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Thread: How do you deal with anger?

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! How do you deal with anger? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    How do you deal with anger?

    This question pops up in my mind because I'm curious on what methods everyone uses when they're angry to calm them down. I'm still having a bit of an anger issue myself and I'm still trying to learn how to contain it. I'm pretty good with controlling myself but theres always that one thing that still gets to me.

    As I titled it, How do YOU deal with anger?
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  2. #2
    黒い翼の天使 How do you deal with anger? yuki's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    im realy super calm but when iget angery iget colder untill almost speachless and when iwana get rid of anger i usually leave the place iget angry in or take a shower with hot water and drink warm chocolate after it

    or i swim like crazy for 2hours when i go to the sea

  3. #3
    Woot-Woot!! How do you deal with anger? CloudA2K's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    That's an interesting question to me. I usually don't get angry seeing as I like being alone most of the time. However, when I DO end up getting angry I have my trusty Ipod and all I do is crank up the music and calm myself by thinking of other things or just singing along with the music.

  4. #4
    黒い翼の天使 How do you deal with anger? yuki's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    my little sister use the music way but it realy make her get angery so easily

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth How do you deal with anger? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    I'm not easily angered, in fact, it's a big deal if you managed to make me angry which is strange, since few years back I would flinch on even the smallest insult. How do I deal with my anger, I don't know, I guess there's always someone there to calm me down, at least that's been the case so far.

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  6. #6
    Registered User How do you deal with anger? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    if im at home and get angry, i remove myself from said situation that brought it on. usually i'll go into my room and either play a video game or my bass. ironically enough, i first started to play FF cause a friend of mine handed me XII and said to go around killing wolves to burn off some steam. it actually helped

    oh and i found this ad at the bottom of the amused me

    "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier

    final fantasy xiii-2
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  7. #7
    The Lone Dagger How do you deal with anger? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    I also am not a person that is quick to anger because things that frustrate me I usually internalize and deal with it by myself and work through it. But if I do explode which happens when my very long fuse gets to the end I am in someone's face, whoever has made me angry is gonna get an earful lol

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  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    To be honest, I rarely rarely get "angry". And my mother is the only person who has seen me really "angry". I would probably start breaking things, punching everything I see, I got that Native American Blood! But to deal with any type of irritation and what not I just chillax in my room for a bit, put on some music, something like Rebelution or other reggae and just ignore it. I am generally a nice person.
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  9. #9
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    I yell and swear, take off my shoe and throw it. No wait, that's just at referees on the TV, haha. If it's another person I'm angry at, I will generally keep it to myself or ask them about it. "Remember when you did/said this?" Or I'll just give them a look if it just happened/is something they're doing or not doing. I'll also talk to somebody else about it a lot. Get another perspective or an "amen" from someone who isn't me. I get frustrated easily sometimes, especially at people. Probably stems from being the baby of the family getting most anything that I wanted growing up, heh... My friends can generally tell when I'm angry just by looking at my face, actually. And also by when I get real quiet, I guess, heh. It doesn't seem as though people who don't know me very well can tell, however. For example, last Summer when I was pissed at my boss, my coworker said he couldn't tell.

    Actually, it isn't just refs I yell and swear at; it's also video games and inaminate objects that don't do what I want them to do. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  10. #10
    Registered User How do you deal with anger? sayian's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    i dont really get angry much... but as far as if im stressed or overwhelmed,,, I go to the basketball court and hoop on mofos.. my first choice of release therapy.. i may not be able to do anything i want to do in life but i can do what i want on the court.. im free, can run as fast as i want, can jump as high as i need to be, and can be as diverse as i want to be. i get so busy plotting my next move or dunk, that nothing outside the court matters to me for those 2-3 hours... shout out to Tillis Park(ft smit, ark) and Olive Street Park(rogers, ark)

  11. #11
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    I shut everyone out and just end up going to my room, then I think negative thoughts about everyone and how they have it better then me, and I just enjoy my pity party for awhile. After I get that accomplished, I usually take a nap or shower, and pump myself back up, which after that's all done I feel better about myself and get back into a happy mood.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  12. #12
    Registered User How do you deal with anger? Kuja's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    Whenever I'm angry, I always tend to cry... And actually that happened a few nights ago... I was angry at my parents(The reason for why, it's classified), and I started crying, and then I always go up into my room, and don't come out of there for hours.

