with an operation to stop me from becoming pregnant again. I'd consider having my tubes tied if I don't want to continue staying on the pill. I live with the recovery process - it's not biggie. Can't be worse than child birth... right?

    If my partner wanted to, then fair play to them, but... it would make more sense for me to "do the honours".

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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Meier, shoot for 2 more j/k bro.

    Me? Please, me with kids is like loling every day all day.

    No but seriously I wouldn't mind kids.
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  7. #7
    This ain't no place for no hero I am done! Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Accidents DO happen. Believe you me, I did NOT want children. I even went so far as to use the Ring which totally eliminates that chance to miss a pill. I also had a friend who had an IUD (which is crazy effective) and her son was born holding onto the IUD device. That being said, there are people who do want to get pregnant but don't want to admit it so they say it was an "oops". When it wasn't.

    I have an IUD now and its the best friggin thing ever! No cramps, no pain and best of all... NO PERIOD! The copper IUDs are the ones where the pain gets crazy bad, but does get better over time. I have the Minera, and its awesome. Plus, it works for 5 years so woot to that as well. We're still careful by other means as well because I truly don't want any more kids in the not-so-distant future.

    As for ending the baby-boom?

    My guy and I have talked about this. Originally, our deal was because I had to deal with being pregnant and labour he would get a vasectomy. He's since recanted that decision with some BS excuse but that doesn't mean I'm finished campaigning for it. Fair is far, right?

    If anything I think its great that you guys are wanting to be proactive with birth control. Accidents DO happen, Claire is living proof. I'd rather see someone go this route than the route of "Yikes, where's the next abortion clinic?". I'm pro-choice, and I do believe people should be able to have the choice, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, IMO.
    Last edited by Tiffany; 02-11-2010 at 09:24 AM.

  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor I am done! Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?

    I would like to have as many as I possibably can, but my girlfriend said she only wants three. Considering that they are coming out of her I think I have to go with her number.

    Which method of birth control do you prefer?

    Normally a condom, and birth control. But my girlfriend, and I have talked and she wants a kid so the birth control, and condoms are over with.

    Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?

    While I am pro-choice I wouldn't do anything to stop a woman from having my child. Unless of course she wanted to then I would have to sit, and discuss it with her.

    Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

    I have a low sperm count anyway so I would do the honors myself. No reason to make her go through all that shit, when my body is already kinda messed up.

    I think I might have a son somewhere. I dated this girl in high school, and she was allergic to latex, and instead of buying lamb skin I just went without. About a month later she told me she thinks she is pregant. A couple days laterr her family who hated me by the way moved to Minnesota. So I don't know I might have a kid, and I might not...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  9. #9
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 I am done! Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    I Want A Minimum Of 2 Kids, For The Same Reason As Dodie Pointed Out, Which My GF Agrees With Me, That We Wouldn't Want Our Child To Be Alone, So Minimum = 2 Kids.
    She Doesn't Mind Trying For 4 Maybe 5 At The Most...LOL But Deffenitly 2 For Sure. We Already Got Names For Them, And My GF Wants The Kids Before She Is 30!!!... After That, No More...Just Fun...Hehe

    Anyway, I Already Talked To Meier About The Surgery And Stuff So Yeah, I think That We Will Go Over It Again Maybe Today, but Not Sure. If You got Any Questions You Wanna Ask Me About What I Have Said...Just PM Me Or Something. Anyway, Good Luck To You And Your Wife, Meier (=^_^=)

    *Edit: I Don't Have Or Want Any Kids At This Time...I Am Not Stupid. I Will Wait Till I Am Both, Physically & Finacially Ready To Be A Father, But I Do Want To Be A Father, And Be There For My Children. My Girlfriend Is Almost Exactly Like Me In the Personality Department, And We Both Want To Be Parents, And Good Ones Too. Don't Want Our Kids Hating On Us Cause We Treat 'Em Like Crap, Or Don't Give A Shit About Them. Same Thing Goes For My Girlfriend, She Wants To Wait Till We Are Both Ready.
    Last edited by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima; 02-11-2010 at 10:18 AM.

