So yes this thread title is deceiving. This thread has nothing to do with me leaving TFF or giving up my mod spot or anything of that sort.

When I say I am done I am referring to having kids, I have decided that 2 are more then enough for the wife and I; which she agrees upon.

So I have decided it is time to take semi-permanent measures to ensure that no other baby Meiers will be born to this earth by means of a vasectomy. Given there are other means of birth control out there; the pill, condoms, tubal ligation , or even sustaining from having sex (not going to happen) are just a few means to name a few. I find this measure to not only be the safest for me and my partner but also a semi permanent fix for the issue. I say semi because the process for a price could be reversed if I ever decided (unlikely) to have it done.

So in thinking about doing this it has sparked a few questions to the members here at TFF!

1: How many kids do you want before making such a drastic life changing decision?
2: Which method of birth control do you prefer?
3: Would you ever go as far to prevent pregnancy?
4: Would you get “fixed” or would you let your spouse do the honors?

Given there is a lot more to talk about then just those 4 questions, and I truly hope this thread isn’t limited to them, I am just truly curious as to peoples opinions on the matter.

I have my first consultation this Friday and I hope to set up the operation with in the next couple weeks.

Also keep in mind that I have 2 other illegitimate bastard children; Rocky and Fate (Hahaha) and possibly others that I don’t know about.