    And what I normally do is I actually think of alot of negative stuff, and after a while of that, I start to listen to my music to calm me down, or I play Final Fantasy, or I either go to sleep...

    That's normally how I deal with mine... And sometimes I chuck stuff across my room... The one time, I threw my MP3 across the room... It broke in half, but thankfully nothing was broken or anything, and I was able to put it back together... XD
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  13. #13
    Gingersnap How do you deal with anger? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    I turn into a crazy person hahaha.

    Okay, that's not entirely true, but I can get intense. If it's with someone I care for, I try to be gentle and I try not to be hurtful.

    But, like, today. Twice I got fired up. Both times on the damn sidewalks of NYC. First, it was a boney girl in a flower dress. Bitch please. She ran into my friend Jade as Jade backed up, not seeing her. Jade apologized immediately, but this girl got bitchy. So both me and Amanda started in on her and it didn't take much for her to keep damn walking. And then not thirty minutes later, some man twice my size walked by our group with his buddies saying how stupid we were for standing on the sidewalk, calling us names, etc. So I, like an ass, said, "Hey **** you!" So he said, "You want to go right now?! I'll **** you right here on this sidewalk!" That set me off. Not in your life, **** you, you fatass mother****er, you ugly sonofabitch, **** you you stupid pig mother****er you goddamn pig worthless piece of shit, etc etc. And THEN he picked up several slabs of cardboard and made like he was going to hit me with them. Haha I don't know why I didn't move, but I didn't. I was just standing there like WHAT! DO IT! I was dumb with adrenaline. He backed down from hitting me with goddamn... cardboard (seriously, what the hell) and walked away, me still screaming obscenities.

    Redhead. What can I say?

    Haha I sound like Silver.

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  14. #14
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) How do you deal with anger? che's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I turn into a crazy person hahaha.

    Okay, that's not entirely true, but I can get intense. If it's with someone I care for, I try to be gentle and I try not to be hurtful.

    But, like, today. Twice I got fired up. Both times on the damn sidewalks of NYC. First, it was a boney girl in a flower dress. Bitch please. She ran into my friend Jade as Jade backed up, not seeing her. Jade apologized immediately, but this girl got bitchy. So both me and Amanda started in on her and it didn't take much for her to keep damn walking. And then not thirty minutes later, some man twice my size walked by our group with his buddies saying how stupid we were for standing on the sidewalk, calling us names, etc. So I, like an ass, said, "Hey **** you!" So he said, "You want to go right now?! I'll **** you right here on this sidewalk!" That set me off. Not in your life, **** you, you fatass mother****er, you ugly sonofabitch, **** you you stupid pig mother****er you goddamn pig worthless piece of shit, etc etc. And THEN he picked up several slabs of cardboard and made like he was going to hit me with them. Haha I don't know why I didn't move, but I didn't. I was just standing there like WHAT! DO IT! I was dumb with adrenaline. He backed down from hitting me with goddamn... cardboard (seriously, what the hell) and walked away, me still screaming obscenities.

    Redhead. What can I say?

    Haha I sound like Silver.
    You're hot when you're angry.

    I deal with anger by following it up with humor. If I can get myself to laugh I'm instantly relieved on anger. Or for instant gratification I can punch my pillow. I've punched 1 door and 1 wall before and that was the end of me breaking shit. It sucks when you're so pissed that you punch or throw something and it breaks, then it's a double owned, and it just feels even worse later.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  15. #15

    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    It depends the situation. If it's something serious and it puts me into an actual angry mood and not just giving a sarcastic remark I'm very aggressive. It usually takes alot to get there but it happens.