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  10. #10
    O Rly? I am done! Arch's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Hahah I give you props man for being a father at a young age! Heres my opinion and my answers to your questions

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?
    Pfft right now im def not having any kids! hell no! but probably 2 or 3 before i even think of doing that.
    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?
    The pill is good, and its easy, and more comfortable since us guys dont have wear a condom
    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?
    I am also pro choice, so a long conversation to make a decision will have to happen.
    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?
    I wouldn't get it until im like in my 40's. Why? because you never know whats going to happen! if you have kids at a young age and watch them grow up, who knows you might change your mind! But i would also not want kids when im in my 40's no offense but when my kids turn 20 i dont want to be 60 >.<

    Just make sure what you want before you do anything life changing.
    Hope i helped dude!
    Last edited by Arch; 02-11-2010 at 10:15 AM.

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  11. #11
    Registered User I am done!
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    Re: I am done!

    Posted by Arch
    The pill is good, and its easy, and more comfortable since us guys dont have wear a condom

    Just one form of contraception is sometimes not enough. It takes responsibility from BOTH partners to make sure that something doesn't happen, like an unplanned preganancy. Also, the pill DOES NOT prevent someone from catching an STD. Not saying that you or your GF or sexual partners are carriers, I'm just saying that you can never be too careful, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to catch or give a nasty STD.
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  12. #12
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared I am done! The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Speaking of STD, I was with this one girl named Meagan a couple of years back, and she was very cute and i didn't think anything of the sort. Well when those pants came off and i smelt tuna fish, talking about completing the phrase "Gone Like the Wind". I don't know if she had an STD or what, but that was enough for me

    Anyways to the point. Im with birth control, it has never failed me and i am to young to get fixed

    Edit: A condom is always good to! Me as a guy though (I am sure this counts to alot of you guys) is usually told who gets around!
    Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 02-11-2010 at 10:46 AM.
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  13. #13
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 I am done! Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    That Is True...Always Take Precautions...Don't Want To Be Permanantly Infected Or Something. If Your Not HIV Possitive Or Whatever, Then Okay...But Still...Meh.

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  14. #14
    O Rly? I am done! Arch's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post

    Just one form of contraception is sometimes not enough. It takes responsibility from BOTH partners to make sure that something doesn't happen, like an unplanned preganancy. Also, the pill DOES NOT prevent someone from catching an STD. Not saying that you or your GF or sexual partners are carriers, I'm just saying that you can never be too careful, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to catch or give a nasty STD.
    0.0 sorry. Lol its true what you say , and i was gonna add, but wear one to protect form STD'S! but if im with a girl and we are married and have 2 kids already, god i hope i know she dosen't have any STD's( i was simply answering the question in meiers situation lol). But i def know what your talking about if people are having casual sex(not marriage) wear one! Your D*ck will fall off! well thats what they tell us in health class

    And like people say its still possible to get girl pregnant when she is on the pill, it is just VERY unlikely. They also told us in health class that the best Birth control is abstinence, most of the kids in my class laughed at this comment. I agree on your comment that both partners should take responsibility, not just one.
    Last edited by Arch; 02-11-2010 at 10:45 AM.

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    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 I am done! Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Did What I Say Have Any Impact? If Not Then...NNNNIIIIOOO!!!!! *Performs Japanese Honorable Suicide (AKA: Seppuku)*
    Last edited by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima; 02-11-2010 at 11:15 AM.

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  16. #16
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Since I think I will be married to the girl if this ever comes to pass (it's what I plan on) I probably won't need a condom. Personally, I would probably go the route of "whatever happens, happens," although if I ever end up with someone, she will probably not feel the same way. At the least, I think I would like to have two. Preferably a boy and a girl. Preferably a few years apart in age, so they are not babies together, because that seems like it is probably hell.

    I know some people who are like what Setzer described, btw: they had kids really early, they got divorced, and as of right now, they're not really in their kids' lives. The one says he will do whatever it takes to be in his kid's life, and in his defense, the divorce was a recent event in his life. He had better get his shit together, though.

    Ha ha, this morning, my roommate was telling me she decided she wouldn't mind having twins. She is currently babysitting two babies who are not far apart in age... and one of them is a little terror. I was like, "You decided this while watching them?" She went on to clarify that she'd still rather just have one, while before, she'd said "she'd rather have no kids than twins." I proceeded to tell her she was going to have quadruplets. And she was like "Noooo!" And then I said "quadruplets" again, and she was like "Stop it!" And then I was like "Quadruuuuuplets!" And she laughed, but was still bothered. Then later I snuck over to her and said it again. This is my fun for the day. Heh heh heh...

    But yeah; I think I may be hopeless, anyway. That's alright. Anyhoo...

    wuv, Yer Mom

  17. #17

    Re: I am done!

    It would be cool to get a vasectomy now, and then I could bang all I want without worries of pregnancy. I'd just have to make sure every girl I banged presented me with a current STD check form.

