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Thread: how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche?

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  1. #1

    how can i dress more how i feel without looking like a douche?

    i dont feel like my clothes reflect the darkness within my soul - i wear the usual conformist banana republic and justin timberlake wannabe uniforms, but i dont want this anymore. especially now that im seeing the world for what it is.

    but the thing is in highschool i tried the outfit, i painted my nails black and got black jeans and a beatles shirt and made a necklace with some chain links

    and everyone made fun of me and was like "you look effin retarded."

    so how do you guys dress?

    i want to dress in black mostly, but seems like all my black clothes collect small white lint or something and look faded after i wash em.

    is it okay to wear shorts? i don't like the goth look, but i want to go for a lean dark look, but i dont like the tight jeans either.
    been looking at the hot topic clothes online, but they all seem to have sex jokes and i dont like that.

    where do you guys shop? share some pics?


    i want to look like this guy, but my hair is usually very short because it gets jew fro like when its long and i hate how that looks, but my hair is black

    Last edited by Future Angel; 09-26-2012 at 09:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Rowan's Avatar
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    Get yourself a leather jacket. Bitches love leather jackets.

  3. #3
    Queen how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Crescent's Avatar
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    @Rowan Yes.. Yes I do.

    Esp when they look like this. In any case I think you should wear what YOU feel comfortable in. Please, I wear leather jackets like every other day people can go fk emselves. I dress to please myself.

  4. #4
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crescent View Post
    @Rowan Yes.. Yes I do.

    Esp when they look like this. In any case I think you should wear what YOU feel comfortable in. Please, I wear leather jackets like every other day people can go fk emselves. I dress to please myself.
    I Agree With You Crescent. You Should Just Dress How You Want To Dress. If People Bitch About It, Well, That's They Problem Not Your's. Also, Do Not Try Being Something You're Not...That Can Actually Straight Up Make You Like A Douche, Even Though You Are Not One. I Say Compromise Comfort With Style(The Style You Want).

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  5. #5
    アズテオル how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Azuteor's Avatar
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    I shop for graphic tees at Urban Outfitters and sometimes at Hot Topic. I buy my skinny jeans from Hot Topic since they're generally cheaper and are more fitted. I just recently started shopping at Plndr and Yesstyle a year ago. You can get really cool, high-quality stuff from Plndr for cheap, but the catch is that the sales only last for 24 hours. I also have clothing bought from South Korea, Japan, and China through Yesstyle.

    IMO, dressing well is all about balance. Obviously, wear the correct size clothing and ones that fit your body type. Colors should complement one another and not conflict. Don't wear one color throughout; one/two different colors should help. Generally, I'll divide my upper and lower body between light, medium, and dark tones. For example, light shirt + dark jeans + medium dark shoes or dark shirt + medium dark jeans + light shoes. Wear clothing appropriate to the season. Designs should be simple and not too overbearing.

    Other than that, what you wear comes down to what you think looks cool, will look great on you, and feels the most comfortable. Look clean and groomed especially. If you feel stupid and uncomfortable wearing something then that's an indicator that you shouldn't sport it in public. Style is subjective and is always changing so keep experimenting until you find what is right for you!

    >_<; I think Tap Out shirts are awful.

  6. #6
    Ayyye how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    So...this thread is ironic...right? Please tell me this is for the lulz... ;~;

    Anyway, I generally go denim denim denim

  7. #7
    yeah i like leather jackets too, but idk if i can wear it everyday, might look weird.

    i do like jeans, trynna find one thats dark, but got good fit.

    and i have a black billabong hoodie which i am wearing now

    also btw i like t-shirts the best it seems, they are comfortable more than shirts and polos - and i like wearing jackets in the cold

    i like this shirt from pac sun -

    it says city fog and its black...i think its cool cuz the fog represents the confusion in all our lives. and this world is our city where we are the mindless rats going on day to day for the war machines. and it has a knife going through saying we must cut free from the cages.

  8. #8
    Ayyye how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Confirmed for troll :1 explains the other thread >_>

  9. #9
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Polk's Avatar
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    You should get a bunch of t-shirts with funny sayings on them. That way, people will see the shirt, laugh, and they'll instantly like you. That's what I do. Like, "Save a horse, ride a cowboy," and "Cowboy butts drive me nuts." Ha ha! Those are just examples, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. I believe in you!
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

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  10. #10
    I invented Go-Gurt. how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Clint's Avatar
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    You should get a fitted suit, and then about 15 more, and wear them every day. There's nothing cool about leather jackets, jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies.

    Try your very hardest to look like- Wait for it...

    This guy.


    That looks like a super cool bro to me.

  11. #11
    Ayyye how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Eastwood View Post
    You should get a fitted suit, and then about 15 more, and wear them every day. There's nothing cool about leather jackets, jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies.

    Try your very hardest to look like- Wait for it...

    This guy.


    That looks like a super cool bro to me.
    This, so much this. If I had the money, I would ALWAYS wear a suit. Also, NPH ftw

  12. #12
    Bananarama how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Pete's Avatar
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    The clothes don't make the douche, the douche inside of you makes the douche. You can wear whatever, and as long as you're cool with being yourself, you'll be fine. When you start to change who you are, and it's just not you, then people can like sense it and you'll only be hurting yourself.

