--> How do you deal with...Topics
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Thread: How do you deal with...Topics

  1. #1

    Lightbulb How do you deal with...Topics

    I'll start off with the first topic:

    How do you deal with siblings, partners etc people who can't seem to divert their attention away from gaming?

    You may answer as many "How do you deal with..." topics others have posted before you and then maybe you'd like to post your very own

  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy How do you deal with...Topics Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by alexiuspine View Post
    How do you deal with siblings, partners etc people who can't seem to divert their attention away from gaming?
    You cant.

    How do you deal with anger?

  3. #3
    Queen How do you deal with...Topics Crescent's Avatar
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    When it comes to siblings, simple! I own all the games anyway Nuff said.

    Ive only seen it in memes, wasnt aware that it was a serious problem in some ppl's relationships :/ I've never had this issue with any of my bfs. I think its kinda cute when I find them on the couch playing the game n I love to cuddle up n watch...but then usually after a few mins of us having go's, all of a sudden they slide the controller across the floor and start playing.. with me..

    In most cases it helps to walk around your place in very little.

    How I deal with anger/stress post1346603

  4. #4
    Crash Boom Bang How do you deal with...Topics Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    i can get my chap away from a game by sticking my boobs in his face for the most part, its a bit tougher for him to get me away if im caught up in summat though, he always gets 'yeah, just a minute' that cycle can last some time

  5. #5
    Never had that issue before, really!

  6. #6
    Kain's love slave ;) How do you deal with...Topics Holly Highwind's Avatar
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    I havent had to deal with that in a long time so I guess its safe to say I dont deal with it!!

    Anger, I try real hard not to get mad about things becuase I dont handle it very maturely. I might get pissy if things dont go my way but I probably have a higher standard than whats necessary
    ***Holly Highwind***

  7. #7
    I invented Go-Gurt. How do you deal with...Topics Clint's Avatar
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    Are people really that obsessed with video games that they play them with other people in the room? I play video games alone when I have nothing else to do, and when somebody comes in the room, I'm polite, I save my game, and I give my attention to them. Seriously, it's just a game. Playing video games is not a lifestyle.

  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy How do you deal with...Topics Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gene Hackman View Post
    Are people really that obsessed with video games that they play them with other people in the room? I play video games alone when I have nothing else to do, and when somebody comes in the room, I'm polite, I save my game, and I give my attention to them. Seriously, it's just a game. Playing video games is not a lifestyle.
    Get out.

  9. #9
    Certified tech, come at me! How do you deal with...Topics SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I usually just join them and watch them play, or play a multiplayer game with them. If I really needed to get someone's attention I call out to them and they usually divert their attention my way. If any of you are having problems with this, all you gotta do is use a real airhorn or install the airhorn app on a mobile device or you can just flash the lights, they'll listen.
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