i dont feel like my clothes reflect the darkness within my soul - i wear the usual conformist banana republic and justin timberlake wannabe uniforms, but i dont want this anymore. especially now that im seeing the world for what it is.
but the thing is in highschool i tried the outfit, i painted my nails black and got black jeans and a beatles shirt and made a necklace with some chain links
and everyone made fun of me and was like "you look effin retarded."
so how do you guys dress?
i want to dress in black mostly, but seems like all my black clothes collect small white lint or something and look faded after i wash em.
is it okay to wear shorts? i don't like the goth look, but i want to go for a lean dark look, but i dont like the tight jeans either.
been looking at the hot topic clothes online, but they all seem to have sex jokes and i dont like that.
where do you guys shop? share some pics?
i want to look like this guy, but my hair is usually very short because it gets jew fro like when its long and i hate how that looks, but my hair is black