    Then when I am trying for a baby with my wife later down the road, it'd take "forever", literally. And that would be a great time in my life. Until she figured out that I couldn't have babies, and then killed me.


  18. #18
    #LOCKE4GOD I am done! Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link
    I am done!
    Was that it?

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?

    My girlfriend and I are both from large families. She is the seventh child of a seventh child (he mother, but her father also had a large family), and I'm number three of four. Surprisingly, we're not put off by the idea of a large family.

    I think I would like at least two children, and anywhere up to five I could tolerate, provided the ages were well-spaced.

    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?

    Condoms. Really, they're just so easy. My girlfriend doesn't touch the pill. Progestin in the pill is linked to lower levels of serotonin in the brain - which my girlfriend, as she suffers from depression (low serotonin), couldn't tolerate. Then there's a myriad of weird side effects and unexpected occurrences that can potentially be related to the pill. In the end, with a healthy dose of caution and reduced instances of drunken sex, the pill isn't really neccessary. My girlfriend considers it too risky. And that's her decision to make. Luckily, I agree.

    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?

    I would consider a vasectomy, but I'm nowhere near that stage, so I can't really comment. I would imagine it would have it's good points and it's bad points.

    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

    As a guy doesn't have to carry around a dead weight for nine months, and then experience excruciating pain during child birth, yeah I'd say I'm willing to somehow make it up to my girl. I'd imagine it would be easier, what with external genitals and such.

  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arch View Post
    Your D*ck will fall off! well thats what they tell us in health class
    They told us it ended up looking like swiss cheese...

    Me, well I'd love to have a family some day. I figure though I'll wait til I can provide well for a family, look into having one kid and see where things go from there.

    The thought of getting neutered kind of weirds me out so I think I'll just see how I feel in the future.
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  20. #20
    Cilla vs. Games I am done! Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?

    Four or five. I want a big family and I know my SO does too. I would be happy with four. Depending on our house, where we live and our income.. We might have five. But if we had that many I would want to be a housewife.

    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?

    I am on the pill and I find that works for me. Usually use a condom as well. But I am not going to bother with condoms when I move. The pill will do me fine.

    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?


    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

    I would let my spouse do the honours =]

  21. #21
    Bananarama I am done! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post

    Just one form of contraception is sometimes not enough. It takes responsibility from BOTH partners to make sure that something doesn't happen, like an unplanned preganancy. Also, the pill DOES NOT prevent someone from catching an STD. Not saying that you or your GF or sexual partners are carriers, I'm just saying that you can never be too careful, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to catch or give a nasty STD.

    It's true. Just cause it doesn't burn when you piss, doesn't mean you don't have anything.

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?

    Like most people, I'd be shooting for 2 (pun not intended). It just seems more manageable and fair to everyone. If you have 15 kids, there's no shot that you're gonna be able to be a good parent to all of them, let alone have the money to pay for them. Plus, I'd like to spend time with them, the future wife and have my own time.

    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?

    Raincoats. You can tell when they work and when they break. You never know when a girl isn't actually on the pill and is just legit crazy and looking to get knocked up.

    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?

    You mean with a coathanger or a gentle shove down the stairs? That's why I wear condoms. I would bug out if it ever happened though and would be the first person to run to the ATM machine with the cash at this current point in life.

    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

    I would do itunder the conditions that I would get to eat all the ice cream that I wanted that day, and that when I was all healed up, I'd get coupons for free BJ's redeemable whenever.
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  22. #22

    Re: I am done!

    I want two kids, three max... I'm the one who has to push -_-; I do want to adopt, I think it would be kinda cool, but I still want my own to see how they look

    All birth control is fine... except for female condoms, those scare me O.o is it possible for those to get stuck?... and condoms are a must have regardless.

    If me and my husband decided someone should get fixed, I wouldn't mind doing it I don't think it matters who gets it done as long as we get smexy time.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 02-12-2010 at 05:41 AM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
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  23. #23
    Registered User I am done! winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?

    I use to want 3 or 4 but now that I have had 2, I've drawn line. Thay are a handful enough as it is.

    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?