    And for the record, I'm pretty much a tshirt and jeans guy. I'll actually try things on or look at things that I like, and if I feel like I look like a douche, I won't buy it. I'm also not above buying a shirt from Target if I like it. Jeans are from American Eagle now, since they look good and fit well.
    Last edited by Pete; 09-26-2012 at 03:19 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #13
    thanks for the input guys, and yeah the suit guy with beer looks pimp! idk bout the leather jacket guy with baby though lol

    yeah idk i was just in a crummy mood yesterday, but ive always been wearing small shirts/polos because they fit good, and medium is too loose for me, but small is still pretty tight and i don't like em.

    but overall i love tees and shorts the the kid in pokemon said, shorts are comfy and easy to wear!

  14. #14
    Consistently Average how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I agree with pete, dress how you like. But wear a belt because having pants hanging around your knees just screams douche. Don't make the choice of what you wear such a big deal, in the end they're just there to cover you up. T-shirt, jeans, sneakers and a zipup hoodie are pretty much my attire all year 'round. I don't give a crap if it's generic or that none of what I wear is designer, it's what makes me comfortable and at the end of the day, that's what matters.
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  15. #15
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Clothes can reflect the deep passions and regrets of your soul? Sounds like Radio-X advert material for San Andreas, or some other game with spoofy advertising. o.o;;

    Go for comfort and style. I'm assuming you're a emotionally expressive kid, so you may want to try out some dark jeans and band t-shirts? Skinny jeans are awful, and I think they make guys look like a douche. Straight or bootcut are the sexiest, in my opinion, and very comfortable. Top it off with a leather jacket, and you sound fit to go. The darker the band is on your shirt, the darker you look.

    I've gone through a shirt phase, but that's worn out. All my shirts eventually shrink in the wash for some reason, so I'm not spending any more money on them. I've been rocking video game t-shirts and hoodies lately due to busy hours at work. I am going out tomorrow to check out a new Primark that's opened at Oxford Street for some new jeans and nice tops for winter. Might even pick up a new pair of Airwalks as I've broken my last pair already. Might dedicate a little more money to a pair of trainers this time... they sure don't make 'em how they used to. My last pair lasted three years. ;-;
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 10-03-2012 at 05:35 PM.

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  16. #16
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    This is the first thing I thought when I read this thread.

    Anyway, I agree with Pete. The clothes don't make the douche, the douche makes the douche. If it's comfy and you feel good in it, who cares whether or not it's cool?

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
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  17. #17
    Bananarama how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Pete's Avatar
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    Granted, you can wear some things and people will naturally assume you're a douche. Multiple polo shirts with popped collars for starters, Affliction t shirts and other assorted douche-wear.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  18. #18
    Boxer of the Galaxy how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Rowan's Avatar
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    In Australia , Ed Hardy is considered the most douchiest brand of clothing to wear. Anyway , we have these new clothes here called "Abercrombie and Fitch" or "A&F". I liked the simplicity of the shirts as I tend to wear things with little to no text/images. Then one day one of the staff at my work who is originall from Texas said to me that only frat boy douchebags wear A&F. So my point is, does it still make you a douche if you choose to wear something that's considered douchey in another country, but is relatively unknown in another? Also, does the same apply if you are unaware of the social stigma? In this case, the douchebag stigma?

  19. #19
    #LOCKE4GOD how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Alpha's Avatar
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    Does the general edict to "wear what you're comfortable with" not apply to those wearing "douchebag" clothes?

    I mean, double standard. No wonder the poor guy's confused.

    Wear what makes you happy. If someone calls you a douchebag for it, wear more of it.

  20. #20
    Boxer of the Galaxy how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Rowan's Avatar
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    Is the guy in that picture you showed us from The Color Morale by any chance?

  21. #21
    Bananarama how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? Pete's Avatar
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    To answer all questions, Ed Hardy has been douchey in America since about 2007, just like wearing multiple popped collars was before that, and just like those Von Dutch trucker hats were douchey before that. Now swag is the new douche.

    Abercrombie isn't really douchey, it's more preppy than anything, but like anything it can be made douchey.


    And I guess it's not really douchey if there's no cultural connotation to it being douchey there.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  22. #22
    Shake it like a polaroid picture how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    So I guess this thread was serious?

    If you're interested in getting a better grip on mens style or how to make certain stuff look good, check out some men magazines websites or some style blogs. If you get into 'fashion' or what is 'hip right now' too much, you run the risk of losing your individual style, but learning some basics like how clothes should fit and what combinations usually work can't hurt.

    But it sounds like you know what you want to wear, and just need confidence to wear it.

    The thing is, yes you should dress the way you like, but with something as 'out there' as you're describing, most of the time it is a phase you may look back on as weird or daft, like a lot of people look at their high school haircuts and think 'oh god why'. That doesn't mean you can't try a very specific look for a couple of months or years if you feel like looking like that. It's your look. Experiment if you want to.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  23. #23
    Registered User how can i dress more cool without looking like a douche? sayian's Avatar
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    just dress for the occasion. like, if you go to a sporting event, wear a team shirt or team colors, or something so you're seen as someone actually there supporting a team and NOT in a popped collar and leather jacket trying to impress the bitches (so obvious)<<<Thats when u look like a douche and out of place.. dressing to impress is for parties or clubbing..
    ok keep on, its all shits n giggles until sombody giggles n shits....

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