    If it's at work I usually will kick a case with my foot and shatter some bottles, or take a bottle and whip it at the wall, naturally I'm yelling **** at the same time. At home I might punch a wall which has resulted in alot of broken knuckles. And then lastly if it's a person I'm angry with I'm very standoffish. Total stare down, mean mug, and you gotta be willing to step to them. You'd be amazed how many people will puss out if you show no fear towards them and total intensity. Like Ally

  16. #16
    Bananarama How do you deal with anger? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    Batting cages.

    Swinging a bat as hard as I can in a semi controlled environment is an amazing way to de-stress. Plus it's a nice lil workout.

    Either that, or I'll go to the gym.

    When I don't have either of those options, I'll just let looses and be an ass.
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  17. #17
    Death Before Dishonor How do you deal with anger? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    I have MMA to fall back on. If I am angry that day I go into the gym, and unleash hell on whoever my sparring partner is that day.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  18. #18
    Disciple of Bahamut How do you deal with anger? DMDracoMoondragon's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    In general, I'm a fairly calm man, but there are some people that can really shorten my long fuse *cough*stepdad*cough* and piss me off to no end. When that happens, I have a few options:

    1. Take a walk
    2. Take my anger out on a game and kick some serious ass
    3. Talk with my beloved (she always knows how to calm me)
    4. Meditate

    It often depends on the time of day as to which of these I'll do, but the 2nd and last ones are the most commonly used for me. Taking my anger out on a game makes it so I can hit someone, but not actually hurt anyone, and meditation helps me to clear my mind and calm my nerves.
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    Is when she'll be with me to stay...

  19. #19

    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    Like nearly everyone else in this thread I'm a calm person. The problem is I'm a optimist to a scary point so when I get angry it tend to turn it into fuel for work. I figure if I have a boost of energy I might as well work hard then trying to calm down and waste it. People generally never notice when I'm angry unless I'm really tired.

  20. #20
    Never getting back together... How do you deal with anger? JillXWesker's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    I'm a calm person. But, if I get to angry, I read a book, or play with my cat's. Or just go and take a walk in the woods. Calms me down most of the time, but yeah.

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  21. #21
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    Most of the time I have a long fuse. There are only a few people that have figured out how to push my buttons enough to enrage me.

    There are varying stages to my anger and they can go from one end of the spectrum to the other.

    Most of the time I tend to get a little vocal, I have a unique and it stands out in a crowd, specially when I get upset. My son knows this one oh to well. I tend to use it as a form of punishment when he has got to much out of line. It generally works on him and on others enough to intimidate them enough to cut the crap off. This can be combined with the buck up, even though I am on the skinnier side when I do this it seems to scare people away.

    When I get mildly mad I tend to just shut down. I tend to wander to the loner side and just deal with the situation after I have calmed down. Most people at this point can tell that I am pissed and to leave me alone before things get out of hand.

    When I was younger I would instantly jump into fights. At that point in my life I had a short fuse and would kick someone's ass for just looking in my general direction. This still shows up from time to time when I get really pissed off with the exception I hit things like refrigerators, doors, street sign poles, dumpsters, well pretty much anything that is around me at the time that is not human. I have done this quite a few times and it generally only takes one good hit for me to calm down pretty fast. Down side to it is that I have broken the pinky knuckle on more then one occasion.

    Meh so yeah that is the cliff note version. Like I said though, it is hard to actually get me mad but when you do you will know it.
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  22. #22
    Memento Rhapso How do you deal with anger? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: How do you deal with anger?

    It seems that once people figure out how to make me enraged they do it again and again and again, so apparently I'm funny when I'm angry.
    Other ways I deal with it, I just ignore it. Let it fume inside and eventually bottle it, never to be seen again.
    Other than that, I bitch on this forum about it. 90% of Rhapsoblarg threads are rage fueled

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