    I currently have the implant, I use to be on the pill but had a terrible memory for taking it, that was how my 1st child came to be and I didn't wanna risk a 3rd baby so I decided to go for the implant but I regret it. The implant has messed my periods up something awful. The nurse does warn you that periods will be irregular but 6 weeks of none stop bleeding takes the p*ss, the doctor gave me some tablets to help with it but after I finished the course it went back to being crap again, I went back and asked to go on the pill at the same time and the doctor refused so I went to a family planning clinic and they gave me one straigt away, so at the moment everything is fine but I know when my pill ends it's all gunna go tits up again, so I am seriously thinking of having the implant removed and just going on the pill. I would NEVER reccomment the implant it's that much hassel.

    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?

    I did think about being sterilised for a while but my mum said she she was done it made her periods heavy and irregular, it will be something I will disscuss with the doctor in the future. I know that I never want kids again but often worry that I might get broody which is why I would to be sterilised that way I know here is nothing I can do about ita dn wont muck up my life by having a 3rd.

    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

    It would be me. I personally think that it should be more down to the women, because they know wether or not they want to go through the pregnancy again. I don't want to go through it again I know that for a fact, even if me and my partner split and the new guy I end up with wants kids it would be tough because I know I don't wanna go through it anymore.

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  24. #24
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?

    Honestly I don't want any kids at all. I don't like children very much and I know I wouldn't be a good parent. I also don't have the financial ability to support a child.

    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?

    At the moment abstinence is working fine, hah. Seriously though I'm not sure since I've never used any form of it aside from simply not being in a physical relationship with anyone.

    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?

    I would actively prevent it but I certainly would not do the abortion thing if I did conceive unless there was some valid medical reason for doing so. As in, get an abortion or die.

    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

    I actually do want to get a tubal ligation but there's no way any doctor would support my decision because of my relatively young age, lack of medical problems and the fact that I don't have any children. Odd how an elective surgery can be so difficult to get if the decision is based on personal preference. If my future partner/spouse/whatever voluntarily wanted to be "fixed", fine with me. I wouldn't put pressure on him to do so since it's a personal choice. It would be good though since although it's rare, tubal ligations can occasionally reverse themselves. Provided I could get one, obviously. If not I'd likely be on some form of the pill and ask my other half to use protection. Can't be too careful. I now have a nephew because of that .01% chance of the condom failing...

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  25. #25
    Registered User I am done! kupo's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?
    - i'd like to have 2 or 3. but before i have any more kids (iv'e got a 2 yr old) i'd like to be married first. first time around it didn't happen that way

    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?
    - the shot. defiantly. i started having the shot after my son was born. im not too keen on the pill cause i got pregnant while i was on it....

    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?

    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

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  26. #26
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?
    3 tops, at least one son, I'll go to 4 if I have to just to get a son, but ideally I'd like two, a son and a daughter. Only reason having a son is so important to me is my father was an only male, he had two sons and my brother will never have a child, which leaves me and my future son to carry on my family name.

    2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?
    Currently - the pill as a short-term not 100% thing (for her, obviously)

    3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?
    Not quite sure what this question is supposed to mean. If this is pertaining to abortion, then I may or may not considering the circumstances, if it's pertaining to birth control/contraceptive, then it's always in effect between us.

    4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?
    I'd get a vasectomy after we reach our 3 or 4 or whatever. It's reversible, safer, and less invasive than the female alternative.
    Last edited by Sean; 02-13-2010 at 03:17 AM.

  27. #27
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    1. I think 2 is a good number. I don't have any children right now. Nor do I want any children, right now. Someday I may decide to procreate, but that day is not today.

    2. If the woman is able to the pills are a good choice for birth control. There are others such as the shot or things that get "implanted" but those seem much less natural and come with a lot of side effects.

    3&4. I assume that question three is referring to surgery of some sort. My answer is yes. I think the best option is a vasectomy. it is way less invasive than if a woman gets her tubes tied. There are not only the regular complications of surgery to worry about but it can also cause other problems, such as cysts, later in life. I know a woman who had to have her ovaries completely removed 15 years after getting her tubes tied. The doctor said it was that surgery that caused the cysts. Now she has to undergo hormone therapy for the rest of her life. Also, a vasectomy can be reversed just as easily as it can be done.

  28. #28
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: I am done!

    Just some FYI, as of last Friday I underwent the vasectomy. I hae been in pain all weekend but in the long run it will pay off. I highly suggest any couple considering permanant sterilization to go that route.

    For the people that think that the tube tieing is a good idea, I suggest you look into the complications that could occure. For the males that are too bull headed to consider it, I suggest you rethink about the possible side affects you could be subjecting your woman to.

    Anyways, I am feeling better now, still in pain though, but I return to work in a few hours and am looking forwards to the benifits for this proceedure..
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