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I turn into a crazy person hahaha.
Okay, that's not entirely true, but I can get intense. If it's with someone I care for, I try to be gentle and I try not to be hurtful.
But, like, today. Twice I got fired up. Both times on the damn sidewalks of NYC. First, it was a boney girl in a flower dress. Bitch please. She ran into my friend Jade as Jade backed up, not seeing her. Jade apologized immediately, but this girl got bitchy. So both me and Amanda started in on her and it didn't take much for her to keep damn walking. And then not thirty minutes later, some man twice my size walked by our group with his buddies saying how stupid we were for standing on the sidewalk, calling us names, etc. So I, like an ass, said, "Hey **** you!" So he said, "You want to go right now?! I'll **** you right here on this sidewalk!" That set me off. Not in your life, **** you, you fatass mother****er, you ugly sonofabitch, **** you you stupid pig mother****er you goddamn pig worthless piece of shit, etc etc. And THEN he picked up several slabs of cardboard and made like he was going to hit me with them. Haha I don't know why I didn't move, but I didn't. I was just standing there like WHAT! DO IT! I was dumb with adrenaline. He backed down from hitting me with goddamn... cardboard (seriously, what the hell) and walked away, me still screaming obscenities.
Redhead. What can I say?
Haha I sound like Silver.